发布时间:2023-10-24 04:00:41 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


“papa” is a healing maternal and child brand that focuses on original design and is committed to creating an all-round better world for children. papa+, as the first restaurant under its master brand, takes a new approach to the brand. Although it was born in children’s clothing, it did not deliberately define parent-child, but named “creative cuisine restaurant”, the key word is “food, drink, fun”.

▼外观概览,appearance overview © 黑水

带来美好情绪价值的砖红色 Brick red with good emotional value


Derived from “+”, we chose simple and low-key brick red as the main color of the restaurant. The low-saturation color brings gentle and beautiful emotional value to people, and feels the warmth and relaxation of home. From the floor to the bar to the wall, the terracotta brick and terrazzo in red color are used respectively, with the same color chandelier, and the partial white and cement nude wall and top are overlapping, distinguishing the level of the space and making the whole warmer.

▼质朴低调的砖红色作为餐厅主色调, simple and low-key brick red as the main color of the restaurant © 黑水

▼红砖墙面,red brick wall © 黑水

孩子们的树洞 The children’s tree hole


A group of fun islands are set up in the core dining area on the first floor. Round holes are carved out on the countertops and sides, and soft pillows and cushions are laid inside. Children can freely drill in and out, mysterious and safe. After eating, their energy and curiosity finally have a place to play in their own secret base. The adults can also relax and enjoy the food and party at their leisure.

▼空间概览,space overview © 黑水

▼趣味岛台,fun islands © 黑水


At the same time, we chose warm wood to further soften the shop, wooden tables, wooden furniture, we use all rounded chamfer whereever children may touch, as far as possible to ensure safety. We treat the children with tenderness, and the children will eventually treat the world with tenderness.

▼玩耍的孩子,kids playing © papa+

与户外零距离的超大玻璃折窗 Oversized folding glass window with zero distance from the outdoors


▼超大玻璃折窗,oversized folding window

▼沿窗的座位区,seatings along the window © 黑水

楼梯也有小精彩 Stairs also have a little fun


The staircase leading to the second floor is an interesting design with overlapping shapes, diagonal cut and serrated shapes, cooperated with fresh ground red terrazzo. From a distance, it looks like a castle created by texture art paint, attracting people to explore. The storage room of the restaurant is arranged under the stairs, which not only increases the interest of the space, but also greatly improves the utilization rate of the store.

▼交叠的楼梯造型,overlapping shapes of the staircase © 黑水

▼现磨砖红色水磨石材质, fresh ground red terrazzo © 黑水

可以“爬”的二楼 You can “climb” the second floor


The second floor is planned for reading and dining. The design takes advantage of the height above the stairs from the first to the second floor to create a “climbing” space, and the highest area ensures that children can normally stand and pass. At the same time, the overall structure is covered with bookcases, and occasionally hollow shapes, echoing the “tree hole” downstairs, so that children can crawl and shuttle, or curious hide-and-seek, full of fun. The bookcase has a selection of many children’s favorite picture books, or lie down or lay prone, or free reading, or parent-child sharing, children can always find their favorite way here, immersed in the beautiful world of paper.

▼二楼阅读区,reading area on second floor © 黑水

▼望向室外露台,view of the outside terrace © 黑水

▼镂空书柜,perforated book shelves © 黑水

▼阅读的使用者,reading users © GTD

从“+”到“家” From “+” to “home”

“+”谐音“家”,正如logo上方的屋檐形态,是给予温暖和爱的场所。结合建筑二层的坡屋顶结构,两个”JIA“的含义正好契合,让空间与品牌间有了更紧密的纽带 — JIA是遮风挡雨的港湾。在细节方面,我们悄悄将“+”融入了店铺,譬如你轻轻推开的门把手,譬如餐桌的支撑脚,譬如餐椅上的榫卯结构,都在细无声地提醒你,“我们一直有在关注你哦”。

“+” homophonic “home”, as the eave shape above the logo, is a place to give warmth and love. Combined with the pitched roof structure of the second floor of the building, the meanings of the two “JIA” are exactly matched, so that there is a closer bond between the space and the brand – JIA is a harbor from the wind and rain. In terms of details, we quietly integrate “+” into the shop, such as the door handle you gently push open, such as the supporting foot of the table, such as the mortise and tenon structure on the dining chair, are quietly reminding you that “we have been paying attention to you all the time”.

▼餐桌支撑脚的“+”符号,”+” embodied in the foot of the table © 黑水

▼家具的“+”符号,”+” embodied in the furniture © papa+

▼与logo契合的坡屋顶结构, the pitched roof structure reminiscent of the eave shape above the logo © 黑水

项目名称:papa+创意料理餐厅 项目地址:杭州良渚玉鸟集 项目面积:320平米 竣工日期:2023年9月 空间设计:杭州观堂室内设计有限公司 工程施工:杭州久维装饰工程有限公司 灯光照明:杭州见合灯光 标识制作:良良标识 布艺软包:柔然软装 室内家具:态度家具 绿植布置:清色植物工作室 主要材料:砖红色陶土砖,现磨水磨石,橡木地板,肌理漆 空间摄影:黑水

Project name: papa+ Creative Cuisine Restaurant Project address: Birland Liangzhu Hangzhou Project area: 320 square meters Completion date: September 2023 Interior design: Hangzhou Guantang Interior Design Co., LTD Project construction: Hangzhou Jiuwei Decoration Engineering Co., LTD Lighting: Hangzhou JIO Light Design Office Sign production: Liangliang Hangzhou Fabric soft bag: Rouran soft outfit Interior furniture: Taidu Home Plant layout: Qingse plant studio Main materials: red terracotta brick, freshly ground terrazzo, oak floor, texture paint Space photography: Heishui


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