There was not an original brief. It was more of a floorplan and images of the apartment in its existing condition and a desire to renovate and update it without changing much of the plumbing footprint. The home owner didn’t know what all was possible within her timelines. She did have some color and some lightness in a few inspiration photographs she shared and that gave me an insight into her likes and dislikes. 没有一个原始的平面图。它更多的是一个平面图和图像的公寓在其现有的条件和愿望,翻新和更新它没有改变太多的管道足迹。房主不知道在她的时间线内一切都是可能的。在她分享的几张灵感照片中,她确实有一些颜色和亮度,这让我对她的好恶有了一个深入的了解。
建筑师:DesingbyRUCHI LLC 摄影师:Jacob Snavely