发布时间:2021-08-23 11:08:03 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

6:19 Studio是一间纹身工作室,位于基辅的Podil历史街区。项目位于一栋住宅楼的底层,面积为111平米。工作室的创始人是乌克兰艺术家Ulyana Nesheva,她将自己的生命贡献给了艺术,作为她的第一间工作室,设计需要反映她的风格和艺术主张。

6:19 Studio is a tattoo studio located in Kyiv’s historic neighborhood of Podil. The space spans an area of 111 m2 on the ground floor of a residential building. The founder of the studio is a Ukrainian artist Ulyana Nesheva. Ulyana has dedicated her life to art, so the interior of her first studio was to become a reflection of her style and artistic vision.

▼空间概览 overall view of the space ©Yevhenii Avramenko, Nata Kurylenko


The team had the task of creating the perfect space for creative endeavor. With this in mind, the goal was to design a tattoo parlor that resembles a contemporary art workshop. Ulyana herself adds: “The concept of the studio is also that all our artists, despite the diversity of their styles and colors, are united by an exploration of minimalism. Simplicity is the ultimate goal and the highest form of complexity. ” Pursuing the concept of minimalism, we opened up space and focused on each element of the interior, turning it into an art object. An open plan was achieved by inscribing a round hole in straight-cut architecture, increasing the height of existing openings, and adding several new ones.

▼设计过程 design process ©balbek bureau


There are almost no doors in the studio; all the halls are unified, so visitors immediately enter into a large open space. To the right of the entrance, we placed a soft waiting area, and to the left, a uniquely-shaped, 800-pound graphite concrete table. Its edge has been beaten down by hand, giving it a unique and enchanting power, as a tattoo on the human body.

▼石墨混凝土桌贯穿不同空间 graphite concrete table united the space ©Yevhenii Avramenko, Nata Kurylenko

▼石墨桌施工过程 construction process of the ©balbek bureau


The table unites all areas and serves as both a reception desk and a work surface for artists to design their future works. It resembles a wave flowing from the reception into the living area. Its velvety-matte surface is in stark contrast with the shiny vintage table lamp of polished chrome.

▼桌面与灯具形成对比 contrast between the table surface and the lamp ©Yevhenii Avramenko, Nata Kurylenko


During construction work, we opened up the walls to see what they are made of and found that all the interior partitions are made of brick and foam, and the top is lined with plasterboard. We liked the idea of showing this multi-layered wall, and it was implemented spontaneously during construction. At the entrance, we hung from the ceiling hangers made of metal cables and cloth hangers from propro. The total length of the cables measures 100 meters, uniquely designed by our team.

▼桌面细部和墙体层次 details of the table and the multi-layers of the wall ©Yevhenii Avramenko, Nata Kurylenko

▼缆绳悬挂的衣架 cloth hangers suspended by cables ©Yevhenii Avramenko, Nata Kurylenko

入口的另一侧是一间休息室,艺术家在闲暇时可以在这里消磨时间。这里通过高耸的长方形门洞与工作室整合在一起。休息室里设有Mart Stam设计的扶手椅,由铬和黑色皮革组成。石墨桌也伸入了休息室,桌边设有propro的高脚椅。金属桌也同样来自这个乌克兰品牌。由于极简的概念隐含着秩序,艺术家的私人物品都被收纳在储物柜中。

Opposite the entrance is a room for rest, where artists can spend their free time. It is united with the studio space through tall rectangular portals. In this area, we have placed vintage armchairs of black leather and chrome metal by designer Mart Stam. As the graphite table continued into this room, next to it we placed high chairs from propro. The metal table is also from this Ukrainian brand. As the concept of minimalism implies order, the personal belongings of the artists are stored in lockers.

▼长方形门洞划分休息区 rest area defined by rectangular openings ©Yevhenii Avramenko, Nata Kurylenko

▼从休息区看向入口 view to the entrance from the rest area ©Yevhenii Avramenko, Nata Kurylenko

▼休息区 rest area ©Yevhenii Avramenko, Nata Kurylenko

▼桌椅和金属储物柜 chairs, table and the metal storages ©Yevhenii Avramenko, Nata Kurylenko

▼储物柜细部 details of the storage ©Yevhenii Avramenko, Nata Kurylenko

▼皮椅和金属桌细部 details of the leather chairs and metal table ©Yevhenii Avramenko, Nata Kurylenko

作为工作室的创始人,其工作的重要内容之一就是热爱艺术。因此,室内的每个元素都是一件艺术作品。Ulyana在Christina Ridzel的工作室看到了“Boy”雕塑,瞬间就认定它必须成为工作室的一部分。“Boy”象征着一个人在社会中扮演的角色。在大城市的繁忙节奏中,你消解在人群里,忘记了自己是谁。双手遮住双眼,你潜入了自己的世界,与自身的存在独处。这件艺术品被放在了入口正对面,向每个进入的人讲述它的故事。

For the founder of the studio, an important part of her work is the love for art. Therefore, every element of the interior is an art object. Ulyana saw the sculpture “Boy” in Сhristina Ridzel’s studio and immediately knew that it had to become part of the studio. “Boy” symbolizes a person’s role in society; you dissolve into the crowd in the rhythm of the metropolis, forgetting who you are. Covering your eyes with your palms, you dive into your world, where you are alone with your essence. This artifact was placed directly before the entrance, telling his story to everyone who steps inside.

▼入口处的雕塑 sculpture at the entrance ©Yevhenii Avramenko, Nata Kurylenko


Right behind the reception is located a wall with a large round hole. Through it, you can see the main studio hall where the tattooing takes place. To the right is another passage that leads directly to the hall and dressing room. The main hall is a large spacious room filled with light. Minimalist black tattoo beds stand along both sides. We moved the air conditioning system from the ceiling to the walls. We also did this with lighting fixtures, fire, and security systems to achieve a smooth and calm canvas ceiling.

▼透过圆洞看向设有纹身床的主厅 view to the main hall with tattoo beds through the round hole ©Yevhenii Avramenko, Nata Kurylenko


Art is an integral part of the founding artist’s life. Podil was exactly the place where Ulyana’s first studio was founded and where she lives and finds inspiration. Her idea of a split mirror in the form of Podil was embodied by two Kyiv sculptors from H&CO SCULPTURE STUDIO.

▼细部 details ©Yevhenii Avramenko, Nata Kurylenko


Between the two walls is placed a black cube. It houses a hidden wardrobe, a bathroom, and a dressing room for artists and customers. We placed the mirror in the bathroom at an angle, which gives an impression of a broken geometry of the space and the illusion of repeated reflection.

▼平面图 plan ©balbek bureau


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