发布时间:2024-05-17 12:56:28 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


In the traces of time, home is like a warm harbor, carrying the deep affection of time with its rustic wood, allowing the soul to slowly settle in the embrace of the logs, experiencing the tranquility of time, and touching the warm affection of home.

光影流转,水木共生 Light and Wood Harmony ━ 客厅,家中一方独特的天地。它是温情与欢乐的聚集地,亦是疲惫心灵的栖息之所。阳光透过窗户洒下,时光仿佛静止,故事悄然上演。其如同一幅宁静而美好的画卷,承载着家人的欢声笑语,见证着岁月的流淌,在家中占据着无可替代的重要地位。 The living room, a unique place in the home. It is a gathering place for warmth and joy, and also a haven for weary souls. Sunlight streams through the windows, and time seems to stand still as stories unfold quietly. It is like a tranquil and beautiful scroll, carrying the laughter of family members and witnessing the flow of time, occupying an irreplaceable position in the home.

浅色原木的清新,拥抱着家的温馨。大理石电视墙,如大自然的泼墨画卷。左侧木饰面延伸至门庭,绘出森林的轮廓。同色系沙发与地毯,轻柔地编织出一曲和谐的居家乐章。The freshness of light-colored wood embrace the warmth of home. The marble TV wall resembles an ink painting of nature. Wooden panels extend to the left entrance, outlining the forest’s contours. Sofas and carpets in the same color scheme gently weave a harmonious home melody.



Window Greens, Dining Lights


Wood and greenery paint a quiet pastoral poem in the dining room’s embrace. The annual rings of trees whisper the story of time; the breath of tender leaves hums the melody of nature. Here, every meal is a journey through the forest, and every breath is a search for the poetry of life. Home, here, is not only the warmth of every meal but also a harbor where the soul resonates harmoniously with nature.

美国橡木,以其坚硬的质地和独特的纹理,诉说着森林的古老故事。在意大利零度哑光工艺的精致打磨下,它不仅保留了木材的自然色泽和纹理,更赋予了它一种柔和而内敛的光泽。让每一次触摸都能感受到岁月的温柔和自然的质感。American oak’s complex and unique texture tells the ancient story of the forest. Refined through the delicate paint of Italian zero-grade matte, it retains the wood’s natural color and texture. It gives it a soft and restrained luster. Allowing every touch to feel the gentleness of time and the natural texture.

家中每一块木材都经过精心挑选,每一层涂装都细致入微,旨在为居住者提供一个既自然又现代的居住体验。Every piece of wood in the home is carefully selected, and every layer of paint is meticulously applied to provide residents with a natural and modern living experience.

西式厨房与餐厅紧密相连,长长的餐桌宛如一条优雅的绸带,将空间的功能性与美学完美融合。餐桌上,美食与亲情交织,每一次的举杯,都是对生活美好瞬间的庆祝。 The Western-style kitchen is closely connected to the dining room, where the long dining table is like an elegant ribbon, perfectly integrating the space’s functionality and aesthetics. On the dining table, food and family intertwine, and every toast celebrates the beautiful moments of life.

这里是现代生活的写意空间,木质的温柔与设计的简洁交织,让烹饪变得诗意盎然,是家中温馨情感的聚集地,为平淡日子,绘就幸福的色彩。 This is a space for the free expression of modern life, where the gentleness of wood intertwined with the simplicity of design. It makes cooking poetic and becomes a gathering place for warm emotions in the home, painting the colors of happiness for ordinary days.

隔而不离,和谐相融 Separate yet Together, Harmoniously Blended ━ 客厅之中,电视机一侧的隐形门,与周遭的木饰面巧妙融为一体,如同自然生长的纹理,静候探索。轻启这扇门,便是进入主卧的隐秘通道,一个专为休憩和私密时光打造的避风港。设计与自然和谐共生,为家的每一处空间,赋予了无限可能与想象。 In the living room, the concealed door on the side of the TV cleverly blends with the surrounding wood panels, waiting quietly to be explored like the natural texture. Opening this door leads to a hidden passage to the master bedroom, a sanctuary created for rest and intimate moments. Where design and nature harmoniously coexist, giving infinite possibilities and imagination to every corner of the home.


书房,延续了家中暖色风格。木质的暖色调铺陈,如秋日午后的柔光,一两件深色家具则如墨迹点缀其间,为这份宁静添一抹深邃。The study continues the warm color style of the home. The warm tones of wood spread, like the soft light of a late afternoon, while a few dark-colored furniture pieces add depth to the tranquility.


缤纷童趣,斑斓世界━色彩点亮想象,梦境孕育希望,每个孩子的心灵故事,都在温馨中缓缓展开,勇敢与梦想,于此间悄然生长。Colors ignite imagination, dreams nurture hope, and every child’s story unfolds gently in warmth, with courage and dreams quietly growing here.

女儿房内,粉色墙面轻轻渲染,如晨曦中的露珠,温柔地拥抱着梦境。透过两面宽阔的窗,城市的轮廓与天空的色彩绘入室内,高楼大厦的雄伟与云端的流动成为房间的自然装饰。The pink walls in the daughter’s room gently render, like dewdrops in the morning light,embracing dreams tenderly. Through the two spacious windows, the city’s silhouette andthe colors of the sky are painted into the room, with the majesty of skyscrapers and theflow of clouds becoming natural decorations of the room.




Here, the laughter of childhood and traces of growth intertwine, becoming fertile soil for nurturing dreams. Every layout and color quietly nurtures the future’s longing and strength.


Clouds Roll and Drift, Mood Like a Melody。


In the bustling city, create a quiet tea room with simple and elegant strokes that depict traditional Oriental charm.

On the circular wooden open shelves, delicate tea sets are arranged, not only as tea-drinking utensils but also as carriers of Oriental cultural heritage. Each piece of wood reveals the classic charm, and each pot and cup holds a profound tea art spirit. Here, I invite you to put aside the busyness of life, enjoy tea quietly, feel the leisurely flow of time in the tea fragrance, and experience the cleansing and return of the soul.

在原木色的温馨中,钢琴房以其独有的艺术气质静静绽放。 一面墙上,黑白格交错,如同钢琴键的优雅排列,轻轻一触,便是一曲悠扬。



The balcony extends the home and embrace nature with an open attitude. The open window frames introduce the gentle wind and warm sun, combining outdoor vitality with indoor tranquility. Every plant is a natural touch, drawing a vivid green picture. Standing here, feeling the verdant greenery, breathing fresh air, it’s like being in a secret garden in the city, enjoying peace and comfort.


项目信息 Information

木作品牌:Sacucci 首席公馆










The Main project design

徐 静

深圳市鸿艺源建筑室内设计有限公司于 2005 年成立,在高端住宅、办公空间、地产设计、私人会所、精品酒店、商业空间等设计领域有着丰富的经验与优势,为多领域的头部客户提供专业的建筑顾问、室内设计、整体软装设计与执行、家具定制服务等系统化的解决方案。

鸿艺源设计已为国内外 600 多位名企高管和社会名流(腾讯、华为、TCL、创维等企业巨头,奥斯卡金像奖得主)实现其关于家的梦想,承接项目多为深圳顶级豪宅,拥有深圳湾一号、华侨城新天鹅堡、中心天元、招商双玺、华润悦府、恒裕滨城等别墅及豪宅案例。



Master in wood, believer in life


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