发布时间:2017-11-29 04:16:05 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

城里人的命运是要成为一个人,同时又要成为许多人Wutopia Lab 用1:1比例将应中南置地委托的新邻里中心研究成果以艺术装置的方式在本年度11月18日的一个活动上呈现出来。我把这个被称为比邻好的项目命名为六合院。

The destiny of the city dweller is to be an individual as well as part of a larger collective. Wutopia Lab will present a 1:1 scaled model of our neighborhood center research commissioned by “Zoina Land”, a Chinese real estate company, at an event sponsored by Zoina Land on the 18th of November.






China’s residential development, in particular the development within large cities, has matured at an impressive rate. The resulting communities are unfortunately often self-centered, meaning residents often remain to themselves. Lack of attention towards developing neighborhood centers and committees makes it difficult for residents to meaningfully interact with each another. Rapid real estate development and early on low prices of residences has inadvertently made denizens of modern Chinese cities nomadic, frequently moving into better residences. Residential complexes have become temporary settlements. There is no longer the sense of belonging to a larger whole that is associated with city life. Zoina Land is aware of the importance of the long term stability of a community within residential complexes and residents’ desire to be a part of such a community. Zoina Land is less interested in superficial fitness centers and more interested in neighborhood centers that exist as a transition space between public space and home. Our goal is to design a proposal that may revive a more romantic sense of community. This is Six Box Garden.

▼六合园内观,the interior view


The Six Boxes


Through empirical research Zoina Land and architects have reached a consensus regarding the needs of modern residents. These needs are: a space for entertaining guests, a space for work, the availability of quality produce, the presence of convenient dining options, a social atmosphere, and a space for kids.


the needs of the residents


01社区客厅 :提供会友,社交包括咖啡喝下午茶,还包括临时的公文处理等,

02社区食堂 :提供精致简餐,面包,咖啡和早点以及下午茶等餐点,

03共享厨房 :居民通过预约利用设备举行聚会,美食课程,烘焙课程等生活活动,

04儿童天地 :提供绘本阅读空间同时也是亲子空间,居民围绕这个空间可以开展阅读课程,戏剧表演等儿童的课余活动,也是暂时托放孩子的场所,

05生鲜超市 :是大电商的最终端供应,提供有质量保证的肉菜奶蛋供应,日常用品,甚至包括社区的快递收发分拣递送,

06共享书吧 :提供会议,学生课后作业及补习课堂,阅读以及书法插花等文化生活审美活动。


01 Community Living Room: for meeting friends, morning coffee, afternoon tea, open study space, etc.

02 Community Dining Room: for casual dining from breakfast to dinner

03 Open Kitchen: for parties and cooking courses

04 Kid’s Heaven: for play, learning, extracurricular, and theatrical performances

05 Supermarket: for quality produce and daily necessities, includes delivery options

06 Reading Space: for book sharing, studying, reading, remedial classes

Each function is contained with a 6×6 meter box. This is the meaning of Six Box Garden.

▼邻里中心6大模块,functions in the Six Box Garden


Small Gardens:


Both the literati of Jiangnan and modern city residents will agree isolation from nature shackles our spirit. Gardens and landscapes are thus vital. Though community gardens are beautiful, they lack the privacy of gardens on independent property, a luxury in large residentially developed areas. So we built three small courtyards as a middle ground on this spectrum. One garden contains a tea house (a space for life), another is connected to a more private room (a space for thought), and the third is a spice garden that can be handpicked. These gardens are the borders of the neighborhood, connecting private space (home) to public space ( city streets). The use of this neighborhood center is determined by the resident, who ultimately have the freedom to explore the potential this center has to offer. The three small courtyards play an integral part to both the building’s function and façade. And so Six Box Garden was born.

▼六合园功能,functions included

▼小院,small gardens


The Deep Mountains


Six Box Garden should not simply be a “normal” functional building, so to speak. It should have a certain degree of symbolic significance. So I designed a façade that may not immediately seem related to the building’s interior function. The landscape portrayed by the Six Box Garden’s façade, in fact, has a close relationship to its Chinese resident’s culture and cultural aesthetic. This refined mountain landscape has always been the ideal setting for Chinese people. So in the face of urbanization, this faced may bring about joy. This landscape inspired façade will ideally create a sense of nostalgia and yearning for nature in people living in a concrete city. The façade also plays a part in the figurative entrance to the building; Six box garden exists beyond the mist deep in the mountains.

▼在立面上创造山水,the landscape is portrayed on the façade


Ink Painting


The mountain landscape is retained as the visual symbol of the architecture. I used black, grey, and white poly carbonate boards to create this seemingly ink painted landscape façade of Six Box Garden. Each piece of the faced is suspended in order to seem like it floats in space. The layered façade also maintains the privacy within. The façade displays the elegance of the community within.

▼创造人在市井如处深山的画面,the façade displays the elegance of the community within


The Ideal Place of Social Life

六合的本意来自于隋朝宇文恺创立的模件,这名为六合的基本模块可以因地制宜地组合成城市和宫殿。六合院也是如此,它的六个基本模块根据社区规模,需求不同加上院子而任意组合成不同尺度的六合院,仿佛隐藏在深山里的它成为社区居民聚集交流的生活和社交的场所。从而我们逐渐遗忘的邻里关系得以重建,社区生活得以复兴。六合院成为社区的公共中心,在这个社区地标里, The friends old And the friends new here. 没有陌生人,这样社区居民的归属感、安全感和自豪感由此而生。

The intention of the six boxes is to represent the six determined needs of a community arranged within the building. The size of each of these modules can be adjusted and reorganized depending on the scale of the community it may represent. The residents gather here, as if retreating into the mountains, to socialize and enjoy the company of one another. So now the forgotten sense of belonging has been restored and thus the community has been revived. Six Box Garden becomes the center of the community, a place where old and new friends alike can gather. There are no strangers here, the sentiment of pride in the community is reborn.


▼创造具有归属感的社交空间,the center of the community where people are gathering here


The Inversed World


Zoina Land decided to setup the model representation of Six Box Garden in three days, with the final product available for only one day. I decided to use an art installation approach to create a surreal representation of our idea. The required us to jump out of the mold for our design. Since the second floor can no longer permit visitors, I decided to place the second floor on the ceiling so visitors, when the look up, may easily see the design of the second floor. The plane inverted on the ceiling is a mirror image of the design. This way visitors on a single level may experience the change of space between two floors on a single plane thus creating a new surreal experience of reality.


to place the second floor on the ceiling

▼一层保持现场体验,仰望便可以用看的方式了解二楼意图,the plane inverted on the ceiling is a mirror image of the design.

▼进入六合院的观众可以同时体验两层楼的空间变化,visitors on a single level may experience the change of space between two floors

▼天花板上的家具,the furniture on the ceiling




I used semitransparent material to enclose the interior. The translucency of the material allows for the interaction of light and shadow that obscures the limited volume of the internal space. The furniture with in Six Box Garden, is pared down to its most basic and practical form and then painted white. The floor is made black so the white of the interior is intensified making it even more surreal. The pared down dimensions of the furniture further heightens this sense surrealism in the interior and draws the attention of the visitors.

▼包裹结构的双层板形成了一道半透明的界面,using semitransparent material to enclose the interior

▼黑色地胶最大程度突出白色家具,the black floor made the white of the interior is intensified making it even more surreal




We created a minimalist six part product. The final form of product is much different from the original design, but its essence remains the same. Both designs creates an ideal spiritual lifestyle where each person can wake up and look forward to each new day on the horizon.


▼超现实主义叙事方法,creates an ideal spiritual lifestyle

作为装置的六合院,或者日后建成的六合院其实更是一个重要的舞台。每个人只要did great, real great,都可以在这里成为他们生活的英雄。这样看来,能否创造好六合院似乎关乎他们的幸福。小院深山里,五声著黄钟。 独听非我愿,六合有春容。最后,作为装置的六合院证明六合院就是社区地平线上的那个众望所归的去处。

Six Box Garden is an important innovation in social architecture. Everyone is the hero of their own life. Six Box Garden may play a part in the future happiness of our lives. Deep in the hills of the small courtyard a yellow bell rings, All I wish to her is the sound of spring. In the end, Six Box Garden exists on the horizon of the community’s future.

▼院内活动,activities inside

▼一层平面图,the first floor plan

▼一层装置搭建平面图,the display plan of the first floor

▼二层平面图,the second floor plan

▼二层装置搭建平面图,the display plan of the second floor

Architects: Wutopia Lab

Chief Architect: YU Ting

Design team: Shengrui PU, Liran SUN, Gary ZHANG

Lighting Consultant: Chloe ZHANG

Area: 216 sqm

Project Year: 2017

Location: Shanghai, China

Photographs: CreatAR Images ( AI Qing)

Chinese & English text: Wutopia lab


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