发布时间:2023-10-14 18:52:35 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

Krushi Bhawan是为奥里萨邦政府农业和农民权利部门打造的设施;这一占地13万平方英尺的行政中心可为近600人提供集体办公场所,此外还设有社区参与和学习的空间。

▼视频,Video © Videography by Saptrishi Roy; Photography by Andre J. Fanthome

Krushi Bhawan is a facility developed for Government of Odisha’s Department of Agriculture & Farmers’ Empowerment; the 130,000 sq.ft administrative centre has been designed as an office for a team of nearly 600 people, in addition to accommodating spaces for community engagement and learning.

▼项目概览,Overall view © Noughts & Crosses LLP


Krushi Bhawan is located in Bhubaneshwar, the state capital of Odisha; home to multiple agrarian communities, the state is the third largest contributor to India’s grain supply. The new campus sits adjacent to the old ministry office with several ancillary structures of power in the vicinity, such as the Police Commissionerate Building and the State Guest House.

▼建筑沿街外观,Exterior view from the street © Noughts & Crosses LLP

▼鸟瞰,Aerial view © Noughts & Crosses LLP

▼底层入口,Ground floor entrance © Noughts & Crosses LLP

功能和规划原则 The Programme & Planning Principles

Krushi Bhawan最初被构想为一个纯粹的办公空间。Studio Lotus从Königsberger对布巴内斯瓦尔的最初规划中汲取了灵感,后者认为,政府办公室所在的国会大厦综合体将成为“公共生活的一个活跃点”。在此基础上,建筑团队提议将公共功能与社区空间纳入项目当中,使城市的社会基础设施变得更加完善。这一建议得到了客户的欣然认同。为了将建筑融入公共领域,大楼的首层被设计为一个自由流动的公共空间,并向外延伸至广场。该楼层还包括学习中心、画廊、礼堂、图书馆和培训室。同时,屋顶层被设计为一个用于容纳城市农业展览和最佳农业实践案例的场所。

▼轴测分解图,Exploded Isometric © Studio Lotus

Krushi Bhawan was originally planned as a purely administrative space; Studio Lotus took a cue from Königsberger‘s original vision for Bhubaneswar where he saw the Capitol Complex with a host of government offices becoming “a lively point of public life”. Thus, the architects’ suggestion to include public functions and community spaces to create a building that would add to the city’s social infrastructure was willingly embraced by the Clients. This attempt to include the building into the public domain has been achieved by designing the Ground floor as a free-flowing public space that opens out into a Plaza, which is an extension of the street. Congruent to the project objective, the ground floor comprises of a learning centre, a gallery, an auditorium, a library, and training rooms. Similarly the roof top has been designed to house urban farming exhibits and demonstration of agricultural best practices.

▼建筑外观,Exterior view © Noughts & Crosses LLP

▼首层被设计为一个自由流动的公共空间 © Noughts & Crosses LLP The ground floor is designed as a free-flowing public space


The offices for the State department and Directorates – which require restricted access – have been placed on the first, second and third floors. This allows the offices to be secured off, making it possible to keep most of the other facilities open to public even on holidays. Through exhibitions, workshops, haats (weekly markets), lectures and school visits, these public spaces become a hub for imparting skills and sharing knowledge that engage diverse sections of the city’s population.

▼中央庭院,Central Court © Noughts & Crosses LLP

▼首层休息空间,Seating area © Noughts & Crosses LLP


As befits the climatic conditions of the region, the design scheme for Krushi Bhawan consists of a central courtyard that opens through a series of colonnades into the Public Plaza. The Public Plaza consists of a garden with native Flora, featuring an informal amphitheatre and a pond that cools the forecourt. The primary entrance pathway is lined by laterite lattices and trees, and performs multiple functions – from a common area for employees to congregate in and eat together during lunch hour, to a place for hosting small gatherings.

▼公共广场景观,Public plaza landscape © Noughts & Crosses LLP

▼俯瞰公共广场,Aerial view to the public plaza © Noughts & Crosses LLP


The ground floor, thus, functions as a public node that turns the traditionally austere image of government facilities into one that is welcoming, inclusive and collectively owned.

▼花池座位,Planter seat © Noughts & Crosses LLP

技能的组合与材料 Skillsets Integrated and Materiality

Krushi Bhawan的独特视觉形象源于当地材料和本土性的叙事,其呈现的方式适应了当地的环境与气候。

The distinct visual identity of Krushi Bhawan has been derived from regional materials and vernacular narratives, expressed in a manner that is responsive to the local climate.

▼走廊两侧的金属屏风,Metal screens that line the building corridors © Noughts & Crosses LLP


Over 100 highly-skilled artisans have come together to create a vibrant and contemporary narrative of traditional Odia craft depicting agricultural folklore and mythological stories, envisioned at an unprecedented architectural scale. For instance, the tribal craft of dhokra (cast metal craft) has been adapted to make light fixtures that wrap around the ground floor columns, as well as metal screens that line the building corridors. The pedestal level and North Wing use locally-sourced laterite and khondalite stone. Hand-carved khondalite lattices provide a sense of enclosure to the Central Court. Similarly, agricultural motifs have been displayed across the building through a variety of craft techniques – such as the bas-relief carvings in laterite along the Public Plaza, which depict ripe paddy crops illustrated in the Odia Pattachitra (cloth-based scroll paintings) style. In the Central Court, a Crop Calendar has been created on a stone inlay floor, which displays the harvesting cycles for the most prevalent crops in Odia farmlands.

▼浮雕墙,Relief wall © Noughts & Crosses LLP


The upper floors of Krushi Bhawan feature a distinctive brick façade inspired by Ikat patterns of Odisha handlooms, created using clay in three different colours that represent the geographical diversity of the region. This brick-louvered screen wraps around the building like a second skin.

▼砖砌外墙,Brick façade © Noughts & Crosses LLP

▼入口台阶,Entrance stair © Noughts & Crosses LLP

可持续措施 Sustainability Measures


▼被动降温策略示意,Passive Cooling Strategy © Studio Lotus

Indigenous passive design strategies contribute to the sustainability parameters of the building. The courtyard morphology and the inclusion of a stilt level aid optimal air circulation through the building, whereas the low window-to-wall ratio and deeply recessed windows and balconies help lower heat gain. The building profile along the Central Court is characterized by staggered masses which enables self-shading and blocks direct glare. The use of locally-sourced materials has also lowered the carbon footprint of the construction process. The façade has been designed to ensure 100% daylit internal spaces. Further, a double-skin facade strategy has been put in place at the complex, which consists of DGU on all external fenestration with louvers and sill projections that act as shading devices – a system that reduces heat gain to 40% by regulating ingress of sunlight.

▼公共广场景观,The landscaped plaza © Noughts & Crosses LLP

▼建筑局部,Details © Noughts & Crosses LLP


Bhubaneswar experiences significant drops in night temperatures through the year. Taking this into consideration, a simple Night-Purging system has been devised for cooling and ventilation. Through this mechanism, cool air gets pulled into the building through the northern façade when temperatures drop at night, by means of a custom designed ‘low-tech’ damper system. The high thermal mass of the building traps the ‘coolth’ and becomes a ‘coolth’ exchanger with the surrounding air in the day, when outside temperatures are higher. Consequently, the building achieves high thermal comfort for its users while cutting down the need for air-conditioning via HVAC systems to only 20% of the built spaces.

▼种植池,Planter © Noughts & Crosses LLP

▼中央庭院的嵌石地面上绘制了“农作物日历”,In the Central Court, a Crop Calendar has been created on a stone inlay floor © Noughts & Crosses LLP


Other interventions include solar panels on the terrace, on-site rainwater harvesting and wastewater treatment, and an anaerobic bio-digestive solid waste management system which generates compost and fertigation water for the landscape.

▼建筑夜间鸟瞰,Aerial view by night © Noughts & Crosses LLP

Krushi Bhawa超越了典型的封闭式办公园区形态,将政府职能与直接的社区参与和教育结合在一起。通过精心设计的空间方案,该建筑群将奥里亚农民和布巴内斯瓦尔的市民纳入其中,促进了他们之间的互动与合作。综合体的设计和建设过程力图创造一个节俭创新的典范:弘扬文化、充分融入邻里,具有高度的可持续性,并且符合印度这类国家的国情。与此同时,该项目还为政府如何成为地方手工艺的重要资助者、如何维持与之相关的社区和经济发展树立了范例。

Krushi Bhawan transcends the typical closed office campus morphology by integrating governmental functions with direct community engagement and education. Through a meticulously developed spatial programme, the complex brings the Odia farmers and the citizens of Bhubaneswar into the fold and facilitates their interaction and collaboration. It thus seeks to present with its design and building process a model of frugal innovation that celebrates culture, seeks to include the neighbourhood and is highly sustainable and relevant to what countries such as India need. It also serves as an example of how the government can become a key patron of regional crafts, and sustain the communities and economies built around them.

▼建筑夜景,Night view © Noughts & Crosses LLP

Krushi Bhawan力求展现真正具有包容性的建筑理念——为人民而建,由人民而建,使人民的集体文化认同感得以彰显。

Krushi Bhawan thus seeks to embody the idea of truly inclusive architecture – created for the people, built by the people, and expressive of their collective cultural identity.

▼场地平面,Site Context © Studio Lotus

▼首层平面图,Ground Floor Plan © Studio Lotus

▼屋顶平面图,Terrace Floor Plan © Studio Lotus

▼地下层平面图,Basement Floor Plan © Studio Lotus

▼南立面图,South Elevation © Studio Lotus

▼北立面图,North Elevation

▼东立面图,East Elevation © Studio Lotus

▼西立面图,West Elevation © Studio Lotus

▼剖面图X-X,Section X-X © Studio Lotus

▼剖面图Y-Y,Section Y-Y © Studio Lotus

▼采光示意,Ingress of Light © Studio Lotus

▼夜间净化系统,Night Purge System © Studio Lotus


Krushi Bhawan行政中心,印度 / Studio Lotus
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