发布时间:2021-01-01 04:02:52 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}



Climate Positive Design |

Pamela Conrad

CMG Landscape Architecture




2019年发布的“气候积极设计”(Climate Positive Design)计划旨在通过集体行动来改善建筑景观的影响。在不到一年的时间里,该计划已经从个体研究发展为多学科的国际合作,并覆盖了全世界近一半的国家。以研究为基础的“探路者”(Pathfinder)应用程序和“气候积极设计挑战”为设计师提供了指导,告诉他们如何在项目中减少碳足迹并增加碳固存。


The global community has declared a climate emergency due to unprecedented levels of carbon dioxide filling the atmosphere with devastating, visible effects. While landscape projects produce emissions, they can also contribute to the solutions through tree and plant carbon sequestration. However, without a way to measure, their impacts remain unknown. Beyond the challenge of measuring, the question looms whether projects can be climate positive by sequestering more carbon than they emit.

In 2019, Climate Positive Design launched with the mission to improve the impact of built landscapes through collective action. The initiative grew from the inquiry of one to a multi-disciplinary international collaboration reaching nearly half the countries in the world in less than a year. The research-based Pathfinder application and Climate Positive Design Challenge guide designers to reduce carbon footprints while increasing carbon sequestration within their projects.

While created by landscape architects, the online resources are applicable and accessible to other disciplines, municipalities, and the everyday gardener. Case studies and project entries to date show that we can indeed be part of the solution.

▲气候积极设计是一项启动于2019年的研究计划,旨在通过集体行动来改善建筑景观的碳影响。其使命是帮助实际项目成为固碳量大于碳排放量的“气候积极”型解决方案。Climate Positive Design: Climate Positive Design is a research initiative that launched in 2019 to improve the carbon impact of the built environment through collective action. Its mission is to help projects become Climate Positive solutions that sequester more carbon than they emit.






景观的碳系统十分复杂,它们包括从材料制造和运输中产生的隐含碳排放,以及随着时间推移从维护和施肥过程中产生的运作碳排放。同时,景观也从大气中固存二氧化碳并将其储存于树木、植物和土壤中。在过去的十年间,人们已经开发出计算建筑性碳排放的方法,例如Athena、Tally和One-Click LCA等,而由于场地设计的有机复杂性,景观设计学科仍旧未能有效地测量、追踪或改善集体作用下的碳影响。









综合而全面的文献回顾为理解气候科学及其与建筑环境的关系提供了基础。IPCC1.5度报告和Paul Hawken的“Drawdown”均是在此期间写就:二者均清晰地论述了当前状况的紧迫性,并为制定可行方案的指标提供了见解。

“Athena碳影响估算器”是记录景观领域相关材料隐含碳的最全面且开放的资源。全球变暖潜能值(GWP)CO2e (二氧化碳当量)是主要的数据点,并且可以从环境产品声明(EPDs)中推算。





在评估其他学科和组织在气候行动上的进展、了解性能指标策略并广泛吸引行业参与之后,“气候积极设计”网站最终得以创建。它提供了一系列工具、指南与开放资源,其中包括名为“Design Toolkit”的工具包,概述了超过80种不同的能够改善景观项目碳影响的策略。




在保持案例研究项目数据不发生任何改变的情况下,且按照全球约75000个景观设计师团体进行推算,那么这些项目共同排放的碳要多于它们固存的碳。不过,一旦实现了设计挑战的目标之后,这一结果将变成:在2030年,项目的固碳量超过排放量;2050年,项目将从大气中抽取约十亿吨二氧化碳,从而超过其排放量。这一影响将符合Paul Hawken在“Drawdown”中列出的80个最佳解决方案——如果能够在未来的30年内完成集体性的实施,那么每年的温室气体排放将显著减少并最终扭转全球变暖的现状。











▲挑战:政府间气候变化专门委员会报告显示,我们还有十年的时间来防止气候导致的灾难性时间。建筑2030组织报告称,城市建筑环境每年排放的温室气体占据全球总量的75%。The Challenge: The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reports we have ten years to prevent catastrophic climate related events from happening. Significantly contributing, Architecture 2030 states the urban built environment is responsible for 75% of the world’s annual greenhouse gas emissions.

▲机会:在建筑环境产生的碳排放中,有36%来自于建筑物外部。然而,如何通过景观设计来减少碳排放、增加碳固存以及量化这些影响,却一直未能得出清晰的结论。The Opportunity: Out of the emissions generated from the built environment, 36% comes from outside buildings. However, it has been unclear how the landscape architecture profession can contribute to reducing emissions, increasing carbon sequestration, or even measuring those impacts.

▲步骤:深入的文献回顾为问题的陈述提供了资料,指出了改善景观项目碳影响的工具、指南以及资源的缺乏。在这之后,名为“探路者”的景观碳排放计算器以及“气候积极设计挑战”被开发出来。Process: An in-depth literature review informed the problem statement defining a lack of tools, guidance and resources to improve the carbon impact of landscape projects. Development of the landscape carbon calculator Pathfinder app and Climate Positive Design Challenge manifested thereafter.

▲集体行动:该倡议是40多位有志于改变气候危机的个人共同努力的结果。专注于研究、设计、技术、传播或指导的多学科小组代表了来自5个国家的超过23个不同的国际组织。Collective Action: The initiative is a collective effort of over 40 individuals passionate about making a difference in the climate crisis. Multi-disciplinary sub-groups focus on research and design, technology, communications or guidance and represent five different countries and 23 various international organizations.

▲线上资源:“积极气候设计”网站是对景观设计师、规划师、开发商以及普通园艺师开放的资源,它为如何在建筑环境中减少碳排放和增加碳固存提供了工具、指南与资源。Online Resources: The Climate Positive Design website is a resource for landscape architects, designers, planners, developers, and even the everyday backyard gardener. It houses the tools, guidance and resources to reduce carbon footprints and increase carbon sequestration in the built environment.

▲对于场地设计项目介入之前和之后的分析,说明了细微变化可能带来的巨大影响。交互式的滑块能够展示如何通过改善措施来缩短实现“碳积极”的年限。Case Study Analysis: Case study analysis of several site design projects “before” and “after” stats illustrate how minimal changes can have a big impact. The slider is interactive revealing how the offset time or “years to positive” is improved.

▲转变模式:按照现状不发生任何改变的情况推算,项目的碳排放量将超过碳固存量。而通过案例研究中的简单转变,项目在未来30年的碳固存量将远远大于碳排放量。Shifting The Paradigm: Estimating the current “business as usual” practices of landscape architecture shows emissions exceeding carbon sequestered. However, by making simple changes illustrated in the case studies, the amount sequestered could exceed the amount emitted greatly over the next 30 years.

▲气候积极设计挑战:对超过20个建筑项目的详细分析表明了如何在不显著改变设计或降低质量的条件下,如何轻松地实现微小的转变。案例研究分析的结果为制定“气候积极设计挑战”的目标提供了参考。Climate Positive Design Challenge: Detailed analysis of over twenty built projects show how minor changes could have been easily made without significantly impacting the design or reducing quality. The case study analysis findings inform the targets for the Climate Positive Design Challenge.

▲使用“探路者”应用程序:为了实现“气候积极设计挑战”提出的目标,用户可以免费使用名为“探路者”的在线碳排放计算器。教学性的指导流程能够让用户对如何提高项目的固碳量和减少碳排放形成更深一步的了解。Using The Pathfinder App: To meet the goals of the Climate Positive Design Challenge, users access the free web-based carbon calculator called the Pathfinder. Educational onboarding provides a high-level understanding of how projects can sequester more carbon than they emit – becoming Climate Positive.

▲你的项目数据库:每位用户或团体都拥有一个可以存储所有项目的专属主页,并且可以随时查看和编辑这些项目——电脑端和移动端均可。Your Project Database: Each user or group has a personal account with all of their projects stored on a homepage, of which they can access or edit any time – from desktop to mobile device.

▲轻松输入,即时反馈:用户在将数量输入应用程序之后,将获取到关于材料的碳排放量、植物的固碳量或维护产生的碳排放的即时反馈。用户的“积极年限”得分也将根据每次输入而更新。Easy Input. Instant Carbon Feedback: The user enters quantities into the app to receive instant feedback on embodied carbon emissions from materials, carbon stored (sequestered) by plants and soil, or operational emissions from maintenance. The user’s “Years to Positive” score updates with each input.

▲反馈环路:通过衡量建筑环境产生的碳排放,一个“反馈环路”得以建立。它能够为我们的设计和实践提供信息和资源。收集到的信息也将为新政策、标准、专业教学内容以及沟通和传达方法提供参考。Feedback Loop: Measuring the carbon generated from the built environment creates a feedback loop that informs how we design, and the resources needed to evolve our practices. Information collected holistically informs setting new policies, how we teach, and communicate.

▲发布后45天数据:在网站发布后的45天内,已有至少80个国家和数千位用户参与进来。虽然这项研究计划依然处于初期阶段,但它在实现气候积极方面的潜在影响力依然十分可观。First 45 Day Statistics: Within the first forty-five days of the launch, awareness of the cause reached at least eighty countries and thousands of people. Although the research initiative is in early stages, the potential impact appears promising in having a Climate Positive impact.



In 2019, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) warned that 10-years remains for aggressive reductions in greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations necessary to prevent a 1.5-degree Celsius temperature increase that will cause irreversible damage to our planet and society if left unchecked.

Architecture 2030 reports that the urban built environment is responsible for 75% of annual GHG emissions. Of those impacts, 36% come from outside buildings. While landscape architecture projects contribute emissions, they also contain trees and plants that take carbon dioxide – the primary GHG – out of the atmosphere.

Landscape carbon systems are complex – they include embodied carbon emissions from material manufacturing and transportation and operational carbon emitted over time through maintenance and fertilizers, but they also sequester CO2 from the atmosphere and store it in trees, plants and soil. Methods to calculate architectural carbon have been developed over the last decade such as Athena, Tally, or One-Click LCA, but due to the organic complexity of site design, the landscape architecture profession has not been able to actively measure, track, or improve the carbon impacts of its collective work.

Can landscape architecture projects sequester more carbon than they emit and contribute to climate positive action?


Landscape architects led the research component of this initiative and collaborated with an environmental consultant to advise on industry standards. The primary research methods are as follows:

1. Literature Review: Analysis of seminal publications on climate science, carbon sequestration and storage, embodied carbon of materials and operational emissions.

2. Market and Industry Standard Research: Identifying current climate action efforts of related disciplines, guidance, challenges, standards, rating systems and practices.

3. Case Studies: Testing strategies to reduce emissions and increase carbon sequestration on built projects to better understand which strategies provide the greatest impact.



A comprehensive literature review provided a foundational understanding of climate science and its relationship to the built environment. As the IPCC 1.5-Degree Report and “Drawdown” by Paul Hawken were authored during this time, both provided clarity into the urgency of the situation and insight into developing metrics for possible solutions.

The Athena Impact Estimator is the most comprehensive open source of embodied carbon for materials related to the landscape field. The Global Warming Potential (GWP) CO2e value is the main data point, which can also be extrapolated from international Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs).

The US Forest Service sequestration data provided in iTree was used to determine sequestration rates for a range of species varying in size, location and foliage type. The sequestration data is based on planted trees in urban/sub-urban areas rather than that of rates from natural areas. Regional rates vary significantly due to number of growth days per year and set the priority over species type due to a higher variability.

The team performed in-depth case study analysis on over 20 built projects. This included the evaluation of embodied carbon, operational carbon, carbon sequestration, along with the years required to offset project emissions (i.e. years to positive). Through this analysis, project adjustments were made without significantly changing the design while improving carbon impacts. These observations and calculations are recorded in the Data Report.


The research showed that there is no landscape “magic bullet” for climate change but clearly indicated the need for a carbon calculator specific to landscape architecture.

After evaluating the climate action progress of other disciplines and organizations, understanding performance metrics strategies and engaging the profession at large, Climate Positive Design was created. The website houses a range of tools, guidance and resources, including a Design Toolkit that outlines over 80 different strategies for improving carbon impacts of landscape projects.

Climate Positive Design Challenge

The case studies illuminated that aggregated small changes add up to significant carbon footprint improvement without significantly changing project design or quality. It became clear that urban projects, such as plazas and streetscapes, have a higher carbon footprint per square foot than that of “greener” projects such as parks or campuses that have less program and inherently more planting. Accordingly, the years to offset or “years to positive” was higher for the more urban projects.

Several Design Challenge options were reviewed by Advisory Partner organizations and the agreed upon methodology was to focus on “years to positive” (YTP) as this metric requires both reducing emissions and increasing sequestration. To determine targets for the Climate Positive Design Challenge, an average of the case study projects YTP was selected. For parks, gardens, campuses the YTP target is five years and for streets and plazas the target is set at 20 years.

Using unchanged case study project data, or “business as usual”, and extrapolating that to the global community of approximately 75,000 landscape architects, projections show that projects collectively emit more carbon than they sequester. However, by meeting the goals of the Challenge, the results would instead show projects sequestering more carbon than emitted by 2030 and extracting roughly one gigaton of CO2 out of the atmosphere by 2050 beyond emissions. This impact would fall within the top 80 solutions listed in “Drawdown” by Paul Hawken, that when implemented collectively over the next 30 years will reduce GHG emissions on an annual basis and reverse global warming.

The Pathfinder

To ensure the greatest possible success in the development of a landscape carbon calculator, a survey that was conducted of over fifty landscape architects reported that for them to incorporate carbon analysis into their work, it would: 1) Need to be easy; 2) Integrate with their project work-flow/process, and 3) Show feedback that it would make a difference.

To meet user expectations while maintaining flexibility to evolve over time and to have a global reach, the beta version of the carbon calculator transformed into a web-based application called the Pathfinder.

The app features educational onboarding and a homepage for each user, or company, where projects can be created or edited at any point in time. Users enter quantities for materials, plants, or maintenance plans and receive instant feedback on carbon emissions, sequestration, and their YTP or Climate Positive Score. A scorecard provides detailed stats that can be plugged directly into Life Cycle Assessments (LCAs) and project specific design suggestions help guide users toward improving their project’s impact.

Through the use of the Pathfinder, designers can meet the goals of the Climate Positive Design Challenge by reducing carbon emissions and increasing sequestration.


By measuring carbon impacts collectively for the first time as a profession, landscape architects can initiate a feedback loop that informs design and the resources needed to evolve our practices. By requesting EPDs on products and materials, we will collectively signal the importance of carbon footprints to our suppliers. Information collected will inform new policies, standards, what we teach, and how we communicate.

Within the first forty-five days of the launch, initiative awareness reached at least 80 countries and thousands of people. Over 330 projects were logged by 313 contributors – reduction impacts equivalent of taking over 500,000 cars off the road in 30 years by planting close to 130,000 trees. Although initial participation shows a clear increase in awareness, research must be advanced to continue to improve the efficacy of these results – specifically advancements to better understand soil disturbance and more detailed sequestration rates for plant communities beyond tree species.

Additional enhancements to the application database are needed to ensure accuracy of the information collected in relation to meeting the Challenge targets that will be re-evaluated over time. Although the research initiative is still in its early stages, the potential impact appears promising that we can indeed have a Climate Positive impact, but this will only improve through the collective commitment from the profession.

The choice is ours to rise to the challenge – we’re all in this together.


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