发布时间:2020-04-15 22:32:01 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}
采用伞状结构单元,结合 GRC 板和钢结构,形成生态、开放、景观化的运动场馆,实现了建筑与自然的和谐共生。


This Project is in Linping Sports Park, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province. It aims to provide supporting facilities for the newly built park, and consists of a fitness center, a comprehensive indoor arena, and rest stations.

▼健身中心鸟瞰,aerial view of the Fitness Center ©筑境设计


The Sports Park is a rare urban oasis in such a densely inhabited city. Following ecofriendly operation standards, it has a simple and flowing landscape with open lawns and streamlined walkways. The original green vegetation of the space has been preserved to a huge extent.

▼项目鸟瞰,体育公园是城市中的绿洲,aerial view of the project, the Sport Park is an urban oasis ©筑境设计


Many venues are often used as large-scale landmarks, however, the Project located in the park is closed completely and is not compatible with the park’s open nature. The Sports Park focuses on ecology and a great wide-open landscape, and this will be continued in the design as well in a graded manner, to ensure that there is a flexible connection between the building and the park. To ensure the perfect space, it’s important to contract the architectural volume and blur the boundaries between nature and architecture. The architecture will become one with nature and will ideally become a part of the landscape itself.

▼项目外观(上:健身中心,下:室内球馆),建筑消隐在自然中 external view of the projects (above: Fitness Center, below: Indoor Arena), the architecture blurred into the nature ©筑境设计



The design philosophy focuses on ecology, landscaping and openness, and an umbrella structure is used as the basic unit of the building. Each umbrella-shaped unit has a distinct shape and does not occupy much space. The lower half formed by the circular ceiling is open and free and beautifully integrated with the environment. Numerous such units come together to form a continuous and yet, distinct interior space.

Based on the functional requirements, the umbrella-shaped units can work as a landscaped structure or a functional building offering a large space, and they can adapt to the park’s environment appropriately. The design uses umbrellas, which are similar in scale to the main tree species in the park. The radius is around 5 m and the height is around 9 m. These are selected as the basic unit and then based on the functional requirements, they are combined to create the sort of sports venue that is required.

▼项目生成示意,伞状单元组成建筑空间,generation diagram, umbrella structure composed the building ©筑境设计


The Fitness Center covers an area of approximately 3,800 square meters and has been constructed using 49 umbrella-shaped units wrapped in white GRC and off-white aluminum panels. The light and transparent venue is open and free, and the landscape with its many squares and walkways add to the allure. Architecture and nature have come together here, allowing people to access it from all directions.

▼健身中心顶视图,由伞状单元构件组成,top view of the Fitness Center composed of umbrella-shaped units ©筑境设计

▼面朝公园的开放空间,open space facing the park ©筑境设计

▼沿河一侧的开放空间,open space close to the river ©筑境设计

▼跑道穿过健身中心,the running track goes through the Fitness Center ©筑境设计

▼屋顶跑道,rooftop runway ©筑境设计


The building uses three big umbrella-shaped units with a diameter of 20 m, with increased visibility. One of the umbrellas has been used as the base for a spiral staircase that connects the ground with the roof. People can move up to the ring-shaped runway on the roof through the spiral staircase. They can look down on the park and see the other people playing games and feel like they’re floating above them, which is certainly a unique experience.

▼剖透视图,多维度复合的空间,perspective section showing the connection between different levels ©筑境设计

▼由伞状结构组成的室内空间,interior space composed of umbrella-shaped units ©筑境设计

▼连通地面与屋顶的螺旋跑道,revolving runway connecting the ground and the roof ©筑境设计

▼从螺旋跑道回望开放空间,view to the open space from the revolving runway

▼从底层开放空间看向屋顶跑道,view tot he rooftop runway from the open floor


The Comprehensive Indoor Arena covers an area of about 4,100 square meters and consists of 10 basic umbrella-shaped units and a rectangular arena. Based on the requirements of the indoor tennis stadium for a large space without columns, the main body of the arena uses a spatial lattice structure. On the side of the building facing the central landscape of the park, which is the same side of the main entrance, 10 umbrella-shaped units have been designed as a buffer space cutting through the landscape and the venue. This allows for flexible transition between the venue and the building. The umbrella forest is also useful in providing shelter for outdoor activities in the arena.

▼室内球馆鸟瞰,由伞状单元和矩形球馆组成,aerial view of the Indoor Arena composed of umbrella-shaped units and a rectangular arena ©筑境设计

▼公园与网球馆通过灰空间柔性连接,the park and tennis hall are flexibly connected by grey space ©筑境设计

▼嵌入自然中的GRC树林,GRC forest integrated into nature ©筑境设计


To eliminate the adverse effects of large venues on the environment, we have used anodized aluminum plates with high reflectivity for the surface. As a result, the building is no longer the focus, but becomes an extension of nature, becoming one with the environment.

▼隐在自然中的网球馆体量,The volume of Tennis Hall hidden in nature ©筑境设计

▼球馆与公园交接处伞状柱廊形成的灰空间,grey space formed by umbrella structure at the junction of tennis hall and Park ©筑境设计

▼孩子在伞状灰空间下玩耍,children playing under the umbrella space ©筑境设计


Due to tight schedule and limited budget, constructing the umbrella-shaped basic unit is the key to the success of the Project. Inspired by the Library of Taiwan Academy of Social Sciences, we determined that the umbrella-shaped unit must be cast-in-place with the concrete structure right at the beginning. Subsequent in-depth investigation revealed that, if cast-in-place concrete was used as the main structure, there would be many added problems such as an increase in the construction duration, rising costs, and difficulty in controlling the accuracy of construction drawings. Eventually, the basic unit of umbrellas was decided to be constructed with steel and external GRC plates. The steel structure is workable and can be completed quickly, while GRC plates cast in the factory with molds have high precision and are easier to maintain. Due to this, it is convenient and swift to assemble after being transported to the site. An analysis of this method has shown that not only does it meet the budget and time limit, but also satisfies the requirements of the designer with respect to architectural needs.

▼伞状结构单元构成空间,space composed of umbrella-shaped units ©筑境设计

▼伞状单元细部,closer view to the umbrella-like units ©筑境设计

▼单元大样 ©筑境设计


The Sports Venue comes together with the umbrella-shaped units, and becomes a part of the environment in a graded manner, while retaining the important elements of ecology, openness and landscape of the Sports Park, to the greatest extent. We hope to camouflage the building, so that this “forest” with its many umbrella-shaped units integrates with the natural forest, creating a unique and unforgettable experience to those who have come here to exercise.

▼夜景,night view ©筑境设计

▼一层平面图,first floor plan ©筑境设计

▼屋顶平面图,roof plan ©筑境设计

▼立面图,elevations ©筑境设计

▼剖面图,sections ©筑境设计


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