Lac Residence
柔和 舒适 简练
Lac Residence是一处小型住宅改造项目,Chrisma结合业主的客观需求和特殊喜好,住宅内部营造出舒适、简练、具有场地元素的空间氛围。
Lac Residence is a small residential renovation project. Chrisma combined the objective needs and special preferences of the owner to create a comfortable, concise space atmosphere with site elements inside the residence.
Cottagepad House
自然 通透 和谐
在Cottagepad House的项目中,Chrisma设计了一个超大尺度的开放式花园,建筑屋顶采用稻草作为顶界面的装饰。经过特殊处理的稻草赋予了建筑一定的美观性,使其拥有独特的建筑外观,同时又与周边的景观环境融为一体,创造出一种耐看的、和谐的美学。
Chrisma wanted to create a larger open garden around the perimeter of the house as much as possible, while the roof structure was always decorated with straw. This material gives the building a certain aesthetic, and the treated straw adds uniqueness to the overall appearance, while at the same time blending into the surrounding landscape, creating a timeless beauty.
Brightstone Residence
自然 通透 和谐
Brightstone is a small apartment. Chrisma perfectly balances practicality, privacy and aesthetics, with a warm atmosphere, unique combinations and flexible space layout, making the small space attractive and relaxing.