发布时间:2021-08-11 17:05:00 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

云南玉溪,滇中璞玉, 碧绿清溪之地,玉溪因水得名, 玉溪河即《水经注》所记之桥水, 明代文献中已称玉溪,取其清流如玉之意。 玉溪是聂耳故乡、云烟之乡、花灯之乡和高原水乡, 位于滇中腹地,是连接省外和南亚、 东南亚的重要交通枢纽。 Yunnan Yuxi, Yunnan Puyu, Yuxi, a place of green and clear rivers, is named for its water, Yuxi River is the bridge water recorded in shuijingzhu, It has been called Yuxi in the literature of Ming Dynasty, which means that it is as clear as jade.

设计师以自然为蓝本, 描摹出一副清流如玉的现代画卷, 意图给出“人类”与“场域”的终极关联。 Designers are based on nature, It depicts a modern picture that is as clear as jade, The purpose is to give the ultimate connection between "human" and "field".

整个空间以蝶变的概念贯穿始终, 打开以文为楣的生活空间, The concept of butterfly transformation runs through the whole space, Open the living space with literature as the core,

本案为匹配在形式下 用户行为与社群搭建的需求, 将多维场景的体验融入到空间之中, 深入探索空间场景和场所之间的界面, 以社区式的场景叠加渗透、激发互动, 从而达到场所升级的设计策略, 让时、空、人、物之间发生紧密的联系。 This case is in the form of matching User behavior and community building needs, Integrate the experience of multi-dimensional scene into the space, Explore the interface between space scene and place, Community style scenes are superimposed and infiltrated to stimulate interaction, So as to achieve the design strategy of site upgrade, Let time, space, people and things have a close relationship.

翻阅时光的流年, 让每一个步入者都能感同身受, 犹如亲历的每一寸生活。 Looking through the fleeting years of time, So that everyone can feel it, Its like every inch of your life.

01 沉浸 IMMERSE | 层层跌入 营造文化和艺术的氛围感 将美好时光凝结此刻 以文化、社区、共享为纲, 艺术、融景、沉浸为轴, 将空间层层叠入, Taking culture, community and sharing as the key link, Art, landscape and immersion are the axes, The space is stacked in layers,

设计师打造了一个融图书馆、艺术馆、 生活馆为一体的、 具有功能性的复合空间。 It has built a library, an art museum Life hall as a whole Functional composite space.

让每一个驻足其中的观者, 都能感受到浓厚的艺术氛围, 遥望未来的美好生活 Let every viewer who stops in it, You can feel the strong artistic atmosphere, Looking forward to a better life in the future

02 共生 SYMBIOSIS | 图书馆、艺术馆、生活馆 一个复合型的空间共生 设计师巧妙的运用 室内外环境和室内空间转接, Ingenious application of designers environment

勾勒出一步一景和谐共生的意境, 将自然形态与空间语汇完美的结合。 It outlines the artistic conception of harmonious coexistence step by step, The perfect combination of natural form and spatial vocabulary.

运用去营销化的氛围场景打造, 结合书吧及装置,呼应主题元素, Using the de marketing atmosphere to create the scene, Combining the book bar and device, echo the theme elements,

在光与影的组合运用下, 营造出具有艺术融景的沉浸式空间氛围。 With the combination of light and shadow, Create an immersive space atmosphere with artistic fusion.

03 营造 BUILD | 以自然为灵魂的意向空间 是一种美好生活的范本 用当代的设计语言, 将温润如玉的意象空间 给出一种美好生活的范本, With contemporary design language, The image space of jade Give a model of a good life,

在这个空间里, 让时光连接当下与未来, 让美好生活的想象凝结在此时此刻。 In this space, Let time connect the present with the future, Let the imagination of a better life condense at this moment.

自然意境在空间里徐徐铺陈, 让整个空间随处都有生机, 让自然的力量盎然于心 The natural artistic conception is unfolded slowly in the space, Let the whole space have vitality everywhere, Let the power of nature abound in the heart

营造出一种传统与现代共融的空间体验感, 对空间进行有序围合, 强化空间视觉效果与空间层次感。 To create a sense of space experience that integrates traditional and modern, Orderly enclosure of space, Strengthen the visual effect of space and the sense of spatial hierarchy.


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