乌克兰YOD Design Lab是一家年轻的室内设计公司,2004 年由Volodymyr Nepiyvoda 和 Dmytro Bonesko创立。主要从事商业设计领域的工作,多个项目发表在著名杂志上,并且赢得了比赛。
Yod Design Lab in Ukraine is a young interior design company founded by volodymyr nepiyvoda and dmytro bonesko in 2004. He is mainly engaged in the field of commercial design. Many projects have been published in famous magazines and won the competition.
纽约佛陀酒吧是一家位于曼哈顿翠贝卡街区的两层楼餐厅,占地850 平方米。该项目的主要思想是轮回。我们通过材料、空间和大品牌的重生来表达它,历史从 1996 年在巴黎开设第一家佛陀酒吧开始。
New York Buddha Bar is a two-story restaurant located in Tribeca block of Manhattan, covering an area of 850 square meters. The main idea of the project is reincarnation. We express it through the rebirth of materials, space and big brands. History began with the opening of the first Buddha Bar in Paris in 1996.
A 4.5-meter-high glass Buddha statue adds some futuristic atmosphere to the spacious hall. The Buddha statue is a parametric sculpture composed of nearly 1000 plane elements. The side cut of glass has frosted texture, and 3D digital art projection creates the illusion of light hologram.
主餐厅的大型金属吊灯是Kateryna Sokolova设计打造的法国品牌Forestier。它们有着东方的意境,但同时又像一些来自未来的无人机,静静地悬在空中。
The large metal chandelier in the main restaurant is a French brand Forestier designed and built by kateryna Sokolova. They have the artistic conception of the East, but at the same time, they are like some UAVs from the future, hanging quietly in the air.
灰色、棕色、蓝色的内饰将现代设计与建筑的原始氛围融为一体。内部细节表达了轮回主题。19 世纪初的阁楼空间、铸铁柱和建筑物的原始横梁,钢筋制成的高屏风。触及了纽约工业繁荣的时代。
Gray, brown and blue interiors integrate modern design with the original atmosphere of the building. The internal details express the theme of reincarnation. Attic space, cast iron columns and original beams of buildings in the early 19th century, high screens made of steel bars. Touched the era of industrial prosperity in New York.
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建筑 | 室内 | 设计 | 艺术