The company Telektra, as a partner company to the designer team, from the beginning of the design, so since 2008, actively participated in the development and conducting of lighting project for the facility Lumini shopping center in Varaždin and ultimately implemented and carried out commissioning of the lighting system.
In addition to general lighting of public and common areas, as well as decorative lighting of the interior and integrated intelligent lighting control system for the purpose of central lighting control and to save electricity, one of the features of the object is the background illuminated glass facade.
The glass facade is divided in two basic, physical and visually independent parts.
The lower part of the facade so called “U-glass” profile, illuminated unilaterally with PowerLED RGB linear lamps, with DMX control for dynamic changes in color, which are located in the upper part of the hole, in the space between the concrete part of the facade and glass part “U Glass” profile.
The facade is divided in two pieces, left and right side of “U Glass” facade made of glass elements with the height of the glass surface of 3,85m and longitude of every side of approx. 40m and illuminated with total of 68 pieces of Power LED RGB linear lamps.
The upper part of the facade, called “KUBUS” is illuminated by the two sides with Power LED Dynamic White linear lamps, with DMX control for dynamic changes in white, which are located in the space between the concrete part of the facade and polycarbonate Lexan panels from the lower and upper part. The facade spans a total length of 160 m, consisting of LEXAN polycarbonate plates in height of 7m, lit with a total of 240 pieces PowerLED Dynamic White Liner lamps.
With this arrangement of lighting on the facade, an extraordinary dynamism is obtained, there is the possibility to change in tone of the facade, in other words lights on the facade, depending on the season. For example, during the fall we will have a bit of a warmer color, slightly yellowish, while during winter we will have a cooler tone, or white-bluish color of the facade. Also, with the dynamic change of temperature of lights in a single fluid continuity, we get the impression that the object itself is breathing, while the lower part of the facade is illuminated with bright colorful spectrum of basic colors, combining shades in the simulation of rainbow colors, which gives a positive impression, and beckons us to enter into the world of colors.
Year: 2008-2011
Year of realization: 2011
Electrical engineering company: VEZOR Ltd.
Architecture Studio: XXL Ltd.
Project leader: Zagorje-Tehnobeton
The contractor of electrical work: Electro-mont
Year 2011
Work started in 2008
Work finished in 2011
Status Completed works
Type Shopping Malls / Lighting Design