意大利Mathery Studio于杭州国际设计周期间在杭州的IN77 购物中心打造出一个儿童交互空间。他们用白色穿孔金属板制作了16个形态各异的几何体,然后再将一个装满柔软彩色发泡管的大圆盒放在这些几何体旁边,孩子们可以用这些发泡管妆点白色几何体,进行超级有趣的五彩缤纷3D绘画创作。
As part of the Hangzhou International Design Week, Mathery Studio has been commissioned to design an interactive kids space at IN77 shopping mall.
Recalling an exaggerated scale pin board, the Tubo concept shifts the perception of colouring from 2D to 3D. The space consists of a collection of 16 giant all white food-shaped structures, a pool filled with foam tubes and is surrounded by perforated walls. The bent white cylindrical frame of each structure encapsulates perforated mesh. Together they create a bountiful food landscape composed of oversized mushrooms, a carrot, a tree-like broccoli, a fried egg, a half-peeled banana, a chunky shrimp… and the shopping list continues.
Kids are encouraged to colour the space by filling the holes of the structures using the foam tubes. They can stick the foam tubes in the holes, tie and slot them in however they like in order to create a 3D colouring effect.
With the continual addition of Tubos, over time the space will become a creative, colourful scene of furry food.
Fuzz that broccoli!
Exhibition and Interior Design, Art Direction and Photography
Client: OWOD Ltd
IDW Hangzhou International Design Week, China
Mathery Studio