发布时间:2023-10-15 11:35:39 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

自上海世博会举办以来,浦东世博地区基于“央企总部”与“国际企业总部”的双驱动定位,一跃成为了全新的总部经济高地。由Aedas全球设计董事韦业启(Ken Wai)、执行董事沈菲力带领团队,与同济大学建筑设计研究院(集团)有限公司组成联合体,共同设计的上海浦发银行大厦办公楼,以其简约的白色边框设计,勾勒出庄重优雅且绿色低碳的办公典范,成为耀于黄浦江岸及世博大道上的新地标。

Pudong district has been an incubator for international enterprise headquarters since Expo 2010 Shanghai. Aedas Global Design Principal Ken Wai and Executive Director Fei Li Shen joint venture with Tongji Architectural Group, designing a green office that sits along the Huangpu River and Expo Avenue.

▼上海浦发银行大厦,Shanghai Pudong Development Bank New Office © Terrence Zhang

▼黄浦江岸城市展示面新地标,New landmark facing the Huangpu River © Terrence Zhang

▼优雅的白色边框勾勒,Elegant white frames © Terrence Zhang


The project is located at the eastmost of the World Expo Site of Pudong New District. Standing on the embankment of Huangpu River, it enjoys the spectacular lakeside view and rich natural resources of parks and green belts.

▼地块区位示意图,Site location © Aedas

▼极佳的视线辐射范围,Best view © Aedas


In response to the importance of the site and function of the project, the design approach is to create an understated, minimal, and elegant architectural statement. The design uses a simple linear form and integrates with the urban fabric. Reflecting the sunset on the ripples, the towers have fluid façades that represent the infinite future potentials of the company.

▼与江岸融于水天一色,Merging with the lakeside view © Terrence Zhang


The twin towers have different heights and connect each other through a public lobby space. The façade uses vertical lines defined by a pure and minimalistic expression of granite and glass of various apertures.

▼错落有秩的双塔楼布局,Twin towers in different heights © Terrence Zhang

“越是简洁的建筑轮廓,对其空间布局与立面细节越是考究。我们将内部锥形挑空,外部高层幕墙拼接,打造出独一无二的城市肌理,”沈菲力如是说。 ‘The towers have created a unique urban fabric, outlined by a neat and simple architectural form and embraced a 6-storey tall conical lobby on a slanted site.’ Fei Li said.

▼内部锥形空间示意图,Interior spatial diagram © Aedas


The stepping mass responds with the surroundings, creating a vibrant gateway to the financial district.

▼锥形大堂空间,Lobby © Terrence Zhang

▼六层通高大堂,6-storey tall lobby © Terrence Zhang


Adaptive and flexible layouts are adopted to cater the variations in business types. Flexible working spaces are created, as well as an exhibition area on the ground and a VIP viewing deck on the top. The interactive internal public spaces create an efficient, collaborative office that enjoys a splendid landscape view.

▼办公空间内部布局模块示意图(gif),Office programme diagram © Aedas

▼办公布局模块示意图,Office layout plan © Aedas


▼兼具节能与美观的立面设计,Energy-efficient façade © Terrence Zhang

▼顶部特殊空间外立面处理,Façade design of the top floors © Terrence Zhang

“作为金融企业的水岸门户,功能上需以灵活高效、人文可持续为核心,不断赋能未来金融商务模式;形态上化繁为简塑造标志性的优雅轮廓,配合自然光影,使之在滨江片区办公楼宇中脱颖而出,极具辨识度,”韦业启如是说。 ‘Incorporating high efficiency, functionality and local culture, the new office achieves prominence in the urban context with a visually simple design.’ Ken Wai concludes.

▼化繁为简的建筑轮廓,A visually simple design © Terrence Zhang

▼极具辨识度的建筑形象,Iconic façade design © Terrence Zhang

项目:上海浦发银行大厦 位置:中国上海 设计及项目建筑师:Aedas、同济大学建筑设计研究院(集团)有限公司 业主:上海浦发银行 建筑面积:45,000平方米 主要设计人:韦业启(Ken Wai),全球设计董事;沈菲力,执行董事 竣工年份:2022年

Project: Shanghai Pudong Development Bank New Office Location: Shanghai, China Client: Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Design and Project Architect: Aedas in joint venture with Tongji Architectural Group Gross Floor Area: 45,000 sq m Design Directors: Ken Wai, Global Design Principal; Fei Li Shen, Executive Director Completion Year: 2022


上海浦发银行大厦 / Aedas
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