发布时间:2021-06-08 18:44:15 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


▼“空气泡泡”内部空间概览,“AirBubble” interior view © Maja Wirkus

▼一个可供游戏与互动的平静场所,a calming atmosphere in which to play and interact © Maja Wirkus


According to the World Health Organization (WHO), air pollution is the biggest global health threat. Warsaw was selected as the first activation for this project as it is one of the most polluted cities in Europe.

▼PM 2.5浓度示意图,(左起:波兰2021;华沙2018;空气泡泡游乐场2021) © ecoLogicStudio Diagram: Air Quality Index PM2.5 Concentration (from left: Poland 2021; Warsaw 2018; AirBubble 2021)

▼“空气泡泡”场地环境,“AirBubble” context © Maja Wirkus


▼轴测分解示意图,exploded axon © ecoLogicStudio

AirBubble invents a new architectural typology. It incorporates a cylindrical timber structure wrapped in an ETFE membrane protecting 52 glass algae reactors. This creates a real urban algae greenhouse. The space is equipped with ropes, foot pumps and bouncy spheres, and can function as both playground and outdoor classroom. The white bubbling noise of the algae gardening system masks the surrounding urban noise to provide a calming atmosphere in which to play and interact.

▼圆柱形的木制结构被ETFE膜包裹,为52个玻璃材质的藻类反应器提供了保护 © Maja Wirkus The AirBubble incorporates a cylindrical timber structure wrapped in an ETFE membrane protecting 52 glass algae reactors

▼空间中配备了绳索、脚踏水泵和弹力球,可以作为游乐场和户外教室使用 © Maja Wirkus The space is equipped with ropes, foot pumps and bouncy spheres, and can function as both playground and outdoor classroom


The AirBubble hosts 52 large bioreactors in borosilicate glass which contain 520 litres of living green Chlorella sp algae cultures that can filter a flow of polluted air of 200 litres/minute. While the liquid medium washes particles, the algae actively eat the polluting molecules as well as carbon dioxide to then release fresh clean oxygen.


The AirBubble monitoring system integrates urban air pollution sensors and is connected to a data processing platform capable of comparing measurements in real time and of highlighting the Air Quality Index for six core pollutants: fine particulate PM2.5 and PM10, ground level Ozone (O3), Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2), Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) and Carbon Monoxide (CO). AirBubble is capable of  absorbing 97% of the nitrogen and 75% of the particulate matter in the air.

▼建筑立面外观&细节,building facade & facade details © Maja Wirkus

▼膜材质屋顶可收集雨水,rain collecting roof membrane © Maja Wirkus


The purifying process is powered by solar energy and children’s playfulness. Kids can interact by jumping on four water foot pumps positioned on the ground while balancing on the bouncy bubbles and the internal rope system. Over the next few months, AirBubble will become a unique urban laboratory, a test bed of applied biotechnology and its application in tackling air pollution and in mitigating its effect on children’s health.

▼儿童的活动为空气净化系统提供动力,The purifying process is powered by solar energy and children’s playfulness © Maja Wirkus

该项目位于哥白尼科学中心(Centrum Nauki Kopernik)的公共绿地内,除了游乐场之外,这里还将举办一个专门的展览,用于说明“空气泡泡”发明背后的设计创新。该项目整合了Photo.Synthetica技术,可将光合作用巧妙地应用到建筑环境的营造当中。

AirBubble creates a purified microclimate for children to play in, a true bubble of clean air in the centre of Warsaw (Poland). The project is located within the public green space outside of the Copernicus Science Centre (Centrum Nauki Kopernik), a site which will also host a dedicated exhibition illustrating the design innovation behind the invention of AirBubble. The playground integrates the Photo.Synthetica technology for the advanced integration of photosynthesis in the built environment.

▼“空气泡泡”展览,AirBubble exhibition © Maja Wirkus

▼夜景,night view © Maja Wirkus

▼平面图,plan © ecoLogicStudio

▼剖面图,section © ecoLogicStudio

▼累积入射的太阳辐射,Cummulative Incident Solar Radiation © ecoLogicStudio


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