发布时间:2022-10-09 22:00:55 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

▼浴室与露台,bathroom and terrace © Jaime Navarro

▼上层套房带有私人露台与户外浴室,upper suite with private terrace and outdoor bathroom © Jaime Navarro

▼底层套房卧室,interior of the suites on the ground floor © Jaime Navarro

在Casa TO酒店,生态意识与可持续性被视作当今奢华生活方式的基本,同时在设计中也采取了一系列策略来减少建筑以及人类活动对于环境的影响,包括:可用于植物灌溉的污水处理系统、可生产并储存清洁能源的太阳能电池板,以及零塑料政策等。

▼底层套房设有私人花园,suites on the ground floor with private garden © Jaime Navarro

Furniture built by expert carpenters from Puebla, Guadalajara, and Oaxaca conveys a sense of simplicity and delicacy and, together with the bamboo pieces designed by Tiago Solís Van Beuren, emphasizes the textures while bringing character to the spaces. These unique pieces, which display the richness and creativity of talented local artisans, may be purchased by guests under a fairtrade model, enabling them to introduce exceptional objects into their daily lives.

酒店中采用的家具由来自普埃布拉、瓜达拉哈拉和瓦哈卡的专业木匠制作,彰显出一种简单却精致的优雅感觉,这些家具与Tiago Solís Van Beuren设计的竹制家具一起,强调了材料的纹理,同时为空间带来鲜明的个性。这些独特的艺术品展现了本地工匠的丰富创造力,酒店的客人们甚至可以在与酒店主人协商后将某些家具购买下来,将这些特殊的物品引入他们的日常生活。

▼建筑与自然环境的融合,integration of building and natural environment © Jaime Navarro

The natural surroundings of Casa TO defined the interior design, inspired by the natural pattern of a Madagascar Blue Bismarck palm tree (Bismarckia Nobilis) standing on the original site. The chosen color palette combines the natural tones of concrete and stainless steel with turquoise hues –appreciated in the metalwork, the lamps by Natural Urbano studio, and other decorative details–, and nuances of yellow, blue, and green.

Casa TO酒店所处的自然环境决定了其室内设计,设计灵感来自于场地上的马达加斯加蓝色俾斯麦棕榈树(Bismarckia Nobilis)的自然纹理。空间色调结合了混凝土和不锈钢的自然色调以及金属制品中的绿松石色调,其中就包括由natural Urbano工作室出品的灯具以及其他细部装饰品等,不同饱和度的黄色、蓝色和绿色和谐相融,增强了空间中的自然氛围。

At Casa TO consciousness and sustainability are seen as fundamental aspects of luxury living today, and expressed in its commitment to reducing its environmental impact with actions including: a water treatment plant to reuse wastewater for the planted areas; solar panels to store energy; and a zero-plastics policy.

▼走廊,hallway © Jaime Navarro

此外,酒店中提供的生活用品采用了源自玛雅和印度教文化的传统草药,基于古老植物(如:金盏花)的洗护产品具有再生和治疗的特性。其配方由墨西哥公司For All Folks研发,含有植物精华、羟基苯甲酸酯、矿物质以及零动物实验的成分。在Casa TO酒店中,客人们能够在优雅的设计与宁静的环境中沉思冥想,重新与自己的精神世界产生连接。

The facilities at Casa TO adopt the traditional herbalism of the Mayan and Hindu cultures with products based on ancient plants such as calendula, which possesses regenerative and therapeutic properties. The formulas, by the Mexican company For All Folks, are vegan and paraben-, mineral-, and cruelty-free. Staying at Casa TO means taking a pause to reconnect with a contemplative experience in surroundings of abundant conceptual elegance and total serenity.

▼室内夜景,interior night view © Jaime Navarro

▼平面图,plan © Ludwig Godefroy Architecture

▼节点细部,construction details © Ludwig Godefroy Architecture

▼立面图,elevations © Ludwig Godefroy Architecture

▼剖面图,section © Ludwig Godefroy Architecture

▼前台接待,reception area © Jaime Navarro

带有顶棚的无边泳池与日光浴场是Casa TO民宿酒店的两大特色。无边泳池强调出结构的拱形形式,直线线条、裸露的承重墙、轻质结构,以及开放式内部空间,展现出标志性的柯布西耶风格。日光浴场则采用了阶梯式布局,并带有分区,保证了使用者的隐私。

▼阶梯式日光浴室,stepped solarium © Jaime Navarro

▼半室外泳池,semi-outdoor swimming pool © Jaime Navarro

The interplay of privacy and exposure is evident. The interior views create an oasis enclosed by the sky, the weight of the walls and the vegetation of climbing plants and fruit trees including bananas and passion fruit. In this area, measuring 600 square meters, Godefroy interweaves aesthetics and functionality, emphasizing the honesty of the textures of the raw materials, such as concrete, steel, clay, and wood.


The focal point of Casa TO is the covered infinity pool and solarium. The former alludes to the vaulted volumes and the signature style of Le Corbusier with rectilinear lines, exposed loadbearing walls, lightweight structures, and open-plan interiors. The solarium, with its terraced layout, has divisions to provide privacy in each area.

▼室内空间概览,overall of the interior © Jaime Navarro

The project, by the renowned architect Ludwig Godefroy, was developed under the watchword of simplicity and conceptual elegance, bringing together tradition and the avant-garde in a unique structure embraced by a peaceful natural setting. The name, Casa TO, comes from the idea of serene contemplation of an enclosed space, like the reinterpretation of a Oaxacan temple, generating a radical sensory experience upon entering. The structure evokes the reticulated pattern of two historical hydraulic works of timeless beauty: the Basilica Cistern or Yerebatan Sarayi of Istanbul, dating from the 6th century AD, and the Hornsey Wood Reservoir in Finsbury Park, London, built in the 19th century.

该项目由著名建筑师Ludwig Godefroy设计,旨在以简洁优雅的设计语言,在宁静的自然环境中,将传统和前卫融合在一栋独特的建筑中。Casa TO的名字来源于封闭空间中的宁静沉思,就如同是对瓦哈坎寺庙的重新诠释,为人们创造出别具一格的沉浸式感官体验。建筑的空间结构让人联想起两座美丽而永恒的历史水利工程的柱网结构,分别为可追溯到公元6世纪的土耳其大教堂蓄水池/地下宫殿(yerebatan sarayi),以及建于19世纪的伦敦芬斯伯里公园Hornsey Wood水库。

▼建筑外观,exterior view © Jaime Navarro

In La Punta Zicatela, a spot on Mexico’s Pacific coast with golden sunsets where the sea, the sand, and the cliffs form a unique panorama, Casa To nestles in a discreet oasis of unusual architecture where you can immerse yourself in a state of total contemplation. With just nine suites, the hotel defines itself as a manifesto of hospitality for introspection, sited opposite the Zicatela Ecological Community, a key destination for contemporary nomads from every latitude, who seek to find themselves among wide beaches ideal for surfing and watersports, walking, meditating, and even helping to release turtles in the local sanctuaries.

全球冲浪之都La Punta Zicatela,坐落于墨西哥太平洋海岸,在这里,金色的日落、大海、沙滩和悬崖形成了独特的自然景观,而Casa TO民宿酒店则依偎在一处由一栋不同寻常的建筑围合而成的绿洲中,为游客们提供了一座可以完全沉浸在自己的精神世界中的世外桃源。酒店仅设有9间套房,并将“自省”与“好客”作为自己的品牌宣言。酒店坐落在Zicatela生态社区对面,这里是来自世界各地的当代“游牧民”的天堂,热爱自由的人们汇集在此于广阔的大海中尽情冲浪或享受水上运动,还可以在金色的沙滩上散步,冥想,甚至在当地保护区内帮助海龟回归家园。

▼拱门、直线线条、裸露的承重墙,以及轻质结构,Arches, straight lines, exposed load-bearing walls, and lightweight structures © Jaime Navarro

▼阶梯上的日光浴区,sunbathing area on the steps © Jaime Navarro

▼泳池,the swimming pool © Jaime Navarro

▼拱门与光影效果,arches and light effects © Jaime Navarro


The adjacent volume comprises the suites and has a structure that favors cool air, given the prevailing heat of the region, and provides protection from the outdoors. The six rooms on the ground floor have gardens, while those on the upper level offer a terrace and outdoor bath.

▼相邻套房单元之间的通风降温空间,ventilation and cooling space between adjacent suite units © Jaime Navarro

▼上层露台,terrace on the upper floor © Jaime Navarro

▼台阶细部,details of the steps © Jaime Navarro


Casa TO民宿酒店,墨西哥 / Ludwig Godefroy Architecture
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