发布时间:2019-04-24 11:22:05 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


This project is located in Xi’an’s emerging automotive service market, “Xi’an Third Bridge Auto Parts Happy Port”. The object for transformation is a 1420 square meters, reinforced concrete framed two-story building near the entrance of the market.

▼服务站入口,各层墙体相互层叠,the entrance of the service station with different wall layers


▼概念生成,the concept formation

The owner of the building is requesting a separation of space between the automotive special effect paint spraying area and a public display/administrative area. The process for automobile special effect paint spraying composes of five parts: vehicle detection area, sheet metal area, spraying area, polishing area, and quality inspection area. There is also a space where vehicles can rotate between these five areas. In addition, the owner needs a public space which can be used as an automotive cultural display, an area for negotiations and training, and two independent office spaces.

▼入口处空间局部,透光的墙体与实墙交相辉映,partial interior view of the entrance, the transparent and opaque walls complement each other


The concept for the design began with an existing “inclined wall” on the east side of the original space: when the original space is occupied by the automobile special effect paint spraying area, the remaining space to be designed is constrained and limited to the area between the entrance and the “inclined wall”. To transcend this limitation, which is also the biggest characteristic of the space subjected to this design, we began to strategize and develop different possibilities for the wall used to separate the areas discussed above.

▼室内空间局部,“墙”之内的空间,partial view of the interior space inside the wall

▼展示体验区公共空间,the public space of the exhibition hall


▼项目轴测图,the axon

In contrast to the “inclined wall”, we also incorporated the existing wall connecting the south and northeast corners to create a continuous “zigzag wall” to clearly showcase the interior and exterior of the space (interior administrative space and automotive displays and exterior automotive special effect painting area). This “zigzag wall” provides an interesting irregular space for the interior and an L-shaped efficient workstation area for the exterior.

▼洽谈接待区公共空间,the public space of the negotiating room


The interior space can be used for multiple functions. There is no need to separate the space for these functions. The emergence of “broken walls” naturally divide the space into functional areas. This will allow for those using the space to congregate within specific functional areas and also maintain a certain degree of privacy.

▼室内空间局部,“断墙”使空间隔而不绝,partial interior view, the “broken walls” create separated but continuous spaces


Conventional “walls” are used for the purpose of clearly dividing a space, thus creating interior and exterior areas, which gives people an absolute sense of isolation. The connection between the areas is achieved through windows and doors. The “wall” of Early Mies-style shattered the concept of “interior and exterior distinction” and started the discussion the issues of “access and separation”. The appearance of glass breaks the visual boundary of the inside and the outside, but also allows for one to see through the space. For this reason, we used PP Sheet as an impermeable translucent material to construct walls in order to present a new sense of spatial experience. Compared with frosted glass, sunshine panels have a more rippled texture on the surface, which can uniquely and dramatically refract light and shadow.

▼从木质实墙空间看配有阳光板的游戏体验区,阳光板被架起,突出轻盈感,the game area with the PP Sheet viewing from the space defined by solid wood walls, the sunshine panels is elevated to enhance its lightness

▼游戏体验区,似透非透的阳光板拥有表面的波纹肌理,叠加出透射效果,the game area, the PP Sheet acts as an impermeable translucent material with the rippled texture on the surface, refracting light and shadow


The height of the original space is very high. We added a layer to the roofing with the sunshine panels, leaving a space that can be used to house equipment and hide the lamps in accordance with the modulus. The effects of the refracted light as discussed above are further showcased when the light from the lamp enters the space below through the sunshine panels.

▼总经理办公室,the manager’s office


Sunshine panels are lightweight materials, which cannot bear much weight. Thus, a metal lattice is used to stabilize the panels. The lightness of the sunshine panels is juxtaposed against the sturdiness of the metal lattice. The ground acts as a mirror, reflecting the lightness of the walls and the space.

▼服务站空间外立面,采用透光阳光板,the exterior facade of the service station with the impermeable translucent PP sheet

▼平面布置图,layout plan

项目名称: 模糊的“墙”——杜雅汽车特效涂料系统陕西服务站空间设计 设计单位: 垣建筑设计工作室(西安建筑科技大学建筑学院) 主持建筑师: 王毛真、吴瑞、李少翀 地点:中国陕西西安三桥汽配欢乐港 设计时间:2018.11-2018.12 建造时间:2018.12-2019.04 类型:室内空间设计 功能:汽车后服务、办公、展示、培训 建筑规模: 1420㎡ 设计团队:洪锦龙、余晓辉、蒋姝君 施工团队:陕西大德建设有限公司 设计顾问:李智 结构顾问:付涛 田少军 机电顾问:刘柯 业主:西安客悦汽车维修服务有限公司 摄影:叁山影像 (王东)

Project name: Vague “Wall”——DSYAS High Performance Coating System Shaanxi Service Station Design Design: Wall Architects of XAUAT Partners in Charge: Wang Maozhen , Wu Rui, Li Shaochong, Location: Sanqiao, Xi’an, Shaanxi Province, China Design Stage: 2018.11-2018.12 Construction Stage: 2018.12-2019.04 Type: Interior space design Function: Automotive service, Office, Show Room, Training Building Area:1420㎡ Project Team: Hong Jinlong, Yu Xiaohui, Jiang Shujun Construction team: Shaanxi Dade Construction Co. Ltd Design Consultant: Li Zhi Structural Consultant: Fu Tao, Tian Shaojun Technical Consultant: Liu Ke Client: Xi’an Keyue Auto Maintenance Service Co.Ltd Photo credits: Trimont Image (Wang Dong)


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