发布时间:2018-08-06 08:35:22 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}




Kengo Kuma

to learn more about the new building as well as his attitude towards design, nature, harmony and scale.

More about Kengo Kuma, please refer to


出品人:向玲。编辑:陈诺嘉,武晨曦 / Producer: Xiang Ling. Editors: Chen Nuojia, Wu Chenxi



The theme of the exhibition is “Small/Big”, indicating the design process of from small scale (material/system) to large scale (volume) and from large scale (volume) to small scale (material/pattern). How do you decide the process of the design when you start a project?


I will learn from the site. Each site has its own characteristic. The trees and streams on the site will tell me whether to use brick or wood for the project. After deciding the material, our work turns to be finding out a way to combine the materials into a building. This is quite different from common design process, which always begins with volume study or plans. What I consider the first is material.



How did you apply the idea in the design of LSH Center?


On the first sight, I focused on the large courtyard in the middle and designed three volumes around it, like the traditional Chinese three section compound. Then I came up with the idea of creating some courtyards inside the building, including the bamboo grove at the entrance. The spacious restaurant is a courtyard itself with the wood pattern walls enhancing the natural feeling of the space. In this project, architecture is not only an artificial object, but also a natural courtyard for people to enjoy.

▼利星行中心外观,采用“三合院”的形式,中部围合庭院,一侧向城市道路开放,external view of LSH, use the form of traditional three section compound with one side open to the city road

▼建筑间的庭院和绿化,实现人工与自然的协调,courtyards between the building volumes, bringing nature to the man made objects



LSH Center is one of your largest projects in Beijing. Is there any special highlights in the design?


It is my first time to build a real courtyard in a building. In fact, building an interior garden is not rare in Chinese tradition, like quadrangle courtyard with a yard surrounded by houses. It is natural for people choosing to create their own garden inside their houses considering the severe urban environment. This idea inspired me to put an appealing courtyard in the project.

▼廊柱形成现代的森林,树木纹理的石材与自然庭院相融合,the colonnade is a modern forest with wood-pattern stones corresponding to the natural courtyard

▼从入口可以看到室内庭院,the interior courtyard could be seen from the entrance

▼室内竹林创造属于建筑内部的自然,the bamboo grove brings nature into the building



You have done many projects in Beijing. Do you have any special strategies to merge the building into the unique city environment of Beijing?



Take my studio in Qianmen for instance. It is surrounded by various quadrangle, courtyards thus we remained this traditional Chinese building form and transformed it into a modern courtyard responding to the era. Unlike the closed courtyard in the history, we replaced the brick walls by aluminum curtains to create a more open space part connected with the path. The unique aluminum curtain should be assembled piece by piece which is similar to brick. It is the modern brick wall for people living in this moment. (click


to see more about Qianmen project)



What is the ideal scale to you?


Regardless of the size of the project, it is an accumulation of small-scaled components. Even if a huge project like LSH Center, the walls are created by wood panels in human scale. It is important for me to build by small-scaled objects which is more suitable for the users.

▼餐厅本身如同一个庭院,小亭子的设置使其尺度更为宜人,the restaurant itself is like a could yard with wooden kiosks providing an intimate feeling

▼二层走道,底层庭院和木制材料带来温馨的感觉,corridor on the second floor with view to the lower courtyard as well as wooden palette creating a warm feeling

▼会议空间,落地窗面向室外庭院,木制墙面采用人的尺度,在人和巨大的空间之间建立联系,conference space on the second floor with French windows facing the outdoor courtyard, the small-scaled wooden wall panels make people more comfortable in the over-sized space

▼细部,符合人体感受的小尺度材料,details, materials and patterns of human size

▼客房走廊,木材和配色给人以宁静的感受,guest room corridor with wooden palette creating a calm feeling

▼酒店客房,以木材为主,在都市中创造一个温馨宁静的空间,guest room in wooden tones, creating a warm and calm space in the city



What is the ideal form of architecture in your mind?


Architecture is not an aesthetic fact. It should have the power to heal people’s heart. People living in the city are bearing more and more pressure so that warm architecture became necessary to loosen their burden. My ideal is to create a building, small or large, that could help people find their inner peace. Like in a Chinese or Japanese courtyard, feeling the breathe of the plants, collected and relaxed. I hope that I could bring back this tranquil paradise for people.

▼正在接受采访的隈研吾,Kengo Kuma during interview


Kengo Kuma architecture exhibition


The theme of the exhibition is “small/big”, reflecting his thought in the relationship between different scales. The exhibition displays many of his famous projects including some 1:1 models inviting people to feel the art of Kuma’s architecture without the going to the real site.

▼长城脚下公社茶室1:1模型,正对建筑间的庭院,富有自然的意境,1:1 model of the tea house in Take no Heya, facing the courtyard inside the building to feel a touch of nature

▼隈研吾设计的木结构节点体现建筑师对于材料和建筑体量之间关系的思考,the design of the wooden joists reflecting Kuma’s thought of the relationship between the volume and the material

▼部分展品,part of the exhibits


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