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环境 | Context


2012年,在意识到该地块的重要性和复杂性之后, KKCG REG公司发起了国际建筑研讨会,旨在为场地开发寻找合适的方案。研讨会提出的主要挑战是如何合理利用大面积的闲置空地——它靠近电车和地铁站,并且在布拉格的城市全景中占据着显眼的位置,拥有朝向布拉格城堡的视野。

▼项目概览,Overall view

The building site is located directly over a metro station, right next to one of the city’s major radial roads, Evropská, which connects the city centre to the airport. The site has an elevation difference ranging from 7 up to 14 meters and is immediately surrounded by heterogeneous development, with a neighbourhood of family villas followed by mid-rise apartment buildings and even a socialist housing estate further away.

In 2012, conscious of the significance and complicated character of the site, the KKCG REG investment company held an international architecture workshop to find a suitable solution for its development. The main challenge posed by the workshop was the inadequacy of a sizable vacant plot, close to tram and metro stations, with a prominent place in the Prague panorama and views to the Prague Castle.

沿街道视角,View from the street


The main assignment of the architecture workshop was to take advantage of the existing topography – and to do so in such a way that a small local shopping centre (approx. 9,000 m2) is created in the underground part of the project (on Kladenská street level) and then several (minimum three) individual volumes are added on top of this platform, providing office space (approx. 26,000 m2).

▼建筑顺应现有地形,The project takes advantage of the existing topography


Permeability and Connectivity


The scope of the design went beyond just individual buildings’ aesthetics and rational floor layout – the space around and in between buildings was equally important. The four crystalline volumes stand on a low two-story plinth. The purpose of the plinth is to address the different elevations of neighbouring streets. Narrow alleys and small open spaces are formed between the crystals, reminiscent of the public spaces typical for compact historical city centres.

▼建筑之间的户外空间,Outdoor space between buildings


The transparent ceiling of the underground level

地下购物中心,Shopping centre

设计中还引入了一个小型露天广场“piazzetta”,其所在的位置原先也是一座类似的历史广场。piazzetta为整个建筑群和地铁站的入口区域提供了无障碍的入口通道。由Federico Díaz创作的雕塑强调了场所背后的价值。建筑内外空间的连通程度堪比蚁穴,为使用者提供了尽可能广阔的行走和活动范围。

The design also introduces a small “piazzetta”, located at the site of a similar pre-existing historical square. The piazzetta also provides barrier-free access to the whole building complex and the metro station vestibule. AFederico Díaz sculpture underscores the place’s significance. For both the interior and the exterior, the scope of possible movement through the complex could be likened to that of an anthill.

露天广场,The small “piazzetta”

▼由Federico Díaz创作的雕塑,The sculpture created by Federico Díaz

▼鸟瞰,Aerial view

透明立面 – 街区般的体块

Glazed Façade – Expressing the Block Composition


The solid and more traditional formal expression of the two-story plinth helps to integrate the building with the surrounding urban context of the Kladenská street. At the street level, solid walls of light stone cladding are punctuated by large display windows. The more regular, vertical parts of the glass curtain wall use a prefabricated modular façade, while the more complicated, angular and three-dimensional parts use a stick system façade. During the project development, full scale 3D printed models were made to test some of the most complex structural elements. An extraordinary part of the building envelope features a glass ceiling stretching between buildings I and II. The three-dimensional steel load-bearing structure includes a service cavity for peripheral wiring at the steel profile bottom flange.

以浅色石材包覆的实体墙中间穿插着大型的展示窗口,Solid walls of light stone cladding are punctuated by large display windows

▼建筑单体外观,The individual building volume

▼立面近景,Facade close view



Public Space and Vegetation / Balancing Built-Up Surfaces and Green Spaces


For the most part, new public spaces receive ample daylight and are sufficiently shielded from the noise of the Evropská radial road. Individual buildings – crystals – are set into stepped green gardens, their entrance lobbies and courts filled with lush vegetation, with creepers growing up through the buildings. An experimental form of indoor vegetation, quite unlike the typical green wall, was designed for this project. Several large, three-dimensional structures from rough-hewn wooden posts were erected to carry epiphytic plants. Following that, an open green park with grown trees was designed in the eastern part of the site, balancing the built-up surfaces and the green spaces.


采光庭院,The lighting courtyard

▼专门设计的实验性室内绿化带,The customized indoor vegetation


Integrating Art in the Architectural Program


From the beginning, the architects of the Bořislavka Centre envisioned several unique artistic interventions as integral parts of the design concept. For their realisation, two possible stages in the project development were considered. First group of artworks would be finished at the time of the building’s completion and installed at predetermined locations (in the piazzetta, in front of the main entrance, or in specific interior positions). A second group of art interventions will continue to be commissioned and installed in the public open space after the building’s completion. The interventions will be selected and positioned contextually with the existing artworks from the first group, reacting to existing spatial relationships.

贯穿建筑的艺术作品,Artworks are installed at predetermined locations through the building

▼雕塑作品,Sculpture work

室内空间 – 办公空间

Indoor Environment – Office Space


Contemporary office interiors are inevitably filled with unified products, for a comfortable everyday use it is therefore very important to supplement them with individual, custom-made, and craftsmanship solutions. The individual and the unified elements work together in a strong, natural and balanced composition. Colors and textures of raw substances and natural building materials also serve as important interior design tools.

▼办公空间中庭,Office atrium

▼室内花园,Indoor garden

▼公共区域,Communal area

室内细节,Interior details


▼办公区域,Office area

会议室,Meeting room






For its rainwater management solution, extensive green roofs and the building energy management system (energy recovery from elevators, heat exchanger), among other things, the building complex has been awarded the internationally recognized LEED Gold environmental certificate.


▼建筑外观,Exterior view

▼整体夜景,Overall view in the evening

▼场地平面图,Site plan

▼首层平面图,Ground floor plan

▼地下一层平面图,Plan level B1

▼地下二层平面图,Plan level B2

▼三层平面图,Third floor plan

▼纵剖面图,Longitudinal section

▼横剖面图,Cross section

Studio: Aulík Fišer architekti

Author: Jan Aulík, Leoš Horák


Website:Social media:Studio address: Na Václavce 3307/3a, Prague 5, Czech Republic

Co-author: Jakub Fišer, Jakub Hemzal, Gabriela Králová, David Zalabák, Alena Sedláková, Petra Coufal Skalická, Eva Mašková, Jan Dluhoš

Design team: Ondřej Černý, Petra Měrková, Oleksandr Nebozhenko, Vojtěch Štamberg, Kristýna Zámostná

Project location: Evropská 866/65, 160 00 Prague 6

Project country: Czech Republic

Project year: 2012-2018Completion year: 2018-2021

Built-up Area: 10 780 m²

Gross Floor Area: 69 735 m²

Plot size: 17 000 m²

Cost: 143 mil. €

Client: KKCG Real Estate Group


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