发布时间:2021-10-23 12:58:49 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}
该项目充分结合了自然环境与现代设计理念,打造了一个兼具杭州特色与未来创新发展的 TOD 枢纽。

作为长三角参与区域竞合的中心城市,轨道上的杭州正力图基于全球创新 3.0 新趋势——创新生态雨林模式,打造综合性国家科学中心。由中规院、Aedas、HITAD 联合体打造的杭州市轨道交通 TOD 综合开发示范项目城市设计(地铁双浦车辆段)方案,正是引领其南部新极核发展的关键。

▼项目动画视频,animation© Aedas

The Hangzhou Shuangpu Depot is located on the southern edge of Hangzhou’s downtown area where two future MTR lines will converge. The site is immediately adjacent to the Fujiang River and enjoys superb natural and cultural resources from the surrounding mountains, wetlands and existing villages. Neighbored by illustrious research institutions, the project is set to be a leading force of Hangzhou’s ambition to become a national science center and innovative future city.

杭州市轨道交通 TOD 综合开发示范项目城市设计国际方案公开征集(地铁双浦车辆段)The Urban Design Competition Proposal for Hangzhou Shuangpu Depot TOD Project © Aedas

项目位于杭州现有中心城区南部边缘,地铁 6 号线与 33 号线在此交汇,周边汇聚了众创新平台,TOD 基础与创新发展潜力兼具。同时南临北支江、富春江,东望三江汇公园,西邻铜鉴湖、灵山风景区,绝佳的自然环境也造就了极具临安风情的城野客厅。

项目具有得天独厚的条件与环境,但也存在着巨大挑战。如何在充分激活周边创新要素的基础上,依托山水底色,在增强综合配套提升片区活力中,构建出独具杭州特色且“工作-- 生活”一体化的 TOD 枢纽,避免轨道交通末端易形成的“卧城模式”,是摆在设计面前的难题。

The design thoroughly explores the site’s topography and cultural heritage to construct a comprehensive development where nature and urbanity merge. By recontextualising Hangzhou’s traditional spatial organizations, functional clusters of different scales with prominent Hangzhou characteristics are generated on the land of 7.59 ha.

These functional clusters, including research and innovation platforms, residential communities, art and cultural zones, and eco-cultural tourism, are set to create an ultimate urban habitat for future talents, tourists as well as local community. Adapted from the existing terrain, the functional clusters are embedded in an ecological system with local features, composed of various ecological spaces such as water lanes, ponds, lake gardens, water blocks and water hills. Drawing from both natural and urban city elements, the design promotes the harmonious coexistence between the city and the village.

▼项目所在地 & 地块自然资源丰富,Location map &The site rich in natural resources© Aedas

团队提出了四大设计策略,“创源链接、无界城野、多维坊巷、无形智网” ,以期在可云游山水、洄游坊巷、纵游城野的公顷尺度中构建立体城市场景。


并基于 TOD 站点为核心打造了双浦十字结构,结合产业功能平台空间模式,衔接北部以及西部创新资源,构建从前端创新、到中端智造、以及后端贸易的全链条创新同盟,以双浦硅谷联动周边创新资源,塑造未来创新引擎,弥合杭州创新体系。

▼双浦十字结构 & 城境野趣相融,The layout & City and the wild© Aedas

The plan is to supplement public service facilities like medical and educational institutions, then based on the existing village space configurations with partial renovations, new functions such as cultural and sports facilities, art workshops, and commercial retail are put in place. Through strategic planning and establishing a centralized intelligent networks, smart facilities and amenities are concentrated in a spatially logic manner, producing a hub for new digital technology applications.

The design incorporates an important central axis along the core area of Shuangpu depot to link the functional clusters with a multi-layered green pedestrian network. Surrounding the central valley, rich urban functions are implanted.

▼城野交互,Interaction between the city and the wild© Aedas

业态分布,Functional layout© Aedas



▼七类不同尺度的坊巷组团模式 & 多维坊巷,Seven typesof clusters & multi-dimensional valleys© Aedas

▼智慧网络,Smart City Network© Aedas

在城市之中,综合枢纽不应是一个独立新城,而应融入区域交通网络和创新网络,成为其中密不可分的一部分。我们希望基于双浦的自然基底,从山水人文角度出发,打造一座看不见的车辆段,以功能完整、空间多维连接渗透的 TOD,塑造双浦未来新城。Aedas 执行董事梁志华(Leon Liang)如是说。

▼大脑步廊,The corridor© Aedas


▼城市巨构隐逸于风景之中,The depot integrated with nature© Aedas

▼建筑与自然耦合,Coupling with nature© Aedas


围绕视线通透的中央河谷,植入了丰富的城市功能,并会跨越车辆段,串联起城市空间。其中核心区竖向分为 6 层,从负 20 米的地铁站台层,一直到 15 米的上盖开发层,充分利用好地上地下空间,为开发预留充足的弹性。

The station core area is vertically divided into 6 layers, providing seamless connection from the subway platform to the transition hall and developments on top – from carpark, commercial retail, to public facilities and offices. A cloud corridor is established for ease of access and to encourage users to meander.

Connected by nature© Aedas

▼层次丰富景观化解高差,Landscape with rich levels to resolve height difference© Aedas

▼仪式感归家之路,A ceremonial way home© Aedas



To expand and optimise the transportation system, a comprehensive hub is created between subway and urban space which allows seamless connection between subway, bus service, and rail transit. An open atrium space is installed to introduce sunlight and produce a unique sense of arrival.

Close connection between both sides of the cover© Aedas

▼双浦南站枢纽,Hub of Shuangpu South Station© Aedas

枢纽大厅串联盖上盖下空间,Unbounded hub© Aedas


The function on the depot is mainly smart industry office, and the residential units are arranged in the south. The landing area on one side of the hub is equipped with commercial, cultural and creative functions, which is closely connected with the subway. The multi-functional format meets the diversified needs of work, life and leisure.

▼业态布局,Functional layout© Aedas



The design reinterprets Hangzhou lanes and organises them according to modern architectural logic. Pitched roof is a common element widely used in existing traditional villages. In the Shuangpu depot, the double slope roof is fashioned into the single slope roof aligned with contemporary architecture.

▼顺应文脉的城市天际线,Thecity skyline in keeping with the cultural context© Aedas

▼转译传统江南建筑屋顶,The architectural language of Jiangnan© Aedas

"我们希望在城野交融中,以 TOD 综合开发为切入点,建构未来双浦的秩序和特征,以原研创新为锚点,引导创新培育,以创新云廊串联融合山水乡田的未来综合体,营造双浦极境枢城。 "梁志华如是说。

"The TOD comprehensive development lends itself to the ideal future Shuangpu: by integrating urban and rural areas and promoting innovation, this sweeping Shuangpu hub city will forge new and exciting paths." said Aedas Executive Director Leon Liang.

▼项目鸟瞰图,The overview© Aedas

▼首层平面图 &地下一层平面图 & 一层平面图,Plan 00, basement &01© Aedas

▼二层平面图 & 三层平面图,Plan 02 & 03© Aedas

项目:杭州市轨道交通 TOD 综合开发示范项目城市设计国际方案公开征集(地铁双浦车辆段)位置:中国杭州总体规划、城市设计及核心区建筑概念设计:中国城市规划设计研究院、Aedas、哈尔滨工业大学建筑设计研究院联合体业主:杭州市规划和自然资源局、杭州市地铁集团有限责任公司总体规划用地面积:7.59 平方千米核心区建筑面积:744,700 平方米竣工年份:进行中 Aedas 主要设计人:梁志华(Leon Liang),执行董事

Project: Hangzhou Urban Design Scheme for TOD Demonstration Project of Shuangpu Depot

Location: Hangzhou, China

Involvement: Urban Design, Masterplanning, Core Area Architectural Concept Design

Joint Venture: China Academy of Urban Planning and Design, Aedas, The Architectural Design and Research Institute of HIT

Client: Hangzhou Municipal Bureau of Land and Resource, Hangzhou Metro Group Co Ltd.

Master Planning Land Area: 7.59 km²

Core Area: 744,700 sq m

Completion Year: On-going

Aedas Directors: Leon Liang, Executive Director



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