Armani’s new London boutique brings together fashion and home collections together for the first time. Photography: Beppe Raso
乔治·阿玛尼(GiorgioArmani)在伦敦有了一个全新的开端,一处全新的1000平方米零售空间首次将这家意大利房子的时尚和家居系列整合在一起。这两家紧邻但相互关联的精品店位于斯隆街(Sloane Street),以仿大理石和红玛瑙地板的谨慎调色板装饰丝绸墙面。
乔治·阿玛尼(Giorgio Armani)说:“复杂的材料、珍贵的装饰和温暖的氛围是连接这两个环境的主题。”阿玛尼一直直接参与这个空间的设计,他把这个空间描述为“邀请客户探索我的生活方式哲学的工作室”。
正如2018年4月的壁纸*(W* 229)
Menswear occupies the lower ground floor, as well as a Made to Measure service. Photography: Beppe Raso
Womenswear is presented upstairs, whilst fragrance, beauty, watches and eyewear is dedicated for the main level. Photography: Beppe Raso
Left, ‘Move’ vase, £144; ‘Elisir’ bowl, £95; ‘Elizabeth’ centrepiece, £1,440, all by Armani/Casa. Right, ‘Jingo’ table, £23,050; ‘Miya’ table lamp, £1,800; ‘Eagle’ paperweight, £279; ‘Hugo’ box, £1,251, all by Armani/Casa. Jacket, £900; shirt, £360; trousers, £630, all by Giorgio Armani. Photography: Alessandro Furchino Capria
The two adjoining boutiques are interconnected by a curved walkway. Photography: Beppe Raso
Silk wallcoverings reflect the discreet palette, mimicking the marble and onyx floors. Photography: Beppe Raso
keywords:Giorgio Armani, Showrooms, London design