发布时间:2019-08-04 06:27:30 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


MUTUAL, the adjective word meaning bilateral, common, shared or reciprocal.


“Dandelion Books Seat,” as the name suggests, means to “express” the goodwill that the moment calling for “reading” also encourages those in the generation of fragmentary information to get along with themselves through “reading,” which inspires them to listen to their inner voices and think calmly. Living in a “clamorous”but “lonely” society, people, nevertheless, can develop the unexpected wonderful relationships by “exchanging books.”

▼MUTUAL书席外观,exterior view of the MUTUAL


Dozens of books seats, which are located in various parks and streets in Taiwan, show the gorgeous design styles, the environmentally-friendly materials and craftsmanship, and the intriguing creativities. We have been trying to find a new perspective to present a different books seat. “The door and windows are cut out (from the wall) to form an apartment; but it is on the empty space(within), that its use depends,” quoted from Laozi. An empty part, in a space, deserves more attentions than either a ceiling, wall or floor. In addition to focusing on its forms, colors and materials, we should care more about“people,” their experiences in this space “container,” and their memories after leaving this space.

▼散落在街头的MUTUAL书席空间,the MUTUAL located in the street


▼MUTUAL书席空间使用说明,必需借由两人以上的互动、合作,才能拿取书籍,the instruction of the MUTUAL, the only access to books is the interaction and cooperation by at least two people

MUTUAL encourages the direct interactions engaged between people, people and space, space and object, and object and people. Its greatest charisma, which has never been seen in any existing books seat, is that the only access to books is the interaction and cooperation by at least two people, which are the wonderful bonding we want to attain from MUTUAL. The adjoined two wood boxes, either of which is tall or short and is on the front or on the side, symbolize the main structure of MUTUAL. The fixed pulleys, which are normally applied in physics, are implemented on two wood boxes, one of which is connected to one side of a rope. When a person pulls up the rope on the other side, the other person can therefore access to the books. This cooperation to operate the box resembles the activity of “treasure hunting,” and it is the only way to open the book boxes as well.

▼MUTUAL书席,一高一矮,一正一侧,两个木盒穿插在一起形成主体结构,the instruction of the MUTUAL, the adjoined two wood boxes, either of which is tall or short and is on the front or on the side, symbolize the main structure

▼从高盒子一侧看MUTUAL书席空间,高盒子内设有书箱,viewing the MUTUAL from the tall box with a book box inside


In the initial stage developing the design ideas, we promptly determined the“interaction” as the concept of books seat consisting of the funny and intriguing elements. We, consequently, accomplished the wonderful expression of“dandelion” with the simplest and low-carbon method that creates the wonderful and intriguing memories of the MUTUAL experiences by people sharing and helping reciprocally.

▼MUTUAL书席空间细节,书箱由压纹磨砂玻璃围合而成,details of the MUTUAL, the book box is enclosed by embossing ground glass

▼MUTUAL书席空间及定滑轮装置细节,details of the MUTUAL and its fixed pulleys

▼书席平面图,floor plan of the MUTUAL

▼书席正立面图,front elevation of the MUTUAL

▼书席侧立面图,side elevation of the MUTUAL

2019年1月,设计师、策展人、媒体人共同飞往广州讨论首次在大陆落地的蒲公英书席并勘查场地。 “设计驿站|蒲公英书席,当设计理念碰撞温暖的良善,公益,似是一种本能,这是一种就像泉水涌出来的感受,一种自然的条件反射,一切都仿佛水到渠成。设计驿站|蒲公英书席,交换书籍的行动自开启以来。跨越山海,聚集了明星,作家,设计师,媒体人,建筑师,导演,政客等来自各个领域的温暖发生。” 刘孜、江一燕、虹影、欧阳江河 X 卜天静、李雪、杨洋、王大鹏合力参与这一次的公益行动。而MUTUAL是演员、设计师刘孜与卜天静共同设计的暖心作品。

展览时间:2019.4 设计团队:北京吾觉空间装饰设计有限责任公司 x 刘孜 主案设计师: 刘孜(演员、设计师)、卜天静 参与设计师:韩昊、祝丹阳 协力厂商:江苏九鼎家具有限公司 搭建管理:蒋鹏鹏

项目名称:MUTUAL 共同体书席 设计方 ISENSE DESIGN 吾觉空间设计 项目设计 & 完成年份:2019.3 主创及设计团队:刘孜 卜天静 项目地址:广州家博会 建筑面积:12㎡ 摄影版权:ISENSE DESIGN 吾觉空间设计 合作方:江苏九鼎家具有限公司 客户:设计驿站 蒲公英书席


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