Israel Amit Pollak Corporate Office
设计团队:Setter Architects
Setter Architects设计团队,为以色列法律公司Amit Pollak Matalon & Co. ,在特拉维夫打造了一个三层的新办公室。这个新办公场所的设计理念,是反映出公司的文化意识,并且营造出一个温暖怡人的工作空间。谨小慎微的设计用心,高端大气的装修材料,以及精益求精的细节雕琢,这些特征体现在办公室的每一个角落。
Setter Architects have designed the new law offices of Amit Pollak Matalon & Co. which spread over 3 floors in Tel Aviv, Israel.The objective of the design for the new offices was for the space to be reflective of their cultural organization mentality which promotes a warm and welcoming atmosphere.The meticulous design, high -end materials and fine detailing are eminent in every corner.
In an attempt to introduce new ingredients to the mix, the design team incorporated elements from the high-tech office design world; informal seating areas that serve as waiting lounges and employee meeting spaces both in one.The main cafeteria,located adjacent to the large alluring terrace, is the space reserved especially for company employees.
以色列Amit Pollak公司办公室室内实景图