Second Home办公空间位于东伦敦的Spitalfields,毗邻带有反叛亚文化色彩的Brick Lane集市,为30余家小规模科技型创业公司提供共享办公空间。其租赁模式也高度自由化,无论是75人大空间中的单个座位,还是5、7、10人的小型独立办公空间,甚至20人的大空间都可根据公司的需求灵活租用。
Second Home is in the Spitalfields area of the East End, London, next to the still slightly alternative Brick Lane market. It is a co-working space concept for 30-odd startup companies with a similar degree of alternativeness, all small-scale like the district, and closely linked to technology. The studios have many rental possibilities, all highly elastic in time. The vary from a single workspace in a large common area designed for a maximum of 75 people to studios for 5,7 or 10 workers or a larger studio that can hold up to 20.
▼ 高度自由化的共享办公空间, A co-working space with diverse real possibilities
空间的设计重点在于面向所有使用者开放的公共空间。7间会议室与数个供人阅读、交流的休息空间散布在各个角落;入口旁的咖啡厅/酒吧为人们提供着免费咖啡与平价午餐;中部办公 – 活动复合型场地中的大型办公桌可以通过遥控升降腾出空间,作为白天的瑜伽、普拉提课程或是晚上的小型音乐会、派对、晚宴、会议或是电影放映场地使用。
The most important aspect of the programme is the common zones, open to any user of the complex. There are seven meeting rooms, various rest areas for reading or chatting, a large cafeteria/bar with free coffee and midday meals for £5, and a large mixed work-events zone where the large work table can be raised to leave space free for any type of activity, from morning yoga and pilates sessions to evening concerts, parties, dinners, conferences, films etc.
▼ 一层入口旁的咖啡厅/酒吧,A large cafeteria/bar next to the entrance
▼ 从咖啡厅看向内部办公区域,View from the cafeteria to the working space
▼ 一层中部办公 – 活动复合型场地,The large mixed work-events zone on the ground floor
▼ 大型办公桌可以通过遥控升降腾出空间,The large work table can be raised to leave space free for any type of activity
The intrinsic concept of Second Home involved the unavoidable – and ultimately fully accomplished – need to fill every corner and every area with small workspaces bathed in light, and of course the need to ensure access to each of these different areas distributed around the edges, the need to not waste anything, to nor have any corner that is not used for something, to not have any angle where someone can’t sit and work, talk or relax.
▼ 橙色公共空间,绿色交通空间与黄色办公空间,The common space, circulation and working space
▼ 四通八达的交通空间联系起各个角落,The access to each different areas distributed around the edges is ensured
This maximized economy, in its broadest, original sense, is something that always leaves us very relaxed and satisfied with a duty accomplished, although on the other hand, the high density brought on by this complete occupancy and the usage of spaces to the limit is one of our biggest doubts about how it will really work in the future, with so many people working together in such an intense space.
We have therefore tried to limit the potential chaos, maze that might give rise to a complex situation, with two tricks: firstly, with constant visual and physical fluidity throughout the space, which will prevent users from feeling lost or locked into any particular place, and secondly, with total control over the acoustics, with the help of absorbent carpets and ceilings and also a continuous curved shape that scatters the sound in every direction. The use of this continuity as an antidote to density also achieves side reactions that increase the strength of the entire space, turn it into a single, united whole and make it seem larger and more endless that it really is.
▼ 通透的视觉环境,连续的空间组织,吸音地毯、天花以及曲线墙壁降低了复杂的空间给使用者带来的混乱与迷惑, The constant visual and physical fluidity, absorbent carpets and ceilings and a continuous curved shape limited the potential chaos and maze
That is precisely our doubt right now: is that what it will really end up being? Will it really be a space where transparency and reflections end up simplifying/ complexifying it to the point where they manage to open up the space and make it infinite but friendly at the same time? And, most importantly, will it ultimately generate a space in which the architecture dissolves into a homely atmosphere, in order to achieve just that…which is exactly what the client commissioned us to do at the start: and office like a house? Or was it a house like an office?
▼ 办公室外观,External View
▼ 平面图,Plan
▼ 剖面图,Section
WORK: Second Home London Office
ARCHITECTS: José Selgas and Lucia Cano (selgascano)
ARCHITECTS COLLABORATOR: Paolo Tringali, Víctor Jiménez, Bárbara Bardín, María Levene, Inés Olavarrieta
CLIENT: Second Home
SITE: 68-80 Hanbury Street, London E1 5JL, United Kingdom
PROYECT DATE: January 2014
ENDING DATE: November 2014
FURNITURE DESIGN: Selgascano / Secondhand design furniture
Structure: Existing concrete building structure and steel frame construction.
Partitions: acrylic, structural hardwood plywood and plasterboard partitions.
Finishes: Corrugated walls, epoxi paint, Oregon pine, wool carpet, wood wool ceiling panels.