发布时间:2020-04-11 14:52:56 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

Bunhill 2能源中心是一座史无前例的建筑,它利用地铁设施排放的废热,为伊斯灵顿的住宅、休闲中心以及学校供暖。革命性的能源中心为伦敦乃至全球的“脱碳供暖”计划描绘了蓝图:在减少供暖成本和碳排放量的同时,改善空气质量,提高城市自给自足的能力。

Bunhill 2 Energy Centre is a world-first scheme that uses waste heat from the Tube to warm homes, leisure centres and a school in Islington, London. The revolutionary Energy Centre provides a blueprint for decarbonising heat in potential future schemes in London and around the world, reducing heating bills and carbon emissions while improving air quality and making cities more self-sufficient in energy.

▼建筑外观,exterior view ©Paul Raftery

气候 | Climate

能源中心在原先废弃的City Road地铁站的旧址上使用了最为先进的技术。巨大的地下风扇将从北线所在的地下隧道中抽出热气用于烧水,然后再通过新建造的、长度为1.5公里的地下管道网络泵送至附近的建筑和社区。


▼能源中心利用地铁设施的废热为伊斯灵顿的住宅、休闲中心以及学校供暖,Bunhill 2 Energy Centre uses waste heat from the Tube to warm homes, leisure centres and a school in Islington ©Paul Raftery

The new energy centre uses state-of-the-art technology on the site of a disused Underground station, once known as City Road. A huge underground fan extracts warm air from the Northern line tunnels below. The warm air is used to heat water that is then pumped to buildings in the neighbourhood through a new 1.5km network of underground pipes.

The energy centre and new pipework adds a further 550 homes and a primary school to the existing Bunhill Heat and Power district heating network and gives the system the potential to supply up to 2,200 homes. The heating bills for council tenants connected to the network will be cut by 10 per cent compared to other communal heating systems, which themselves cost around half as much as standalone systems heating individual homes. In addition, the two-metre fan, installed in an existing six-storey London Underground mid-tunnel ventilation shaft, can also be reversed to help with cooling the Tube tunnels in the summer months.

▼能源中心与周围建筑,Bunhill 2 Energy Centre and its surrounding structures ©Paul Raftery

周边环境 | Context

这一位于城市道路交界处的场地狭小、破旧却又十分引人注目:旧地铁站废弃的通风井、胡乱张贴的广告和小报、破旧的砖砌变电站以及补丁一般的灰色空间——各种事物混乱地叠加在一起。为了应对这些问题,Cullinan Studio提出将既有设施和新元素精心地组织起来,创建一个由预制结构组成的全新整体,为建筑赋予美观的饰面,同时改善现有的景观环境。基于高水平的城市设计原则,新建的设施呼应了既有建筑的线条轮廓,在强调街道边界的同时定义出街角场地的新面貌。

This small, neglected but prominent site at a junction on City Road was full of disparate clutter, including the forlorn ventilation shaft of the former City Road Underground station, smothered in advertising hoardings and fly-postings, a shabby brick substation and left-over patches of space between. Consulting extensively with the local community, Planners and local Councillors, Cullinan Studio’s approach was to organise the new elements with the existing features to create a well-composed assembly of prefabricated structures, clad in attractive materials and set in an enhanced landscape. Key moves were made to minimise the visual and environmental impact on adjacent residents and using principles of good urban design, the architecture was composed to echo existing building lines, strengthen street edges and redefine the street corner.

▼新建设施在强调街道边界的同时定义出街角场地的新面貌,the architecture was composed to echo existing building lines, strengthen street edges and redefine the street corner ©Paul Raftery

创造性 | Creativity

首层立面选择了质地粗犷的材料以防止涂鸦、撞击和刮伤,结合以伦敦地铁中常见的光泽釉面砖和炭黑色釉面钢板,回应了场地的历史。围绕着基座部分的墙面,建筑团队与艺术家Toby Paterson合作打造了一系列铸铝浮雕装饰挂板,反映了与社区相关的信息。

A palette of robust materials was selected to be resistant to graffiti, knocks and scratches, with lustrous black glazed brick and charcoal vitreous enamel steel panels for the ground level, selected for their association with the site’s transport heritage and commonly found on London Underground. Cullinan Studio worked with artist Toby Paterson whose cast aluminium relief panels tesselate across the base and provide his contextual response to the local community.

▼首层立面黑色玻璃砖和釉面钢板,lustrous black glazed brick and charcoal vitreous enamel steel panels were used for the ground level ©Paul Raftery

▼铸铝浮雕装饰挂板反映了与社区相关的信息,the cast aluminium relief panels tesselate across the base and provide a contextual response to the local community ©Paul Raftery


The rich, dark copper coloured metal cladding to the upper storeys accommodates a perforation pattern that ebbs and flows in response to the varying degrees of ventilation required for the equipment behind; providing dynamism and transparency to the façade. Growing in scale as they rise up the energy centre they evoke the invisible networks below ground; whether these are pipes for district heating, underground tube lines or thermal air currents.

▼上方楼层使用了深色的金属穿孔板,the upper storeys were cladded with the rich, dark copper coloured metal ©Paul Raftery

▼动态而透明的观感,the dynamic and transparent facades ©Paul Raftery

▼立面图案随着内部设施所要求的通风程度而变化,the perforation pattern ebbs and flows in response to the varying degrees of ventilation required for the equipment behind ©Paul Raftery

▼建筑夜景,night view ©Paul Raftery

▼首层平面图,ground floor plan ©Cullinan Studio

©Cullinan Studio


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