Architects:CoDA arquitetos
Area :348 m²
Year :2019
Photographs :Haruo Mikami
Lead Architect :Pedro Grilo, Guilherme Araujo
Project Team : Leandro Tremelite Letícia Claro Mariana Freitas Rayan de Sant’anna
Structure : Proest
Instalations : Mol! Engenharia
Country : Brazil
Located in a noblearea of Brasilia, house 636 stands on a sloping lot,wherethe front street presentsan unevenness of 1.4m, the approximate height of half a floor. From this natural property of the site came the idea of a staggered composition for the project, creating spaces on four different levels, separated by halvesof flights of stairs.
The result of the composition is a solid volumetry of white boxes, interspersed by a central void, a glass staircase that suggests the movement of the people inside. The floors are arranged in two volumes of 6m wide each andthey arearticulated by a central void of 3m. The 6–3–6m modular sequence baptizes the house.
The centrality of the stairs assumes a predominant role in the house, guiding the circulation between spaces. Thus, each level corresponds to a new functional core, a scheme broken only by the unusualpresence of the kitchen in the center of the house - the only environment with double height witheasy access to the other rooms and the outside area.
The other areas are organized according to the proximity to the ground floor, in a gradation fromthe most social spaces tothe most intimate. Therefore, the lower ground floor combines services such as laundry, pantry, storage and garage; the upper ground floor, social, contains thekitchen,aliving room andabalcony, as well as a small office and the guest room. The third level is intimate and comprises the 3 bedrooms and a TV room. Finally, there is a large terrace overlookingtheParanoáLake .
Even with four levels, the project proves to be compact and efficient in terms of areas by occupied spaces, a clear contrast withthe mansions in the neighborhood.
In this way, house 636 presents itself as a viable alternative for contemporary housingin the city, as it maintains a dialogue with Brasilia's modernist heritage and has a consistencewith the lot and neighborhood in which it is located.