发布时间:2017-07-04 04:02:14 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


On June 27th, 2017 the Los Angeles City Council unanimously gives the final green light of approval to the Los Angeles $1.5 billion Lucas Museum of Narrative Art.

▼项目鸟瞰,ariel view

当天卢卡斯博物馆创始人乔治·卢卡斯(George Lucas)以及夫人麦勒迪·霍布森(Mellody Hobson)共同出席会议。卢卡斯向市议员描绘了博物馆的愿景,强调包括电影制作在内的视觉艺术的重要性。卢卡斯称:“博物馆将不仅仅关注电影, 更会关注叙述艺术从石洞壁画到数字电影时代的整体历史。我希望博物馆能够启发人们打破常规,跳出思维规限, 想象任何可能与不可能,搭建将城市与人们紧密连接的传奇传说。”

Lucas Museum founder George Lucas along with his wife Mellody Hobson both attended the meeting. Lucas painted the museum’s vision to the city councilors as well as the importance of the visual arts, including film making, in shaping history, perception and myth. The museum won’t just focus on movies, however, but on the entire history of narrative storytelling, from the days of cave painting to digital film. “The goal of the museum is to inspire people to think outside the box, to imagine whatever you want to imagine, to help build on the myths that help bind our city and our people together, and that is what I am hoping to do here.”

▼建筑外观,appearance of the building


– 我曾在这里(洛杉矶)长大,这是我学习电影,学习手艺的地方。基本上我从大学就开始了我的职业生涯。

– 我意识到,人们已经忘记叙事艺术的概念了。

– 叙事艺术的展示 除了从情感上吸引人们外,也启发人们一些关于“我是谁”的思考。

– 叙事艺术关乎社会信仰。

During the meeting, George Lucas expressed the following:

– “For a very brief time I actually grew up here,” said Lucas, who earned a degree in film from USC. “That’s where I learned movies. That’s where I learned my craft. Basically where I started my career was in school here.”

– “I realized that the whole concept of narrative art has been forgotten”

– “The showcase of popular art “appeals to people emotionally, but also tells you something about who you are.”

– “It is the thing that tells us, ‘this is what we as a society believe in,”


洛杉矶市长Eric Garcetti公开声明表示:人们从世界各地来到洛杉矶,希望从这里的艺术获取灵感,希望看到那些通过“故事叙述”而成真的梦想。卢卡斯叙事艺术博物馆将在洛杉矶已有的文化土壤上贡献另一座世界级的殿堂艺术机构;也将为博览园园区新增一颗璀璨的建筑明珠。我很荣幸与乔治·卢卡斯和麦勒迪·霍布森合作,为洛杉矶带来了这份无与伦比的礼物——同时我也为市议会喝彩,为他们全票通过这座位于南洛杉矶的珍宝而喝彩。这座博物馆将世代造福洛杉矶市民及来到洛杉矶的游客。

LA mayor Eric Garcetti also stated “People come to Los Angeles from all over the world to be inspired by art, and to see things they have only imagined become real through storytelling. The Lucas Museum of Narrative Art will add another world-class institution to our city’s cultural landscape, and bring a breathtaking architectural jewel to Exposition Park. I am proud to have worked with George Lucas and Mellody Hobson to bring this incredible gift to Los Angeles — and I applaud the City Council for voting to approve a gem for South L.A. that will touch the lives of Angelenos and visitors for generations to come.”

▼造福洛杉矶市民及游客的博物馆,an contribution to the lives of Angelenos and visitors for generations to come

卢卡斯博物馆定址于洛杉矶博览园 (exposition park) 内,这里是洛杉矶著名的文化区域,多座地标建筑均位于此,包括洛杉矶竞技体育场、洛杉矶自然历史博物馆等。博物馆犹如博览园的门户,欢迎四方八面的市民及游客畅游博览园这片文化乐土。她也犹如一艘未来战舰,抗拒了地球引力,漂浮在空中;建筑中部底层巨大挑空可供行人穿行,仿佛一扇通往未来的大门,同时也把地面空间还给公众,人们可在此运动、休憩。

The Museum is located in Los Angeles Exposition Park, a famous cultural destination of LA where many landmark buildings are situated such as the Los Angeles Memorial Sports Arena and The Natural History Museum of Los Angeles. The museum resembles a futuristic spaceship, resisting the gravity of the earth, floating in the air. In the middle of the building on the ground level offers a grand open space for pedestrians to circulate, as if a door to the future. While at the same time returning the people a public space where they can congregate and relax.

▼漂浮在空中的建筑,a futuristic spaceship floating in the air



The Lucas Museum of Narrative Art will begin construction at the end of 2017, and is expected to be completed in 2021. This unique museum is the first of its kind, with an unprecedented collection that features fine art and popular art from illustration to comics, an insider’s perspective on the cinematic creative process and the boundless potential of the digital medium. It is a museum unlike any other.

In 2014, the Lucas Museum held an international design invitational competition. Ma Yansong, the only architect from Asia took the title as the Museum’s designer in the end. The initial location of the museum was situation in Chicago, then later moved to California. In January of 2017, Los Angeles defeated San Francisco to become the museum’s final location. Ma Yansong and his design team designed three very different design for each city within the three years.




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