发布时间:2019-09-04 08:26:41 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


When Heytea meets Hangzhou tea-drinking culture, how to present Tea Life style? In consid-eration of walk flow and spatial concepts, nota architects creates a HEYTEA Garden for Hey-tea’s first bakery in Hangzhou . Taking tea garden as space prototype, here tea mountain, tea fields, seats, bakery contrast finely with tea culture by its spatial logic and modeling language.

▼从室外望室内,设有茶田茶座,营造出户外桌椅区的氛围,viewing the interior space with the tea mountain, tea fields and seats from the outside

▼从室外望室内,尽享“天光”下的茶山,viewing the interior space with the view of the tea mountain under the “daylight” from the outside


Hangzhou is a tea production city, where tea also integrates into local civic life. People rest and drink tea in tea shops by tea fields. In this city, tea gardens and tea houses connect closely and interdependently, while the former produce tea and the latter provide space to taste. Drinking tea in tea fields is the most relaxing and primitive way of tea tasting. After a series of exploration on Hangzhou tea culture, Zen of tea garden is defined as the space theme.

▼空间轴测图,the axon


▼室内局部,茶田与茶山场景,partial interior view of the tea fields and the tea mountain

▼室内空间局部,partial interior view of the store

Inspired from the formations of tea plantations that sit between the mountains and rivers, the geometric arrangement of tea fields are used to construct the space. Three flows defined by programs, bakery, beverages and delivery, run respectively along the guiding devices, directing from entry to the bakery queue, beverage ordering or pick up. The tea field texture ends up with a sloping tea mountain. The staggered steps between the fields are available for rest. Two sets of handrails rise gently along the steps and point to the mirror doorway on top of the mountain, which leaves an imagery of infinity.

▼茶山座椅区局部,沿台阶的两组扶手缓缓上升、指向山顶的镜面门洞,错生无尽延续的意向,partial view of the tea mountain seating area, two sets of handrails rise gently along the steps and point to the mirror doorway on top of the mountain, which leaves an imagery of infinity

▼依地形坡上的“茶山”,the tea mountain following the terrain


▼茶山座椅区局部,田埂间错落的台阶和充当茶树的软座可供歇栖,partial view of the tea mountain seating area, the terrazzo steps and the Tea-tree-looking soft seatings provide a seating area

▼“茶山”的座位既有构成茶山的台阶也有充当茶树的软座,给落座的方式提供多种可能,for a mountain seat one could choose from the terrazzo steps or the Tea-tree-looking soft seatings

▼茶山上座椅区细节,设有可充当茶树的软座和可供休憩的台阶,details of the tea mountain seating area with the Tea-tree-looking soft seatings and the terrazzo steps

▼茶山的台阶局部,details of the steps of the tea mountain

▼茶山扶手局部和天空色的侧墙,details of the handrails of the tea mountain and the side wall in the sky color

Tea drinking here at HEYTEA Garden is defined as a relaxing and inspiring experience. For a mountain seat one could choose from the terrazzo steps or the Tea-tree-looking soft seatings. Creative ways to use the seating space is encouraged.

▼茶田与茶山场景的交界局部,partial view of the boundary of the tea fields and the tea mountain

▼从室内看向室外,室内设有茶田中的茶座与热麦区引导队列的原木装置,viewing the outdoor environment from the interior space, arranging the seatings and wood installations in the tea fields areas


Outdoor seats in tea fields are also designed for flexible use. Low planters and high leaning installations act as Tea Tree bushes, both quickly classify flows of people to achieve highly efficient dynamics yet in a cozy way.

▼茶田中引导向热麦面包的装置序列,the installation indicating the sequence of the bakery area

▼用以引导队列和小憩的原木装置、低矮的种植树槽和高置的背靠软包装置,the wood installation for organizing the circulation and resting, the low planters and high-located soft cushions

▼独立而融合于茶空间的热麦区(左),热麦裱花间的观看景窗(右),the independent bakery area that is integrated into the tea space (left), the window of the baking space (right)


Tea mountain has its extension encored inside the shopping mall, as a shop window for tea production display. The window glass is tilted to leave out parts of the mountain, inviting people for participation and resting.

▼“茶山”绵延到商场室内的“余脉”成为了展示采茶制茶用具的互动橱窗,tea mountain has its extension encored inside the shopping mall, as a shop window for tea production display

▼平面布置图,layout plan

项目名称: 喜茶杭州国大城市广场热麦店 设计公司: nota architects 主创建筑师: 钱诗韵 设计团队:高翔 华真 项目详细地址: 杭州市延安路609号第1层1F01号商铺 项目完成年份: 2019年 建筑面积(平方米): 280m2 摄影师: 王鹏飞 钱诗韵 摄影版权:nota architects 业主: 喜茶 建材商品牌 + 产品:HAY家具 PALISSADE系列;SANFOOT 木纹饰面 ;PARALLEL 布料 Torino,Jet系列

Project name: Heytea Bakery Hangzhou Guoda Plaza Design comp;any: nota architects Lead Architects: QIAN Shiyun Design Team: GAO Xiang, HUA Zhen Project location: Guoda Plaza 1st Floor, 1F01, Yan’An Road No 609, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Prov-ince, China Completion Year: 2019 Gross Built Area (square meters): 280m2 Photo credits: WANG Pengfei, QIAN Shiyun Photo Credits: nota architects Client: HEYTEA Brands / Products: HAY, PALISSAD Series; SANFOOT wood veneer; PARALLEL fabric, Torino, Jet Series


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