发布时间:2019-09-19 07:12:55 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

建筑事务所Behin Ha设计的Coshocton射线追踪装置是一个临时装置,位于俄亥俄州科肖克顿小镇(Coshocton)的一个社区公园内,由着色网状织物在生产过程中产生的废料打造而成。其引人注目的外观造型不仅在小镇广场的附近创造出一个令人眼前一亮的景点,更邀请在这里生活的人们入内体验。该装置结构隶属于波默林艺术中心(Pomerene Center for the Arts)。作为一个社区聚会场所,它是2019年的夏季限定,当夏季结束的时候便会被拆除并送回到厂商处,以便进行回收再利用。

Behin Ha’s Coshocton Ray Trace employs scrap material from a coated mesh fabric manufacturer to create a temporary installation at a community park in Coshocton, Ohio. The installation engages the community both by involving its members in its construction, and by creating an unexpected point of attraction near the town square. The structure is operated by the Pomerene Center for the Arts as a meeting place for the community over the summer of 2019, at the end of which it is dismantled and sent back to the manufacturer for recycling.

▼装置鸟瞰图远景,distant bird-eye’s view of the installation

波默林艺术中心希望建筑事务所Behin Ha Design Studio能够在俄亥俄州科肖克顿小镇内的一个名为artPark的公共公园里设计一个临时的遮阳装置,作为2019年的夏季限定空间。该公园隶属于波默林艺术中心,位于科肖克顿小镇的中心地带。这里曾是一座被烧毁的酒店的旧址,波默林艺术中心希望能够通过这个公园,让艺术走进社区,同时为这个饱经风霜的场地带去活力。Behin Ha所设计的装置围绕着一个金属钢架设置,该钢架毗邻一座砖混建筑,二者都是多年来人们在artPark中所进行的一系列建筑干预的产物。值得一提的是,这个装置使用当地的回收或再利用材料打造,不仅致力于为社区提供聚会场所,还鼓励人们参与其建设。

▼装置俯视图,位于一个名为artPark的公共公园内,top view of the installation that is located at a public park named artPark

The Pomerene Center for the Arts commissioned Behin Ha Design Studio to design a temporary shade structure at artPark, a public park in Coshocton, Ohio, for the Summer of 2019. Located at the site of a burned-down hotel building in Coshocton’s downtown, the artPark was created and maintained by the Pomerene Center as a way of engaging the community in the arts at an otherwise blighted site. Behin Ha’s installation was to work around and with the various interventions that had been made over the years at the artPark. Furthermore, the new installation, intended to provide a meeting place for the community, was to engage the community in its construction, and to use local recycled or up-cycled materials.

▼装置鸟瞰图近景,呈现出亮橙色的扭体造型,close bird-eye’s view of the installation that presents a twist form in the bright orange color

这个射线装置与场地上的现有结构完美配合,在钢制的阳台结构和地面之间创造出一个亮橙色的网状织物结构。值得一提的是,本项目所使用的织物材料其实是俄亥俄州多佛(Dover)附近的Snyder Manufacturing工厂在产品加工过程中所产生的废料。Snyder工厂在生产宽幅织物的时候,为了保证两端的平整性,通常会进行一定的切割,本项目所使用的便是这些边角料。这些被切割下来的材料一般会被回收再重新投入生产线进行二次利用,因此在经历了短暂而耀眼的夏季之后,装置的材料便会被回收返还给Snyder工厂,并被重新投入到生产线中。

Behin Ha’s design works with existing structures on the site, tensioning light ribbons of a coated mesh fabric between an existing steel balcony structure and the ground. The fabric is scrap material from Snyder Manufacturing in nearby Dover, Ohio. As wide rolls of the fabric are produced in Snyder’s manufacturing line, the two ends of the roll are trimmed to provide straight edges. The trimmings, which are normally recycled back into the production line, were given new life as a canopy structure in the installation, and are returned to Snyder at the end of the Summer to be recycled back into their manufacturing process.

▼装置外观远景,distant exterior view of the installation

▼装置外观近景,在钢制的阳台结构和地面之间创造出一个亮橙色的网状织物结构,close exterior view of the installation, tensioning light ribbons of a coated mesh fabric between an existing steel balcony structure and the ground

▼装置外观近景,装置与场地上的现有结构完美配合,close exterior view of the installation that works with existing structures on the site


The assembly procedure was made intentionally straightforward so that the community could be involved in the installation. After some preparatory work by local contractors, assembling the structure was a simple matter of tensioning the ribbons between pre-designated anchor points and stapling them in place. The anchor orientation at the top and bottom create a twist in the ribbons which makes the installation more transparent at eye level, and more opaque on top and towards the southern direction.

▼装置外观近景,每根织物的上下锚定点在水平方向上都有一定的错位,从而创造出一种扭转的视觉效果,close exterior view of the installation, the anchors orientation at the top and bottom create a twist in the ribbons

▼装置内部,空间在与视线平齐的位置较为通透,而顶部和南向的织物密度则较高,interior view of the installation, the installation is more transparent at eye level, and more opaque on top and towards the southern direction

▼装置内部,视线通透,interior view of the transparent installation


The bright orange color of the installation invites curious passers-by to come into and explore the park. The installation has also been used for various formal gatherings, including city council meetings and music performances.

▼装置细节,installation details

▼装置轴测图,axon of the installation

▼装置平面图,plan of the installation

▼装置正立面图,front elevation of the installation

▼装置侧立面图,side elevation of the installation

Project name: Coshocton Ray Trace

Completion Year: 2019

Gross Built Area: 650 Square Feet

Project location: Coshocton, Ohio, United States

Architecture Firm: Behin Ha

Design Team: Behrang Behin and Ann Ha

Client: Pomerene Center for the Arts

Structural Engineer: TTR Engineers

Photo credits: Brad Feinknopf

Behin Ha


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