发布时间:2018-11-28 03:18:50 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

创以景:西丽生态公园位于深圳南山西丽地块地处城市核心建设区域,位于万科云城及中兴人才公寓西侧。经过 3 年的设计与施工,公园于 2020 年 4 月竣工开放,为西丽板块周边以及深圳市民提供一个舒适惬意的山地公园空间。

CAN.X: Xili Eco Park is located in Xili, Nanshan District of Shenzhen within the core development area, on the west side of Vanke Yuncheng and Zhongxing Talent Apartment. After 3 years of design and construction, the park was completed and opened to the public in April 2020, providing a comfortable mountainous park for Xili and the public in Shenzhen.

挑战 The Challenge



为了更好的认识项目场地的机遇,设计团队亲身到达现场踏勘解读场地的环境资料。从场地现况荒芜的土样、零碎的树木群落,设计团队认为首先需要有效的生态修复计划及实施,确定公园城市绿肺的功能定位,提升地块内的生态条件以及强化区内绿色生态的联系。同时利用场地内的 80 米高差的山地环境机遇,打造层次丰富的休闲公园体验。其次,由于公园地块位于城市未来发展的核心区域,周边是密集的高品质居住办公社区,公园设计需要满足当下以及未来市民的生活、学习、社交需求。


The parkland was far away from the developed urban center, and the surrounding areas are mainly industrial parks. With urbanization from the development planning, the surrounding land parcels were gradually transforming into new commercial and residential areas. CAN.X design ltd. as the lead landscape design team, responsible for the control of the design quality from schematic design to the completion of construction.

The parkland was undulating, with steep slopes, low walkability and limited accessibility. The flat areas were very limited for any potential park activities. The lack of planting diversity and unmanaged vegetation were also problematic. Due to the impact of surrounding rapid urban development, the parkland cannot provide appropriate habitats for both plants and animals. It becomes a hidden ecological issue affecting the safety of the city.

To allow better understanding of the site opportunities, the design team took the initiative to investigate the site and its environmental conditions. From the existing derelict landscape and loose patches of trees, the design team recognized an effective ecological restoration and implementation is needed to reaffirm the functional positioning of the city park as the green lungs; improve the ecological conditions of the site; and strengthen the connectivity of the eco-green in the area. At the same time, the opportunity is to take the mountainy landscape with 80-meter level differences to create a multi-levels/ multi-layers leisure landscape park experience. As the parkland is located in the future development area of the city core and is surrounded by high-quality densely developed residential and office communities, the park design shall meet the existing and future needs of the citizens in living, learning and social aspects.

The landscape design team used “the integration of urban form and natural landscape processes” to create a breakthrough in the design. Landscape design has taken the full advantage of the site’s natural landform and character, to maximize the planting communities, animal habitats and the diversity in ecological quality. At the same time, the sponge city strategy is also implemented to establish the park and recreate the natural system. On the other hand, a diversity of spaces and connections are promulgated and created from different aspects in the city and create a strategy of landscape system with rhythm and layers. In organizing the park programs, different exhibitions and interactive activities are used to promote the ecological protection and preservation to the public, e.g. the garbage collection and classification exhibition, to allow public engagement and understanding of the ecological protection in a sustainable concept and practical implementation in a natural and pleasant environment.

我们的设计 The Design

设计原则 Design Principles

在深圳市区内 20 公顷的城市生态绿地,对周边的社区具有显著的生态价值。设计师秉持自然的原则,认为景观规划设计应尊重场地特质、自然地貌和生态系统,实现城市发展与生态保护的资源平衡。尽量减少项目施工对地形面貌及植被群落的负面影响,为人民群众创造舒适、清新、有利的环境。

The 20 hectares of urban ecological green space, within the Shenzhen inland, has a distinct ecological value to the surrounding social communities. The landscape design team insist in applying the principles from nature and believe that the landscape planning and design shall respect the sense of place, natural landforms and ecosystem, to ensure there is a balance of resources in urban development and in ecological protection. There shall be minimal negative impact from construction to the landform, planting communities, to create comfortable, fresh and vantage points for the people to enjoy.

设计推演 Design Process

尊重自然/森林治疗 RespectNature/HealingtheForest


For mountain projects, the complexity in the undulating terrains and the existing growth of plants on site are different from the preconditions of any land development in other cities. The design team has investigated the characters of the site and the conditions of the existing vegetation, with the given existing assessment to arrive at the following ideas: There are existing cultivation plots in the park. The design scheme retained the plots and their function, integrate them into the park and create an urban farmland valley in the local context. Re-establish the healthy and aged farming of litchi forest into a main thematic place in the park. At the early design stage, the design team has evaluated the site with planting and characters worthy of protection and integrated into a master plan base on subsequent survey and record. At the commencement of construction, the design team had reviewed the site conditions to ensure the original vegetation or the landscape characters are properly preserved.


This great landscape does not only come from the full set of design document. It growth and sustain with the engagement of the people in time, locally integrated as a natural vernacular landscape.

山地项目的落地性思考 Reflection on the Practical Implementation of a Mountain Project

山地项目因现场环境、开发区域、植栽群落及山石地貌等,令设计到现场落地存在很多不确定因素。其中:设计师对场地的理解与判断;设计方案的可实施性;场地条件是否满足;施工方对于设计方案的执行,等等,都会影响项目最后的落地效果。景观项目能严格按图落成已经是非常不容易的事情,而此山地景观项目则是更加困难。在此项目中,景观设计师投入更多的时间与整个团队尽力结合场地、优化设计,令项目能满足各层面的需要。以下总览主要的工作:• 竣工总平与首轮设计初稿平面相差无几,设计师对于场地的理解与把控精准而高效。

• 项目设计过程中涉及勘察、复核及实施桥梁、市政道路、景观、建筑、室内、布展、灯光、标识等之工作。多专业多系统的团队的协作及参与 (包括多轮审图并提供反馈意见),以景观设计作为主导,总控落地效果与风格。

• 项目总体品质及造价的把控。

• 设计团队到现场的多次踏勘,发现问题,提出问题,并协助解决问题。

There are many uncertainties in the planning and design for this mountainy project site, due to the existing environmental conditions, the many physical excavations, the dispersed planting communities and the exposed rocks outcrops and faces. These many uncertainties from the preliminary design to the completion of the project posed a challenge to the design team on chasing the schedule. Among them, including the design team’s understanding and review of the site; the feasibility of implementing the design scheme; the practicality of meeting the site conditions; the contractor’s execution in accordance to the design scheme, etc., will affect the final delivery of the project. It is always difficult for landscape project to be completed in strict adherent to the scheme, and it was not easier for this mountainy landscape project. In this project, the landscape design team has put into much extra time on the amalgamation of the different places within the site and the improvement on the design, to ensure the project has included the multi-levels concerns. The following illustrate the core of such work:• The general layout of the as-built master plan is very close to that of the preliminary design layout. The designer has given a precise understanding and efficient control of the site.

• The design process in the project involves investigation, review and implementation of bridges, municipal roads, landscape, architecture, interior, exhibition, lighting, signs, etc. The collaboration of a multi-disciplinary team and thorough communication system (including constant review and comments on construction drawings), with landscape design as the lead, allow a full control on the overall effect and character.

• Control of overall material quality and project cost.

• The numerous site investigation, appraisal/ review and resolution of issues by the design team.

▼总平面图 MasterPlan

鲜明的自然景观 A Fresh Natural Scenery


宛如一个精致的皇冠戴在山顶,将人行的动线抬升,剥离山地的地面, 能保护山顶区域的自然植被与地貌,减少人的行为对于自然表皮的干扰与破坏,也能提供更加开阔舒展的步行体验。在快节奏高密度的城市生活空间中感受云中漫步的浪漫与悠闲。

It is an exquisite crown for the mountain, direct the upward movement of pedestrians and elevate toward top of the mountain. It protects the natural vegetation and landform at the top and reduces the human interference and damage to the soil surface. It provides a grand and open walking experience. This Sky Walk shall provide a romantic and leisure place for walking through the clouds in a high speed and high density urban city of Shenzhen.


Base on the conditions of the site and the sceneries, the design team has positioned the pavilions at strategic locations and at different orientations to allow resting places and direct vistas for the people to indulge into the beautiful skyline of the city. The glass lookout platform provides transparent views of the natural stone outcrops on the slope underneath adding a thrilling experience to the garden adventure.

友善的社交空间 A Friendly Social Place



At the middle of and at the mid-level of the park, the lawn area is the only flat area that can be used as the central activity zone for the park. The glass cantilevered lookout platform sitting near the peak and above the Sunshine Lawn. Planting on the rockery slope composed to reveal the character of a mountain park. The facilities architecture is designed in layers to integrate with the natural landform, and the green roofs form a special feature to the park scenery. However, the layering of the building roofs allow natural light to the interior of the building, reduce the use of electricity and maintain a balance in ecological protection. The split roofs are covered with mixed of real and artificial planting to provide a softness from the top view and to blend in with the natural. The level change of the roofs allows abundant of natural light & air circulation.


山地类项目,最大的挑战就是现场地形可能与图纸中的数据不一致,设计需要保持一定的开放性和可调整的灵活度。在现场施工中,设计团队发现了场地中一组现状树值得保留,因此, 动建筑与原有的滨水休闲座,将场地中的“原住民”得以妥善的保留,并为空间提供舒适的荫凉。

For any mountain projects, the biggest challenge is that the site terrain may not be consistent with the data in the drawings. Therefore, the design needs to maintain a certain degree of flexibility and allow adjustment. During construction, the design team discovered a group of existing trees on site that are valuable to be preserved. So the movable building and the originally designed leisure seating area at the water feature have to be relocated to allow keeping the “indigenous people” on site and provide shade for comfort of the place.


这是一个利用地形地貌打造的全龄活动乐园,基础的游乐设施和休息处为大家提供了休闲娱乐的好去处。同时,安全胶垫区域,并没有按照常规选择鲜明活跃饱和度高的颜色,而是选用大地色系, 乐的设备也是考虑自然风格为主。山地风格的儿童游乐区,将会为城市社区中的游乐空间形成对比, 来新鲜感。

This is an all-ages activity ground molded from the landforms. The basic amusement facilities and rest areas provide good places for people to enjoy and relax. The safety matting area is not paved in a conventional manner with bright and contrasting color, but in earthy tones with the land. The play equipment is also considered with natural character. The children’s play area with mountainous character will bring refreshment and create a contrast to the community playground.

前瞻的环保理念 Forward Looking Environmental Ideas



The waste collection and classification museum allows visitors to recognize their responsibilities for environmental protection.

可持续性发展策略 Sustainable Development Strategies



Lychee is a famous local fruit in Nanshan Xili and the project site has a well-established lychee grove. The preservation of the existing lychee grove was clearly identified by the design team at the early design stage which provides places for strolling & resting under the lychee canopies. The pathways with permeable material pass through the grove allows people to enjoy the cool breeze under the dense canopies in midsummer. The leisure lookout platforms located on a high ground next to the grove provide a viewing area overlooking the natural lychee grove.


Taking advantage of the undulation of the site, a natural storm water system strategy is used to direct rainwater in the park through the farming plots and others natural planting area. Part of the areas have established sunken green to allow seasonal function as rain garden. People can stroll along side of the rain garden to have close views or stand on the lookout platforms to enjoy the distant views.


Rich in biodiversity, the park have plenty of natural spaces and pathways to allow the public to get closer to nature.

建筑设计与地形结合 Integration of Architectural Design and Landform

山林中长出的建筑 Architecture Growth from the Forest


The buildings in the park are integrated with the surrounding nature to the greatest extent. In the design, the building blocks are “integrated” into the natural landform.



The park frontage is designed to break through the conventional approach of an urban plaza with large paving area. With a formal arrangement of planting areas & natural elements to reorganized into a rhythmic setting by using a combination of large and small sizes of hard paving to integrate with the individual planting areas. This further generate smooth and grandiose paving with detail for the main path and smaller rustic and mixed color feature borders to integrate the urban interface with the mountainous nature.


The rich layering of the main entry plaza integrates with a comfortable pedestrian ramp & wide staircase increase the accessibility and invite the park users to fully enjoy the environment of this eco-mountain park.


项目面积:约 20 公顷

代建单位:华润 (深圳) 有限公司


景观及建筑概念至方案设计:创以景 CAN.X



摄影:丘文建筑摄影-- 邱日培

Project Commission: Nanshan Urban Management Bureau

Project area: About 20 hectares

Project Management & Construction: China Resources (Shenzhen) Limited

Main Consultant: Shenzhen Landscape Co., Ltd

Landscape & Architectural Design Consultant: CAN.X design ltd

Design Period: 2017-2018Construction Period: 2018-2020

Photography: Arch & QW


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