发布时间:2020-01-05 13:18:16 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

“该住宅位于华盛顿州惠德比岛上一个林木茂密的滨水地带。设计者为了保护海岸线的视觉完整性,将建筑安置在距离悬崖边缘几百码远的森林与草地之间的交界处。利用本土植物打造的雨水花园及屋顶绿化使房屋的一侧完美融合进森林景致之中。房屋的另一侧,延伸至海岸线的开阔草坪将普吉特海湾的美景完美呈现。这个项目朴素却深刻,它默默讲述了人类是怎样在实现自我价值的同时,保留有对自然的深切尊重。” – 2019年评审委员会

“On a wooded, waterfront site on Whidbey Island in Washington State, this house sits back several hundred yards from the edge of a bluff at the interface between forest and meadow, deliberately protecting the visual integrity of the coastline. A rain garden filled with native plants and a vegetated roof help immerse the home in the landscape on the forest side, and a grassy meadow on the water side allows views of Puget Sound. Understated yet profound, this is a home that tells an important story of how human values must include deep respect for the natural world.” – 2019 Awards Jury


The clients, a wildlife photographer and a blacksmith, relocated to this wooded 80-acre waterfront site on the southwest corner of Whidbey Island, a 20-minute ferry ride north of Seattle. They placed the majority of the site in a permanent conservation easement and retained an acre to build a 2,000-square-foot main house, guest cabin and workshop. They situated their home in a location that is not readily visible from the water, with the philosophy that that if they wanted to experience the water’s edge, they could walk out there rather than mar the view of this undeveloped piece of the island for others. As a result, the home sits several hundred yards from the edge of the bluff at the interface between forest and meadow. Subtle grading and vegetated roofs create the impression of being immersed in the landscape on the forest side, while open and expansive on the water side. The result is a thoughtful and beautifully crafted home that feels as if it grew out of the site.

▲生态过渡带:业主除了留有足够的土地建造住宅及客房以外,将80亩场地的大部分林地都永久性保护起来。处于森林和草地之间的生态过渡带,此设计放大了两种生态群落的特征。Ecotone: The clients retained enough land to build their home and guesthouse while placing the remaining majority of the 80-acre site in a permanent conservation easement. At the ecotone of forest and meadow, the design amplifies each ecological community.









▲场地的呈现:沿着蜿蜒的碎石路向前,森林逐渐过渡为阳光普照的草地,住宅也随之慢慢显露。The site is unveiled: Upon arrival along a winding gravel road, the home slowly reveals itself as the forest opens to the sunlit meadow hinting at what is to come.

▲巧妙设计的道路连接:在夜晚微弱的灯光下,蜿蜒的人行道,将游客引向主入口。访客停车区与住宅之间留有一定距离,以营造更加亲近自然的游览体验。Choreographed Connection: A gently curving footpath, faintly lit at night, beckons visitors toward the main entry. Guest parking is intentionally distanced from the home to provide a choreographed sense of arrival and heightened connection with the natural environment.

▲沉浸式入口:绿色屋顶将森林中的自然风光整合入建筑,雨水花园的景致结合排水孔落下的水生,营造出沉浸式入户体验。Immersive Entry: A vegetated roof integrates the main home within its forested setting and provides an entry experience of immersion with views of the rain garden and the sound of water falling from the scuppers.

▲设计精确的入口:水通过小路中狭窄的通道流向雨花园,创造了一个微妙的入口景观。不远处,一根柱子轻轻地悬立在一块精心放置的巨石上,仿佛房子就是因它而建。A Curated Entry: Water flows toward the rain garden through a narrow slot in the walkway, creating a subtle entry threshold. Just beyond, a column lands gently on a carefully placed boulder sourced offsite, giving the sense the home was built around it.

▲建筑与环境的融合:临近森林的一侧,自然景观包裹着被称为“漂砾”的金属建筑体块。雨水花园收集了地面及屋顶的雨水,并创造了与建筑草地一侧完全不同的景观体验。Building and Site Integration: On the forest side of the house, the landscape envelops the steel clad volumes dubbed the “erratics.” The rain garden collects site and roof runoff and provides a distinctly different experience from the meadow side of the property.

▲森林与草地的交界地带:住宅内每个窗户中能看到的景色都经过了巧妙的安排,着重表现了不一样的景观特色。在这里,从连接不同“漂砾” 建筑体块的的窗户中,可以看到海岸线的悬崖。Where forest meets meadow: Views from each window are deliberate and focused on unique elements of the site. Here the bluff and Sound are visible through the slotted window between the “erratics” of the home.

▲四季不同的屋顶景观:屋顶绿化的植被包括色耧斗草,福禄考,欧蓍草和高山海葵。早晨的阳光温暖着屋顶上的本土植物,石制的烟囱从建筑临水一侧的屋顶上伸出来。Vegetated Roof Signals change in seasons: Vegetative roof plantings include red columbine, phlox, yarrow, and alpine anemone. Morning light catches the native plants on the roof, and the stone chimney hints at the covered terrace on the water side of the house.

▲着力打造的生态:雨水花园主要使用西北太洋的原生植物,以回应场地地形和自然风化条件下形成的各种微气候和生态环境。雨水花园的设计利用多种不同类型的景观草,打造出与高低地区截然不同野生自然景致。Amplified ecologies: The rain garden, composed of Pacific Northwest native plants, responds to the various microclimates and ecozones created by the site’s topography and exposure. The design incorporates rushes and sedges for a wild, grassy feel, distinctly different from the upland areas.

▲室外空间及活动:固定在住在北侧的倾斜的花岗岩和玄武岩壁炉的灵感来自于业主对CCC工艺的热爱。半开放的的室外空间,包括可以生火的草地露台和旨在扩展室内居住空间的休闲露台。Outdoor Rooms for outdoor living: The canted granite and basalt fireplace inspired by the owners’ love of CCC craftsmanship, anchors the north side of the house. Covered outdoor spaces including the firepalce meadow terraces and a sleeping terrace extend living space throughout the seasons.

▲秘密露台:壁炉旁层放置露台的地方,放置了一块打捞起来后切割过的石台,为野餐,阅读和沉思提供了一个秘密的栖息地,这里成为欣赏美景的理想场所。Gazebo Ghost: A salvaged end-cut stone from the fireplace hearth was sited to create a secret perch for picnics, reading and contemplation in the same spot where a gazebo once stood. It’s a perfect place to take in the view.

▲夕阳西下,住宅成为这个生态过渡带中绝佳的停留地,在这里可以欣赏到多种多样的野生动物在草地上穿行。Meadow at Dusk: As daylight descends, the home becomes the perfect refuge at the ecotone to view a wide variety of wildlife moving across the meadow.

▲平衡的视野:业主选择将房屋远离海岸线设置,以免破坏小岛海岸线的自然生态风光。在需要时,他们仍能步行前往海边体验美景。A balanced perspective: The owners intentionally sited the home away from the water with the philosophy that that if they wanted to experience the water’s edge, they could walk there rather than mar the view of the island for others.

A palette of stone, metal and wood seamlessly connects indoor and outdoor spaces through simple and compelling expressions. Context-sensitive design and sustainable strategies address water reuse, site impacts and visual character, maintaining ecological integrity to this abandoned homestead site along the high bank bluff of Whidbey Island’s west side. Landscape architect and architect team strategically sited bedrooms, bathrooms, mudroom and a media room to open up to fern grottos, evergreen trees and the sound of frogs from the wetland pond below the house.

Keeping in mind the ultimate commitment to sustainability, the owners and design team worked together to research and source materials that were Red List free and low in heavy metals. Finishes exposed to weather are low maintenance, intended to darken and patina with age. Decking, wood paneling, wood sills, wood counters, steel bolts and bridge washers were reclaimed and reused from an old family home. Where reclaimed materials were not available, materials were sourced locally. A 9.02 kW ground-mounted PV array sits out in the meadow and rainwater is harvested from the pavilion roof and rain garden and stored in 8000-gallon cisterns before being pumped to a filtration system located in the garage to be used for toilet flushing, laundry and spot irrigation.

One first experiences the site meandering slowly through the deep forest on a double track dirt and gravel road. The arrival drive rolls and bends around huge second-growth firs with little evidence of human intervention. After what seems an eternity, a hairpin turn rises up a small hill, and as you crest the top, the views through the forest start to open up and a bluff is visible in the distance—the arrival experience of surprise and subtlety sets the tone for the overall design.

The gravel drive continues to a small turf parking area that allows for a slight glimpse of a structure through the open forest. From there, a gently curving and lightly lit footpath begs visitors to follow it toward the house. The path descends into the lush landscape, creating a sense of calm and decompression as guests walk to a slender, covered walkway that connects the main house and the garage. Here, the partially buried, metal-clad exterior of the main house begins to emerge.

A bright green vegetated roof covers the forested side of the home, and scuppers direct rainwater into the absorbent landscape of the rain garden below. The roof combines red columbine, phlox, yarrow, and alpine anemone, grounding the architecture and adding to the immersive experience desired by the owners.

Using primarily native plants, the rain garden responds to the various microclimates and ecozones created by topography and exposure. It is composed of several types of rushes, such as creeping spike rush and dagger leaf, to provide a wilder grassy feel that is distinctly different from the upland areas.

Beneath the covered walkway, a single post lands delicately on a huge boulder, retaining grade just to the right of the front door, as if the home were built around it. A slim gap in the walkway allows water to flow from one side of the rain gardens to the other. The water-like textured glass front door opens to reveal the interior of a light-filled wood and glass pavilion with floor-to-ceiling windows that provide a surprising and expansive view across a bright grassy meadow and Puget Sound beyond. The striking contrast of the dense forest and the soft meadow environments is the intentional result of a careful and collaborative exploration of siting by the owners, architect and landscape architect.

Beyond the meadow, the view transitions to the bluff. Hidden yet open, grounded but filled with light, architectural restraint, an immersive landscape and a simple palette embody the homeowners’ values and vision.


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