发布时间:2020-10-24 23:37:01 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}
西岸艺岛 Art Tower 以聚合型的艺术空间、一站式的交易服务、全要素的产业生态,重新定义艺术品全产业综合体。


2020 年 10 月 16 日上午,第二届上海国际艺术品交易月开幕仪式暨西岸艺岛 Art Tower 启用仪式在上海西岸举行。本届交易月在“上海文化”品牌战略的引领下,联动全市各主承办单位以“全球艺场·上海时间·艺术西岸”为主题,通过亮出艺术品交易的“上海时间”、“上海地标”和“上海平台”,全面激活艺术品交易的全产业链元素。

会上宣布,本届交易月于 2020 年 10 月 15 日开始,为期 1 个月,在全市范围内集聚超 100 场各类艺术品交易相关活动,包括国际知名拍卖行佳士得 2020 香港秋季拍卖上海预展、第七届西岸艺术与设计博览会、第八届 ART021 上海廿一当代艺术博览会等国际级重磅活动;发布会当天,上海文化“新地标”西岸艺岛 Art Tower 正式启用,迎来了”上海国际艺术品交易中心”的整体迁入,以及中央美术学院教学实践基地——西岸科技与艺术创新实验室率先入驻揭牌,西岸艺岛的三大重量级启幕展览,也将于交易月期间同步向公众开放预约参观。这座以聚合型的艺术空间、一站式的交易服务、全要素的产业生态打造的艺术品全产业综合体,已然引起全球顶尖艺术品行业机构的“抢滩登陆”。

▼SIATM 开幕式海报,poster ofSIATM 2020

此外,发布会同时宣布了上海国际艺术品交易月线上展示交易系统上线,将为全球高品质艺术品交易提供一站式服务。该系统通过承接上海国际艺术品交易中心的整体配套服务,以加速“互联网++ 交易服务”的服务型经济发展,助力上海建成千亿级规模的艺术品交易市场。

▼上海艺术地图,Shanghai Art Map

上海西岸位于徐汇区黄浦江畔,岸线长度 11.4 公里,区域面积 9.4 平方公里, 域建筑总量 950 万平方米,是“上海 2035”城市总体规划中承载全球城市核心 功能的高品质中央活动区。这里曾是 20 世纪民族工业的发源地之一,2008 年以 上海世博会的举办为契机,遵循“规划引领、文化先导、生态优先、科创主导”的 发展理念,启动地区城市更新,对标巴黎左岸、伦敦南岸,开启了生产型岸线向 生活型岸线的华丽转变。

▼上海西岸迈向全球城市的卓越水岸,Shanghai west bund is on its way to becoming a global city


under the setting sun, Xuhui Binjiang looks across the river from the World Expo Cultural Park

▼上海西岸-- 全球城市核心功能的高品质中央活动区,West Bund – a high quality central activity area with a global urban core function

突出生态、文化、科技相融合,西岸建设世界级滨水开放空间;沿江龙美术馆、余德耀美术馆、西岸美术馆、星美术馆、油罐艺术公园、西岸剧场群等 20+文化艺术空间串连成线,打造亚洲最大规模艺术区;布局西岸传媒港、西岸智慧谷、西岸金融城,构建文化创意、科技创新、创新金融三大产业互为支撑的国际创新创意产业群。

▼徐汇滨江已成为上海市民周末休闲的好去处,Xuhui Binjiang has become a good place for Shanghai residents to relax on weekends

世界级滨水开放空间,World-class waterfront open space

新十年,大作为,再出发,上海西岸加快建设人工智能产业新高地 (AI):成功举办 2018 世界人工智能大会,集聚微软亚洲研究院、央视、诚通、腾讯、阿里、网易、华为、联影等行业巨头,打造最具活力的人工智能应用示范区“西岸智塔 AI Tower”;加快形成国际文化新地标 (ART):开展中法最高级别文化交流项目蓬皮杜五年展陈合作,与香港西九文化区形成战略合作,西岸文化艺术季、西岸艺术与设计博览会等品牌活动影响力持续提升,吸引国际一线品牌云集成为“全球新品首发地”,谋划上海西岸国际艺术品集聚区“西岸艺岛 Art Tower”推动产业发展,以“双 A”战略带动地区能级提升,不断迈向全球城市的卓越水岸。

▼西岸美术馆大道,West Bund Art Gallery Avenue

▼西岸文化艺术季 AWB,West Bank Culture and Art season AWB

SANAA 建筑事务所设计,93,000 平方米总建筑面积 (地上 57,000 平方米,地下 36,000 平方米) 7 栋建筑,8 层至 14 层不等,最高高度为 60 米。西岸艺岛 Art Tower 位于上海西岸文化核心区,以国际艺术品交易聚集区的先进案例为参照,旨在按照主体集中的理念,汇集全球艺术品产业顶尖机构等优质资源,为上海建设世界重要艺术品交易中心打造核心载体地标和全产业链综合体。

▼西岸艺岛位于上海西岸文化核心区,Art Toweris located in the cultural core area of West Bund of Shanghai

▼西岸艺岛建筑设计采用了“双 A 战略”,”Double A Strategy”

西岸艺岛 Art Tower 由荣获普利兹克建筑奖的日本建筑专家妹岛和世和西泽立卫主持的 SANAA 建筑事务所担纲设计。西岸艺岛 Art Tower 由 7 栋围而不合、高度不一的建筑单体组成,秉承 SANAA 独具特色的“穿透性”建筑风格,通过仿若水晶的幕墙获取自然的力量——阳光和空气。7 栋子楼彼此“依偎”,形成互相倾斜的建筑形态,旨在使人们在各个角度能看到黄浦江景,实现“建筑可阅读、街区可漫步、城市有温度”的愿景。

▼“西岸智塔 AI Tower”与“西岸艺岛 ART Tower ,”Wisdom Tower AI Tower on the West Coast”and“ART Tower on the West Coast”

▼7 栋围而不合、高度不一的建筑单体,seven separate buildings of varying heights

“西岸艺岛 Art Tower” 借聚合型的艺术空间、一站式的交易服务、全要素的产业生态,重新定义艺术品全产业综合体。与相距不足百米的“西岸智塔 AI Tower”交相辉映,未来将联动美术馆大道以及西岸智慧谷、西岸传媒港以及央视、阿里、腾讯等头部企业,让科技与艺术在这里碰撞出更大的火花。

▼由 SANAA 建筑事务所担纲设计,Designed by SANAA Architects

▼立面细部,detail of facade

西岸艺岛 Art Tower 参观信息:地址:上海市徐汇区徐汇区龙耀路 8 号 开放日期:2020/10/16- 11/15 开放时间:周二至周日 10:00-16:00,周一闭馆 *需通过“西岸文化艺术季”平台进行参观预约


地点:西岸艺岛 1 楼 展期:2020/10/16- 11/15

▼“艺岛——来自西岸保税库的艺术精品”展览,”Art island– Fine Art from the Bonded warehouse in the West Bank”exhibition

简介:唐卡,是雪域高原最有代表性和最具魅力的一种艺术形式,也是藏族文化艺术的重要符号。本次唐卡艺术展精选 100 幅当代西藏唐卡艺术精品进行展出。艺术爱好者足不离沪,便可领略唐卡艺术之美,感受唐卡艺术的神韵。

地点:西岸艺岛 2 楼 展期:2020/10/16- 11/15

▼“雪域之美——百幅唐卡艺术精品展”展览现场,”The Beauty of Snow Land — A Hundred Thangka Art Works Exhibition”

简介:此次展览汇集了 12 位艺术家,围绕“遇见”这一主题,通过 22 组作品,跨越不同时期,让观众在这座岛中遇见香格纳的过去现在与未来。作品涵盖摄影、装置、雕塑与影像。从时间维度、作品丰富性上将香格纳画廊的艺术历程向观众娓娓道来。

地点:西岸艺岛 9 楼 展期:2020/10/16- 11/15

▼“Art Tower 遇见香格纳”展览现场,”Art Tower meets Shanghart”exhibition site

本届西岸博览会将迎来逾百家优秀画廊、设计品牌及艺术机构,集中展示 20 世纪初以来涵盖绘画、雕塑、装置、影像等横跨多种形式的精选佳作。西岸博览会创立之初的“设计单元”将强势回归,xiàn chăng、video XINTIANDI、West Bund Voice 单元异彩纷呈。同时,本届博览会打造线上画廊单元,以线下线上相结合的方式,为世界带来一场多元形态的艺术盛事。西岸博览会的艺术能量辐射全城近 40 家美术馆及城市空间,联动起整个上海的艺术生态。

第七届西岸艺术与设计博览会开放时间: 宾预览 周三,11 月 11 日,13:00-19:00 公众开放 周四,11 月 12 日,12:00-18:00 周五,11 月 13 日,12:00-18:00 周六,11 月 14 日,12:00-18:00 周日,11 月 15 日,12:00-18:00 地址:西岸艺术中心 A 馆、B 馆 上海市徐汇区龙腾大道 2555 号


▼往届西岸博览会概览,Overview of past West Bund Expo

西岸美术馆与蓬皮杜中心五年展陈合作项目将向公众呈献特展《设计与奇思:装饰之自然本源》。在本次展览中,观众将饱览百余件不同门类的年代跨度近百年的作品,开启自然与超自然的对话,体味诗意的大自然如何与我们的日常设计对象融为一体,并进入以设计和创新技术打造的美妙与奇趣的创意世界。展览藉由“自然与装饰”、“ 形图案”、“ 拉伯式蔓藤纹”、“装饰与数字科技”、“设计与奇幻”与“珍奇屋”六个部分,共同呈现了一段自然与装饰交织的设计史。展览中大部分作品来自蓬皮杜中心馆藏,同时展出的还有 12 位中国设计师的创作,为公众带来难得一见的跨文化艺术现场。

展期:2020 年 11 月 12 日至 2021 年 2 月 28 日 开放时间:10:00 -17:00(16:00 停止入场,每周一闭馆) 点:西岸美术馆 展厅 3(上海市徐汇区龙腾大道 2600 号) 丽-- 昂热·布拉耶尔(Marie-Ange Brayer),策展人,设计与未来工业收藏部负责人 奥利维尔·泽图恩(Olivier Zeitoun),联合策展人,设计与未来工业收藏部 法国国家现代艺术博物馆 – 工业设计中心

设计与奇思:装饰之自然本源,Design and the Wondrous: On the Nature of Ornament

Shanghai West Bund refers to Xuhui Waterfront along the Huangpu River, with a shoreline of 11.4 km, an area coverage of 9.4 km2, and in a total construction volume of 9.5 million km2 for development, which was identified as a high-quality CAZ(Central Activity Zone) that carries the core functions of global cities by “Shanghai 2035” master plan. As an origin place for the national manufacturing industry in the 20th century, it took advantage of Expo 2010, Shanghai West Bund started the city renovation and transformed from an industry-intensive area to a public open space guided by the “planning-based, culture-oriented, eco-based and technological-innovation-driven” development principle. Besides, Shanghai planned to build it into an iconic zone which would be comparable with the Paris Rive Gauche and London South Bank.

West Bund is positioned to provide a world-class urban waterfront public space. Following the development principle, 20+ cultural and art institutions will be gathered in the West Bund, such as the Long Museum, Yuz Museum, Start Museum, Tank Shanghai, and the emerging theatre cluster, forming the largest art zone in Asia. Also, West Bund has planned the main projects like West Bund Media Port, West Bund AI Valley and West Bund Financial Centre, to set up the central business area with 3 major industrial pillars of cultural innovation, technological innovation and creative financial industries.

Shanghai West Bund has restarted the new master plan for the next decade. It will accelerate the construction of the new highland of artificial intelligence industry (AI):successful organization of the 2018 World Artificial Intelligence Conference has attracted a number of industrial giants including MSRA, CCTV, CHENG TONG GROUP, Tencent, Alibaba Group, Netease, Huawei, United Imaging, and creating the most dynamic artificial intelligence application area“AI Tower”. To accelerate the formation of an international cultural landmark, West Bund launched the 5-year cooperation program with the Centre Georges- Pompidou and Hong Kong West Kowloon. Moreover, the influence of brands such as Art West Bund and the West Bund Art & Design Fair continued to increase, making West Bund as one of Shanghai-Global Debut Destination by attracting the international top brands. West Bund is also planned as an International Art Industry Cluster“Art Tower”to endorse industrial development, and promoting the regional energy level with the“AA”(Art & AI)strategy. In the future, West Bund is aiming at being an extraordinary waterfront of the Global City.

West Bund Art & Design announced the list of participating galleries of its 2020 edition, which will be held at the West Bund Art Center from November 11 to 15. The lineup of around 50 leading galleries – including more than 50% from overseas – signals a strong recovery of the global art market even as much of the world still faces unprecedented challenges and curtailed international travel. The show will present a wide selection of artworks of the highest quality from across the globe, including paintings, sculptures, installations, photography, videos, and performance art.

Having participated in the previous six editions, Hauser & Wirth, Ota Fine Arts, Pace Gallery, ShanghART Gallery, White Cube, and WHITE SPACE BEIJING are joined by returning galleries including GALLERIA CONTINUA, Gagosian, Galerie Krinzinger, Lehmann Maupin, Lisson Gallery, neugerriemschneider, Perrotin, Almine Rech and Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac as well as others that will be exhibiting for the first time. The xiàn chăng section will return with large-scale art projects featuring artworks from paintings and sculptures to installations both inside and outside the exhibition venue. Also the video section of the fair will return and continue to explore the multi-dimensional possibilities of video art.

West Bund Voice section will invite artists, curators, art museum directors, collectors, and other industry professionals to share their experiences and exchange ideas.West Bund Art & Design is proud to announce that UBS joins the seventh edition as a lead partner. “I’m thrilled that we are able to sponsor and participate such a leading art fair in China to connect with those who are passionate about art. While digital technology had transformed the art world, it can’t replace the joy of seeing art in the flesh. Art is an essential part of our DNA and we believe it has the power to provide valuable insights to our clients and the community”, says Marina Lui, China Head, Wealth Management at UBS.

UBS has a long history of supporting contemporary art and artists


艺术西岸 | 上海新地标,全球艺场盛宴
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