发布时间:2020-12-03 23:08:05 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


Founded in 2009, SOLSOL is a conceptual space for designer brands integrating fashion, art and life. Committed to designer brand incubation and localized operation of international designer brands. Its establishment itself is to take over the baton of excavating and recommending Chinese original designs.

▼项目概览,General view ©形在空间 贺川


“SOL” symbolizes the sun, spreading freedom and beauty to people, prompting people to establish their own attitudes towards dressing and life. Let’s explore the architectural space that belongs to their aesthetic taste (Create and break all possibilities with a free attitude).

▼入口空间,Entrance area ©形在空间 贺川


The materials and shapes of clothing tell the subtle relationship between the body and the sensory world. Hard or soft, and delicate or rough outlines our view of the world. Different buyer shops have shaped their own personalities and fashion attitudes. Elegance and relaxation, restraint and softness are the ups and downs that SOLSOL brings to our lives across multiple fields.

▼优雅与松弛,克制与柔软 Elegance and relaxation, restraint and softness ©形在空间 贺川


In a collection space where multiple products are stacked, the “display method” largely determines the impression of the space. In this design, the designer constructs a space system in order, which is both aesthetic and functional, and at the same time uses circular elements in visual presentation. When the plane composition is transferred to the three-dimensional space, it becomes very “rhythmic”. At this point, the space has become free, and some rigid structures are missing. The circular moving lines are laid out. The simple architectural lines and various materials give the space neutrality.

▼视觉铺陈上广用圆的元素, Circular elements are used in visual presentation ©形在空间 贺川

▼拱顶,The arch ©形在空间 贺川

▼环形动线为空间赋予律动感 The circular moving lines are laid out to motivate the space ©形在空间 贺川


As an interpreter of fashion taste and trends, SOLSOL selects unique tonal products from a group of cutting-edge, breakthrough, and individual or team brands with unique tastes. Therefore, the designer added many “central areas” as a buffer for the transition between different products. The interaction between the section and the curve brings space and ductility.

▼展示空间,Display area ©形在空间 贺川

▼楼梯,stairs ©形在空间 贺川

设计师通过多变的设计手法,考虑到亚克力独有的折射特性 ,空间的陈设的材质运用到了多次亚克力,通透的光学美感,结合不锈钢,巧妙的打造出纯净通透的感官享受。面料与廓形给予雕塑柔软,气质的转换屡屡出其不意。

The designer uses a variety of design techniques, taking into account the unique refraction characteristics of acrylic, and the materials of the space furnishings have been used multiple times. The transparent optical beauty, combined with stainless steel, cleverly creates a pure and transparent sensory enjoyment. The fabric and silhouette give the sculpture softness, and the transformation of temperament is often unexpected.

▼亚克力结合不锈钢 Acrylic elements are combined with stainless steel ©形在空间 贺川


Without excessive pursuit of decoration and complexity, in the dual play of light and space, time is flowing, color is changing, and volume is changing, giving the space a sense of unpredictable moments and creating interesting interactive vision.

▼服装展示区,Clothing display area ©形在空间 贺川

▼空间细节,Interior details ©形在空间 贺川


“From the average other to the unique self, from blind obedience to individuality.” This is the restrained and delicate romance brought to us by clothing.

▼标识和装置细部,Signs and installation details ©形在空间 贺川

▼轴测图,Axon ©观至空间设计


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