发布时间:2018-06-18 22:57:39 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

意大利城镇Civita di Bagnoregio被称作“天空之城”,是一个景色绝美又极富艺术气息的历史小镇。早在13世纪,该城镇就在Chiaro与 Torbido河流的环绕中安顿。这个栖息在山顶的村镇摇摇欲坠,与周围环境仅靠一条高出海平面70米的大桥相连。严苛的地理环境时刻威胁着小镇的生存状况,为了营救这座美丽的城镇,意大利旅游局在2017年发起保护小镇计划,并鼓励游客来访,促进小镇的经济增长。

Perched on the top of a hill surrounded by the valleys formed by Chiaro and Torbido rivers, Civita di Bagnoregio is renowned for its artistic heritage. The ancient 13th century hilltop village is positioned precariously on a crumbling hilltop with the only access point along a suspended 70 metre high bridge. The village is in need of continued investment to remain intact and is one of the many villages supported by the Italian tourist board as part of its 2017 campaign to protect small villages.

▼小镇风光,view of the town


Today, Airbnb welcomes the Artist House to its platform hosted by the Mayor of Civita, to serve as an inspiring creative retreat for the artist community and travellers alike. As part of its commitment to support communities around the world, Airbnb has enlisted experts to painstakingly renovate and restore the ancient dilapidated house to its original glory after a major earthquake in the 1980s.

▼住宅外景象,exterior view

在所有者Federica Sala的合作下,DWA Design Studio对该项目中的住宅进行室内空间改造,并以期展现该小镇浓厚的历史与文艺特性。这个与外界仅依靠一跟桥梁连接的小镇焕发着超现实主义风采,在此次改造过程中,设计师试图捕捉这一历史特性,在去与未来之间建立超现实主义的对话。

In collaboration with the curator Federica Sala, Airbnb appointed DWA Design Studio, to relook the interior of the house and transform the interiors into a home that embodies the historic artistic talents of the village. In a place which seems to be out of time, connected to reality by a long bridge like an antique tuff stone island, the project researches a dialogue between traces of history and contemporaneity, with its necessity to regain the bonds with its past.

▼改造后的底层起居空间,the living space on the ground floor

▼洗手池细节,detail of the basin

Francesco Simeti被其所有者Federica Sala亲切的称为代表Civita小镇遗产的特别存在。艺术作品“Plunged into Gullies, Entangled in Orchids”的创作灵感来自于意大利文艺复兴时期的绘画作品,和环绕Civita周围的无尽美景。这件极具当代风格的挂毯悬挂在公寓的主空间中,其侧边摆放着兰花雕塑。

Francesco Simeti was called by the curator Federica Sala for a site specific installation that symbolises the cultural heritage of Civita. The artwork named ‘Plunged into Gullies, Entangled in Orchids’, is inspired by the historical paintings of the Italian Renaissance and the layered landscape surrounding Civita. The artwork is composed of a contemporary tapestry for the main room and bronze sculptures of orchids that grow in the valley surrounding the house.

▼起居室装饰着当代风格的挂毯和兰花雕塑,the space is decorated with a contemporary tapestry and bronze sculptures of orchids


Thanks to objects which represent the history of Italian design the interiors become a stage for connecting with shapes and materials of the tradition of this region. Discreet presences able to give new meanings to ancient places. Not only objects but also colours become witnesses of the relationship between the changing landscape and the interiors where one can find the grey shades of the fog which covers Civita making it almost disappear, the blue of summer skies, the green of the trees and the ochre of tuff stone.

▼室内装饰迎合了意大利本土设计风格,the  objects represent the history of Italian design

▼空间的色彩运用也回应了小镇风光,colours become witnesses of the relationship between the changing landscape

▼俯瞰楼梯间,look down to the staircase


Accommodating up to five people, the house is versatile and cleverly designed, with rooms transforming from dining areas to bedrooms depending on need. Wanting to research new ways to live the interiors led to suggest different uses of the space in order to nurture the different necessities of the people who will live in this house. Adaptable furniture inspired by handmade crafts offer new micro-habitats in which different activities can coexist, as in an artist atelier where everyday life is interwoven with work, art and culture. Domestic spaces where conviviality and conversation are essential, not only between people but also between them and the spirit of the place in which they are staying.

▼可自由变换使用形式的定制家具,the customized furniture

▼定制家具令多种空间活动在同一时间有条不紊的进行,adaptable furniture inspired by handmade crafts offer new micro-habitats in which different activities can coexist

▼上层卧室,the bedroom on the first floor

▼一层平面,the ground floor plan

▼二层平面,the first floor plan

Project Name: Artist House “casa Greco”

Type: Hospitality

Client: Airbnb Italia

Completion Date: March 2017

Floor Area: 140 sqm

Location: Civita di Bagnoregio (Viterbo), Italy

Photo Credits: Frederik De Wachter


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