发布时间:2023-03-23 06:36:02 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

本项目由地产公司SoLa Impact发起,该公司的目标是通过保护、更新、创造高质量的经济适用房,振兴洛杉矶少数族裔社区,使社区恢复活力。自2015年以来,SoLa已经收购了1500栋住宅单元,并准备在大洛杉矶地区继续开发、建设和修复另外1300栋新的住宅单元。目前SoLa Impact公司持有三个房地产基金会,并负责管理运营其中的200多栋建筑。

SoLa Impact’s mission to preserve, refresh, and create high-quality affordable housing has revitalized Black and Brown communities throughout Los Angeles. Since 2015, SoLa has acquired 1,500 units and is currently in the development, construction, and rehab on another 1,300 new units in the greater Los Angeles area. SoLa Impact currently owns and manages 200+ buildings across its three real estate funds.

▼项目概览,overall of pavilion © Paul Vu

“建设高质量的经济适用房,并对社区进行高标准的运营与维护”作为SoLa公司的宗旨,与当地机会区(opportunity zone)立法委员会的想法高度契合,这也为“蜂巢”校园的创立创造出绝佳的机会。作为全美第一座机会区(opportunity zone)内商业校园,“蜂巢”真正代表了该区立法会的精神,校园的诞生激励了少数民族企业和当地企业家,切实回应而不是忽视了他们的期望。

The company’s primary initiatives—building and maintaining high-quality affordable housing developments—were naturally aligned with the Opportunity Zone legislation when it was created, which provided an avenue for SoLa to develop The Beehive campus. As the nation’s first Opportunity Zone business campus, The Beehive truly represents the spirit of that legislation, as the campus was born from a desire to uplift, not uproot, minority-owned businesses and local entrepreneurs.

▼“蜂巢”学院整体鸟瞰,aerial view of the Beehive campus © Paul Vu

▼顶视图,top view © Paul Vu

该雕塑作品落成后,立即成为了SoLa Impact “蜂巢”园区中的焦点,将周围的游客汇集到一起。当人们走进雕塑内部向外看时,它则变身为校园开放空间的景观画框。这座精致的雕塑作品轻巧地置于地面之上,顶部的壳体结构相对于两则厚重得多。随着高度的增加,“蜂巢”单元中的光圈也逐渐增大,这种设计在减轻雕塑自重、改善内部采光的同时,也在地面上创造出有趣的光影效果。

The sculpture functions as the focal object at SoLa Impact’s Beehive campus, gathering visitors around it. While standing underneath, it frames the view toward the open space on campus. The sculpture delicately rests on the ground; the shell is dramatically thicker above. Apertures progressively increase in size towards the top, lightening the experience within sculpture while creating shadow play on the ground.

▼雕塑外观概览,overall of appearance © Paul Vu

▼顶部壳体结构更为厚重,the shell is dramatically thicker above © Paul Vu


The design is the result of a delicate balance of forces within a physics simulation. The arch is created by outwards forces mimicking the voluminous Manilla shape balanced with catenary gravitational forces and planarization forces acting on the individual shapes. The interior shell is self-supporting, while the outer pieces buttress the form and provide rigidity.

▼拱门形态犹如一枚巨大的“马尼拉钱币”, the arch is created by outwards forces mimicking the voluminous Manilla shape © Paul Vu


▼结构详图,construction details ©OCA

Tessellated hexagons form the sculpture, but some shapes have five sides and some seven. Some are askew while others are perfectly symmetrical. A total of 497 unique pieces form the sculpture weighing 3,785 pounds, and each piece is strong enough to hold the other’s weight. The tessellation symbolizes the organizational strength derived from individual, unique elements.

▼外侧蜂巢结构,outer honeycomb structure © Paul Vu

▼内侧蜂巢结构细部,details of the inner honeycomb structure © Paul Vu

“马尼拉币在西非曾被用作通用货币,但后来与奴隶贸易有关。在许多方面,它都可以被认为是最初的‘黑色经济货币’。我们的目标是将蜂巢的概念与最初的西非货币形象融合在一起。马尼拉币象征并承认了奴隶制的痛苦过去,但在我们的解读中,它则代表了黑人企业家的精神。目前在西非,仍有很多人热衷于收集马尼拉币,尤其是在我的祖国尼日利亚,它代表着一种美丽和价值。” “Manilla(s) were used in West Africa as a form of general currency, but later became associated with the slave trade. In many respects, it was the original ‘currency for the black economy’. Our goal was to fuse the honeycomb concept with the original West African currency. It recognizes the painful past of slavery, but in our interpretation, reclaims the original purpose of Manillas as a representation of black entrepreneurship. Manillas are still collected in West Africa, particularly in my home country of Nigeria, to represent a thing of beauty and value.”

▼艺术家与雕塑,the artist and the sculpture © Paul Vu

▼总平面图,master plan ©OCA

▼立面图,elevations ©OCA


“蜂巢”展亭,洛杉矶 / OCA
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