发布时间:2016-10-08 12:01:26 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}






Following a 2011 Cloudburst that caused damage of approximately USD $1 billion, climate change mitigation solutions became an urgent focus for the city of Copenhagen. The flood’s consequences transcended jurisdictional boundaries, necessitating a truly collaborative effort be established between planners, engineers, economists, citizens, utility providers, politicians, and investors to integrate Climate Adaptation within regulatory planning.

The result is the Copenhagen Cloudburst Formula, a flexible, universally adaptable model for mitigating increasingly common extreme flood events – or Cloudbursts – through Blue-Green solutions that integrate urban planning, traffic, and hydraulic analysis with sound investment strategies to improve the quality of cities’ Liveability.

Existing city space is valuable. A cost-benefit analysis, conducted on the 10km2 catchment, concluded that the potential of implementing a surface-first approach to mitigating Cloudbursts over solely pipe-based systems reduced investment costs by over $200 million.

The trickle-down effect has been the identification of over 300 citywide pilot projects, the incorporation of flood management design guidelines within local developer requirements, and the testing of the Copenhagen Cloudburst Formula applicability throughout Europe, the Americas, and Asia.

△ 城市秩序的拐点 Game changer


July, 2011 – Copenhagen was hit by a destructive Cloudburst leaving 50,000 homes without heat for a week, impacting over 90,000 insurance claims, and causing upwards of USD $1 billion in property damage, transport delays, and production halts.

Photo Credit: Ramboll and Ramboll Studio Dreiseitl









1. 数据收集与调查:根据暴雨风险指标,城市将调查、鉴定并依次排列不同地区的受威胁程度,拉动投资、影响地块价值的可能性,以及策略实施对相邻地块开发的影响程度。

2. 建立模型与绘制地图:各行政区将其领域划分为不同的暴雨集水区,通过建立包括地理信息系统、地表水、污水系统、地貌特征、风险评估在内的大型水文模型来确定出脆弱区域。在这些区域中,仅依靠传统管道系统远远不足,而公共自来水公司则开始资助包含有暴雨管理措施的相关项目。

3. 无措施的花销:气候变化所带来的影响之大令人咋舌,经政府与专业顾问公司分析、计算,即使不采取任何措施,至2110年每年应对其的花费也将高达6-9千万美金。

4. 设计与资格:重点区域将被标识出来,将策略性的规划方案转化为人类尺度的空间体验,并为其他城市减缓暴雨以及应对日常降雨提供范例。而“暴雨工具箱”也将成为一个具有普适性,灵活性的多功能设计手法库。

5. 参与与互动:暴雨会影响到哥本哈根的每一个角落,一套为公众参与而设计的全面策略应运而生,让每一位可能收到影响的普通公民也能就此出谋划策。

6. 暴雨经济:团队针对两种截然不同的规划方案给出了详细的成本效益分析报告。以高比例蓝绿策略和低比例市政管道改造组合而成的规划方案相较于传统的规划方案将节省近50%的花费。而随之而来的在居民健康、环境和城市空间质量的提升将进一步提升其经济效应。



两个规划方案被放在一起相互比较各自的长处与短处。同样跨越了街道、步行道、建筑和火车路轨等城市“屏障”,同样以些微的高差阻止洪水直接由哥本哈根港口主排水口直接涌向大海,两个方案最大的不同点在于对Sankt Jørgens湖的处理方式之上。

传统手法的设计方案保留了Sankt Jørgens的现状,这之中固然有其不可磨灭的文化意义,然而湖面的高度已高出街道平面,在雨天往往洪水泛滥,只能依靠新建一条直径5米的排水管道将洪水引入港口。与蓝绿方案相比,需要两倍的土地面积与投入才能满足其相应的工程技术要求,同时也限制了新的公共绿色空间的发展。











△ 哥本哈根暴雨应对行为准则 Copenhagen Cloudburst Formula


A Liveable Cities approach for mitigating Cloudbursts – Blue-Green surface solutions with reduced piping infrastructure – is proven to be more investment friendly than piped solutions and creates diverse direct and indirect benefits for socio-economic conditions.

Photo Credit: Ramboll and Ramboll Studio Dreiseitl

△ 基于现状分析的解决方案 Analysis-Based Solutions


The Lådegåds-Åen catchment was selected as a prototypical test area due to its high risk to flooding and sea surges. Comprehensive site analysis led to establishing the Copenhagen Cloudburst Formula and a Cloudburst Toolkit of urban mitigation strategies and components.

Photo Credit: Ramboll and Ramboll Studio Dreiseitl

△ 共同的愿景 Common Vision


Within the Lådegåds-Åen catchment, a system of Cloudburst boulevards follow the ‘fingers’ of the existing river network, identifying opportunities for investment along green corridors where surface solutions ensure mitigation is visible, interactive. Payback = a vibrant, liveable city.

Photo Credit: Ramboll and Ramboll Studio Dreiseitl

△ 开发选项的评估 Evaluating Development Options


The masterplan with the highest concentration of Blue-Green Tools and reduced pipe sizes results in higher quality open spaces, lower investment costs, and more flexible mitigation strategies. Resiliency necessitates combining the best of existing infrastructure with low-tech solutions.

Photo Credit: Ramboll and Ramboll Studio Dreiseitl

△ 思维方式的变革 Change of Thinking

即使不采取任何措施,哥本哈根每年也会因为极端天气损失6千万美金。而公园则能让相邻的房产增值10%-15%,既能增加经济收入,又能减缓暴雨灾害的可靠解决方案势在必行。The cost of doing nothing creates losses of $60 million a year (City of Copenhagen). Let’s create robust solutions that add value and mitigate Cloudbursts. Parks are proven to increase property value 10-15% (Source: Trust for Public Land).

Photo Credit: Ramboll and Ramboll Studio Dreiseitl

△ 公司合作模式 Public-Private Collaboration


The Copenhagen Formula adapts interdisciplinary approaches, moving away from silo-ist, isolated thinking. A common vision aligned engineers, hydraulic experts, GIS and information technologists, architects, planners, biologists, economists, communication specialists, and landscape architects with local citizens, investors, and politicians.

Photo Credit: Ramboll and Ramboll Studio Dreiseitl

△ “暴雨工具箱”Cloudburst Toolkit


Eight Urban Intervention Tools were developed to mitigate common urban typologies – streets, parks, and plazas. The Cloudburst Toolkit combines hydraulic engineering (the ‘Grey’) with urban ecological engineering (the ‘Blue-Green’), establishing a model for universally-applicable flood mitigation strategies.

Photo Credit: Ramboll and Ramboll Studio Dreiseitl

△ 被选中的介入点 Selective Intervention


Hot Spots (sites suitable for implementing the “Cloudburst Toolkit”) were identified by the Engineer and Landscape Architect. Each tool is shown to demonstrate its applicability within the Pilot Project area as well as universal applicability as typology-based solutions.

Photo Credit: Ramboll and Ramboll Studio Dreiseitl

△ 介入手段:绿色街道Tool: Green Streets


Green Streets utilise lowered street profiles to create a ‘Safety Zone’ and a ‘Flood Pathway’ corridor. Shared public spaces integrate pedestrians, cyclists, motorists, and alternative transportation along a common public realm. Solutions are visible public education tools.

Photo Credit: Ramboll and Ramboll Studio Dreiseitl

△ 介入手段:V形城市运河 Tool: Urban Canal ‘V-Profile’


A V-Shaped road profile challenges conventional traffic engineering, retrofitting Cloudburst Streets by ‘flipping’ street layouts. The radical change allows street widths to be reduced while increasing retention capacity to handle daily and extreme rain events.

Photo Credit: Ramboll and Ramboll Studio Dreiseitl

△  拉动投资 Driving Investment


Blue-Green infrastructure helped to lower capital, operational, and maintenance spaces by as much as 75% (Source: American Rivers 2012) while Danish Consultants calculated that USD $200 million investment costs could be saved by combining Blue-Green solutions with minimized conventional piping.

Photo Credit: Ramboll and Ramboll Studio Dreiseitl

△ 理论的试验 Testing Theories


The lake currently lies higher than surrounding green spaces. Removing the physical barrier to the waterfront, creating a bypass tunnel, and combining ‘Blue-Green’ techniques with ‘Grey’ piping creates a new place for people while mitigating flood event overflow.

Photo Credit: Ramboll and Ramboll Studio Dreiseitl

△ 哥本哈根暴雨应对行为准则的实施 Applying the Copenhagen Formula


Multi-functional edges with accessible waterfronts, creating habitat zones paired with beach and recreational program while retaining and improving existing urban structure. Even during rare Cloudbursts, the lake provides flood storage and protects surrounding areas from flooding.

Photo Credit: Ramboll and Ramboll Studio Dreiseitl

△ 一个全新的经典目的地 A New ‘Old’ Destination


The lake becomes a multifunctional park space with recreation, fitness, and heritage amenities that capitalize space use, simultaneously mitigate Cloudbursts and normal rain events, and beckons residents and guests to engage with the active waterfront edge.

Photo Credit: Ramboll and Ramboll Studio Dreiseitl


Globally, the impact of climate change is an issue that can no longer be ignored.

On the 2nd of July 2011, in less than two hours, Copenhagen was hit by an extreme 1000-year storm event – or Cloudburst – where 150mm of rain left large areas of the city under up to one meter of water. The 2011 event had been preceded by a 100-year storm in August 2010 and was hit again in 2014. Copenhagen realized that Cloudbursts were not a one-off occurrence; the threat compounds as harbor sea levels are predicted to rise one meter by 2110. In a city where many buildings and services are located below street level and where stormwater and sewage are in a combined pipe system, contaminated floodwater penetrated buildings and city infrastructure.


Traditional drainage solutions such as underground reservoirs are becoming less viable as utilities occupy more underground space. Extreme weather events cannot be managed by conventional pipe systems and their occurrence becomes more difficult to predict.

Conventional infrastructure is considered to be generally technical, underground, hidden elements while Blue-Green solutions are low-tech, on the surface, and interactive. The Blue-Green Approach develops a synergistic relationship between the two, integrating climate adaptation solutions within the limited confines of urban space, encouraging a solution utilizing the best of both techniques.

The Copenhagen Concretization Plans were commissioned to combat climate change following 2011’s flood. These integrated, multi-disciplinary plans bridge the gap between planning and site-specific solutions through the application of a typology-based Cloudburst Toolkit.

The process was formalized as the Copenhagen Cloudburst Formula, a six-step procedure for integrating the Blue-Green Approach:

1. Data and Investigation: The city investigated, identified, and ranked areas according to their overall threat due to Cloudburst risk indicators, their potential to stir investment and influence property value, and the viability of implementation affecting adjacent developments.

2. Modeling and Mapping: Municipalities divided their regions into stormwater catchments, undertaking large-scale hydrological models (including GIS, surface water, sewage, landscape character, risk assessments) to map vulnerable areas. The conclusion – traditional piped solutions alone were not enough. The result – public water utility companies began financing solutions that integrated Cloudburst events.

3. Cost of Doing Nothing: An analysis undertaken by the city and consultants calculated that the effect of climate change was so large, that the cost of doing nothing would amount to approximately $60-90 million a year from now to 2110.

4. Design and Qualify: Hotspots were identified, transferring strategic planning to human-scale experiences as a model for how other cities can mitigate Cloudbursts and daily rain events. The “Cloudburst Toolkit” was developed as a palette of universally applicable, multi-functional, flexible elements.

5. Involvement and Iteration: Cloudbursts would influence each area of Copenhagen; an overall strategy for a public participation program was established to gauge the requirements of the citizens who would be affected.

6. Cloudburst Economics: A detailed socio-economic Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) tested two masterplan options. The option with the highest percentage of Blue-Green solutions and also the least additional infrastructural pipe improvements created a potential savings 50% greater than Conventional solutions alone. Additional qualitative social benefits, such as health, environmental, and urban spatial quality improvements resulting from the enhancements would potentially push this number even higher.


Demonstrating the relevance of the Cloudburst Toolkit palette of retrofit techniques on the first selected Hot Spot of the 10 km2 catchment of Lådegåds-Åen (a priority catchment set in the center of Copenhagen and at a high risk to flooding) investment opportunities in the form of Blue-Green techniques were created on the surface where they are visible, interactive urban components. The solutions are based on real situations, aligned to preexisting underground infrastructure.

Two masterplan variations were developed to assess potential advantages and disadvantages – Option 1 Conventional and Option 2 Blue-Green. Crisscrossed by a number of constructed urban barriers (such as streets, sidewalks, buildings, or train tracks) and with only minimal grade differences that prevent floodwaters from positively draining towards the main Copenhagen harbor outlet point into the sea, the key difference between the two options is the strategy for mitigating Sankt Jørgens Lake.

The Conventional Masterplan Option retained Sankt Jørgens Lake as it exists; there is cultural value in keeping the historical layout yet the lake currently lies above the surrounding street level and floods during rain events, requiring the creation of a new 5m diameter pipe to funnel flood water to the harbor. The technical engineering investment is calculated at twice the size and cost of the pipes required for the Blue-Green Option, and also creates limited new public green space.

In contrast, the Blue-Green Masterplan Option lowered the lake level from +5.8m to +2.8m, creating a new Cloudburst storage volume of 40,000m3 and a revitalized lakeside connection which had previously been only partially accessible. The lake overflows into a 2.5m diameter tunnel to the harbor as a reduced sized pipe. The solution combines the Blue-Green with the Grey (conventional) piped solution to result in a harmony between infrastructure and green space. But what do the numbers say?


The Conventional Masterplan has a total net performance value (NPV) €78 million while the Blue-Green Option is almost twice as effective at an NPV of €142 million. This estimate can even be considered conservative when the qualitative health benefits or the macro-scale loss of GDP caused by extreme flooding are further calculated. The insurance damage savings and the increase in real estate value are two of the highest socio-economic benefits from Cloudburst adaptation.

Today we are seeing Cloudburst solutions implemented in local plans where synergy projects are encouraged between municipalities, water utilities, and philanthropists as catalysts for development. Public participation workshops encourage and allow citizens to actively shape their municipality’s Cloudburst strategy. Blue-Green is the future for establishing urban ecological waterscapes while balancing sound investment and economic opportunities with social benefit improvements.


The Copenhagen Formula provides a structure for integrating built, existing context with retrofit Blue-Green solutions.

The implementable, pragmatic tools mitigate extreme storm events and improve our cityscapes. Private developers and homeowners alike become champions for local solutions where a multi-disciplinary, cross-agency collaboration engaged designers, planners, sociologists, economists, biologists, geographers, information specialists, and communication experts interacting with public utility companies, stakeholders, interest groups, local politicians, and investors.

Cloudburst solutions are often left out of upstream area planning where residents see no flooding problems. Yet water has no boundary. Municipal borders must be lowered to develop a common vision across disparate districts. A recent interactive workshop led by the Engineer and Landscape Architect in a suburb of Copenhagen engaged residents through a series of interactive sessions designed to raise awareness and survey desired citizen interests. Hydraulic function was presented in an engaging, educational sequence that involved the public interest with private development goals.

Cloudburst solutions can provide much more than just stormwater management. The strategic flood masterplan is the opportunity to safeguard Copenhagen while providing the foundations for a high quality city environment. Resilient urban ecological waterscapes are the foundation for vibrant public realm spaces that are culturally and socially significant and contribute to the economic longevity, quality of life, and well-being of cities.

Blue-Green Infrastructure represents the next generation of water infrastructure considerations where nature, city and recreational space are rolled into a holistic package. Cities around the world can look to the Copenhagen Cloudburst Formula as a model for implementing innovative, pragmatic, feasible measures within existing urban fabric. It’s time to test the method and take on the Cloudburst Challenge!

Project Directors:

Christian Nyerup Nielsen, Head of Department, Ramboll Urban Water and Climate Adaptation

Jesper Rasmussen, Senior Project Manager, Ramboll

Dieter Grau, Executive Partner, Ramboll Studio Dreiseitl

Gerhard Hauber, Executive Partner, Ramboll Studio Dreiseitl

Project Managers:

Jesper Rasmussen, Senior Project Manager, Ramboll

Sonia Sørensen, Senior Project Manager, Ramboll

Jessica Read, Senior Associate, Ramboll Studio Dreiseitl

Chaojun Li, Ramboll Studio Dreiseitl

Lead Landscape Architects and Urban Planners:

Hendrik Porst, Director of Design, Ramboll Studio Dreiseitl

Jessica Read, Senior Associate, Ramboll Studio Dreiseitl

General Cloudburst Master Planning Initiatives:

Administered by Mayor for technical and environmental affairs, Morten Kabell

General cloudburst masterplan with catchments of Copenhagen and Frederiksberg (basis for the specific master planning and project identification)

City Copenhagen and Greater Copenhagen Utilities (HOFOR) assisted by COWI

Approach, Vision and concepts of 3 masterplans covering more than half of 300+ projects in Copenhagen and Frederiksberg:

City Copenhagen

Greater Copenhagen Utilities (Hofor)

City of Fredriksberg

Fredriksberg Utilities


Ramboll Studio Dreiseitl

City of Copenhagen: Palle Dannemand Sørensen, Jan Rasmussen and Lykke Leonardsen:

Greater Copenhagen Utilities (HOFOR): Margit Lund Christensen, Nis Fink and Jes Clauson-Kaas

City of Frederiksberg: Susanne Jakobsen (now HOFOR)

Frederiksberg Utilities: Mikael Koopmann

Ramboll: Camilla Julie Hvid, Jesper Rasmussen, Christian Nyerup Nielsen

Ramboll Studio Dreiseitl: Dieter Grau, Hendrik Porst, Stefan Brückmann, Jessica Read

Hydraulic Planning and Design Lead:

Christian Nyerup Nielsen, Head of Department, Ramboll Urban Water and Climate Adaptation

Jesper Rasmussen, Senior Project Manager, Ramboll

Stefan Brueckmann, Director of Urban Hydrology, Ramboll Studio Dreiseitl

Hydraulic Modeling and Risk Mapping:

Christian Nyerup Nielsen, Head of Department, Ramboll Urban Water and Climate Adaptation

Henrik Thoren, Ramboll

Henrik Sonderup, Ramboll

Gitte Schnipper, Ramboll

Trine Munk, Ramboll

Adelina Iancu, Ramboll

Alexandra Ioan, Ramboll

Linda Bredahl, Ramboll

Constantin Moeller, Ramboll Studio Dreiseitl

Nengshi Zheng, Ramboll Studio Dreiseitl

Water Quality Modeling:

Henning Schmidt Nielsen, Ramboll

Linda Bredahl, Ramboll

Traffic and Infrastructure:

Jesper Rasmussen, Senior Project Manager, Ramboll

Jens Richard Olsen, Ramboll

Kasper Wulff, Ramboll

Tunnel Design:

Torsten Ask

CBA and Socio-Economic Analysis:

Henrik Rosenberg Seiding, Executive Director, Ramboll Management Consulting

Henrik Stener Pedersen, Business Manager, Ramboll Management Consulting

Jonathan Leonardsen, Ramboll Management Consulting

Henning Thomsen, Ramboll

Multidisciplinary Participation Workshops:

Christian Nyerup Nielsen, Head of Department, Ramboll Urban Water and Climate Adaptation

Jesper Rasmussen, Senior Project Manager, Ramboll

Sonia Sørensen, Senior Project Manager, Ramboll

Ann-Sofie Jakobsen, Ramboll

Camilla Julie Hvid, Ramboll

Graphic Production:

Ramboll Studio Dreiseitl Global – Mariusz Hermansdorfer, Chaojun Li, Jeremy Anterola, Josephine Flood, Sebastian Walker, Bernd Schernau, Julia Dreiseitl, Gustavo Glaeser, Jay Coro

Ramboll – Camilla Julie Hvid, Pernille Egegaard, Neil Hugh Goring




Ramboll Studio Dreiseitl



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