发布时间:2014-11-08 02:36:38 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


Gustafson Porter

英国伦敦海德公园内的戴安娜王妃纪念泉可谓是多年以来的经典水景观项目。该喷泉自2004年修好后,仅2005年便获得超过200万人的拜访,成为当年伦敦最热门的旅游景点。设计的理念基于戴安娜王妃生前的爱好与事迹,以  ‘Reaching Out – Letting In’ . “敞开双臂–怀抱”为概念,设计了一个顺应场地坡度的,在树林中落脚的浅色景观闭环流泉。整个景观水路经历跌水,小瀑布,涡流,静止等等多种状态,反映了戴安娜起伏一生。

The Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fountain, opened by HM The Queen, has been visited by over two million people since 2005, making the Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fountain one of London’s most popular tourist attractions.

The design for the Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fountain expresses the concept of ‘Reaching Out – Letting In’. This is based on the qualities of the Princess of Wales that were most loved, her inclusiveness and her accessibility. The fountain has been integrated into the natural slope of the land in Hyde Park using as a starting point the existing ground level around the canopies of the mature trees surrounding the site. The memorial stands out as a light coloured ring in the landscape which contrasts with the surrounding meadow area and planting. The fountain has specific features to create different water effects like a ‘Chadar Cascade’, a ‘Swoosh’, ‘Stepped Cascade’, ‘Rock and Roll’ and a still basin at the bottom which reflect the various qualities of the Princess’ life.


一个复杂的建筑规模的大型视觉花岗岩雕塑。专业的杰弗里·奥斯本有限公司作为施工承包方,与英国最好的石匠,来自于北爱尔兰莫恩山的S. McConnell 和他儿子进行合作,最终打造出这个世界瞩目的景观项目。

The team responsible for the design and construction of the Memorial included not only the submitting landscape architects but computer modeling specialists, consultant engineers, construction professionals and expert stonemasons. The design began with the design team’s first clay model of the Memorial and their description of the complex textures, patterns and water features on its surface that would make the water tumble, cascade, curl and bubble as it ran its course.

Surface Development & Engineering (SDE), a British firm specialising in high quality computer generated surface models for the automotive industry, were able to develop the landscape architects design into the final smooth 3D model from which all the machining and assembly data was extracted necessary to produce the 545 unique stones of the 600 tonne Memorial to exacting engineering tolerances.

Texxus, a London based company specializing in the design of textured surfaces, solved the problem of digitally creating all types of texture patterns, visualizing them on 3D objects and reproducing them in the real world. They were engaged to identify the digital design and manufacturing team and to design and computer model more than 230 square metres of unique textural effects which were subsequently combined with SDE’s engineering surface model.

This was the first time that this level of design and engineering software had been used on an architectural scale with the additional challenge of achieving the sophisticated sculptural vision with a technically deliverable program of work, in granite.

As a first step to meeting this and other construction challenges, Geoffrey Osborne Ltd. was appointed as main contractor, responsible for the management of the construction contract of the Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial. Expert stone masons at Cathedral Works Organization, a subsidiary of Osborne, were given responsibility for managing the quarrying, cutting and placement of the stone for the Memorial.

After a European wide search, the stonecutters best able to do the complex and technically demanding work of cutting the granite were found to be S. McConnell and Sons, located in the foothills of the Mountains of Mourne, County Down, Northern Ireland, UK.

We believe that this project has pushed the boundaries of landscape design in the United Kingdom and would like to recognize the incredible collaborative effort required to deliver one of the most high profile landscape projects in the world. Nearly three years on from the re-opening, the overwhelming public popularity of the Diana Memorial deserves to be recognized.

Client: Department of Culture Media and Sport


Project team:

LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT:  Gustafson Porter Ltd

PROJECT DIRECTORS: Kathryn Gustafson, Neil Porter, Mary Bowman

DESIGN TEAM: Julia Wessendorf, Tamara Hall, Frances Christie, Max Norman, Mark Gillingham, Jose Rosa

COLLABORATORS: Barron Gould, Texxus – Surface texture

Surface Development and Engineering- Surface design

CONSULTANTS: Arup – Engineering

Bucknall Austin – Project Management

Ocmis – Fountain mechanics

Imperial College – Hydraulic testing

CONTRACTORS: Osborne – Main Contractor

Cathedral Works – Stone fixing contractor

SMcConnell & Sons – Stone cutting contractor

Site: Hyde Park, London

Brief: Memorial

The project for this high profile memorial to the memory of Diana, Princess of Wales was gained by winning an international open competition in 2002.  The brief was to design a memorial which would reflect the life of the Princess of Wales using the medium of water.

Budget:  Confidential

Contract: Government Works Contract

Program:            Competition:  2002

Tender:  2003

On site:  2003–2004

Completion:  2004


Gustafson Porter



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