农业国家或经济落后国家,要想做到经济起飞和经济发展,就必须全面(包括城市和农村)实行”工业化”。——张培刚 《农业与工业化》
In order to achieve economic take-off and development, the agricultural countries or economically backward countries must fully (including urban and rural areas) implement “industrialization”. – Agriculture and Industrialization by Pei-kang Chang
Mr. Chang (Pei-kang Chang) researched development economics, western economics, agricultural economics, and science of business administration, and created a systematic theory of industrialization in agricultural countries, who was known as “The first person from the East discusses the economy in Harvard”. His doctoral dissertation, Agriculture and Industrialization, had been completed at Harvard University in 1945, which is recognized as the founding work of development economics. Mr. Chang was also recognized worldwide as the founder of development economics.
▼张培刚故居乡村礼堂,Rural Auditorium in Former Residence of Pei-kang Chang ©华中科技大学谭刚毅教授工作室
The project is located in the hometown of Mr. Chang, the father of development economics – Xiachentian Village, Baliwan Town, Hong’an County. Living in the Xiachentian Village influenced the growth and academic path of Mr. Chang. The School of Economics of Huazhong University of Science and Technology and Pei-Gang Chang Research Foundation for Development Economics hopes to commemorate Mr. Zhang, the government hopes to drive the rural construction of Xiachentian Village, and the villagers hope to improve the lack of public toilets and centralized gathering space places, the above parties have joined together and collaborated to organize the construction of the hometown of Mr. Zhang – Xiachentian Village.
The five elements of “mountain, water, forest, cropland and house” have become the most prominent natural resources of Chenjiatian Village. The village is organized around a pond, which is divided into two places by the main road at the entrance. There is a hundred-year-old tree in the main road, carrying the childhood memory of Mr. Chang.The design team hopes to extend the environmental pattern of the natural village bay and to awaken and rejuvenate the village through the activation of several public spacial nodes, such as the rural auditorium at the entrance of the village bay, the former residence of Pei-kang Chang and the bronze statue memorial square, and the open piazza. The rural auditorium is backed by the mountain, and faces the water from the former residence of Pei-kang Chang and the bronze statue memorial plaza across the water. The old and the new dialogues and intersects on both sides of the water.
▼项目区位图,Project Location ©华中科技大学谭刚毅教授工作室
The toilet of the auditorium is detached from the main body and becomes a public toilet serving the villagers and tourists, it is located close to the hill, where a small external square and an internal courtyard is formed. The auditorium adopts the design concept of “Double-sided theater”, where the stage can face the interior of the auditorium for performances or conference reports, and others. On the opening day, the Hong’an Scholarship Awarding Ceremony of the Pei-kang Chang Foundation was held. Meanwhile, the folded “backboard” of the stage can also be open forward the small square, forming an open “village stage”. The design team had built a low-tech, low-cost public building and event space by local stone and the most common preserved wood cubes from the building materials market, combined with the masonry techniques of the time and modern wood construction techniques.
▼张培刚故居礼堂与公共厕所形态生成过程 The process of morphogenesis of the auditorium and public toilets in the former residence of Chang Peigang ©华中科技大学谭刚毅教授工作室
▼石木结构体系分解图,Exploded view of the stone and wood structure system ©华中科技大学谭刚毅教授工作室
▼公共厕所(左)与礼堂(右)结构体系拆解图 Structural system disassembly of public toilet (left) and auditorium (right) ©华中科技大学谭刚毅教授工作室
The design takes into account the topography and the shape of the terrain to form a public toilet with a single sloped roof, while the rural auditorium adopts a wooden truss structure with cross support of common square wood profiles to achieve a larger span. Considering the use of “Double-sided theater”, the ridge of the auditorium has more projections, with the construction of a long ridge and short eaves to better shelter the stage from the sun and rain. The inner courtyard between the auditorium and the toilets can be used as a village gallery. The open activity space could provide a place for villagers to move around: washing vegetables, going to the toilet, gathering, chatting, square dancing, where villagers can freely shuttle between the toilet, auditorium and exhibition hall. The public space carries all kinds of daily or non-daily activities for villagers and visitors.
▼入口公共空间,The entrance of public space ©华中科技大学谭刚毅教授工作室
▼内院乡村展廊,Inner courtyard countryside gallery ©华中科技大学谭刚毅教授工作室
▼乡村礼堂木桁架建造细部,Detail of wooden truss construction for Rural Auditorium ©华中科技大学谭刚毅教授工作室
▼乡村礼堂木桁架建造细部,Detail of wooden truss construction for Rural Auditorium ©华中科技大学谭刚毅教授工作室
The truss structure of the public restroom echoes the structure of the auditorium on the one hand, and the lean-to roof follows the trend of hill, so that the light could be slipping down the slope through the crevices.
▼公厕单坡屋顶,Lean-to roof of the public restroom ©华中科技大学谭刚毅教授工作室
▼从夹壁墙可以看到夕阳辉映下的张老的故居和铜像 From the entrance of the village, you can see the former residence of Mr. Chang and bronze statue under the sunset glow along the double wall ©华中科技大学谭刚毅教授工作室
The environment of the former residence of Pei-kang Chang was slightly improved by reinforcing the remnants side walls and door frames. The exhibition arrangement of the former residence was completed by local cultural department and Mr. Chang’s wife. The bronze statue memorial plaza is located in front of the residence, the bronze statue has been created in advance, because the bronze statue is slightly higher than the real height, it is proposed to remove the base and place directly on the ground. It will form a friendly and tall image, and also facilitate the descendants who come to commemorate. The height of the backdrop was projected by the height of the bronze statue and the sightline relationship of the former residence on the terrace. The background wall was also made of local masonry technology, and the life, commentary and academic theories of Mr. Chang are embedded in the stone wall by steel plate engraving.
▼村中心塘对面的张培刚故居与铜像纪念广场 The former residence of Pei-kang Chang and the bronze statue memorial plaza opposite the pond of village center ©华中科技大学谭刚毅教授工作室
▼张培刚故居的铜像纪念广场,Bronze statue memorial square at the former residence of Pei-kang Chang ©华中科技大学谭刚毅教授工作室
▼张培刚故居,The former residence of Pei-kang Chang ©华中科技大学谭刚毅教授工作室
▼广场和礼堂中的活动,Activities on the plaza and in the auditorium ©华中科技大学谭刚毅教授工作室 (左)铜像揭幕仪式,Bronze statue unveiling ceremony (右)张培刚基金会红安助学金发放仪式,Chang Peigang Foundation Hong’an Bursary Award Ceremony
▼施工期间当地村民在礼堂西南侧日常生活场景 Scenes from the daily lives of local villagers on the south-west side of the hall during construction ©华中科技大学谭刚毅教授工作室
▼乡村礼堂建造视频,Construction video ©华中科技大学谭刚毅教授工作室
These two venues, carrying the numerous memories, has become the important places for villagers to conduct their activities, commemorate Mr. Chang and endow new memories.
▼乡村礼堂和公共厕所一层平面图,Ground floor plan of the village hall and public toilets ©华中科技大学谭刚毅教授工作室
▼礼堂木屋架平面图,Auditorium timber roof frame plan ©华中科技大学谭刚毅教授工作室
▼乡村礼堂屋顶檩条平面图,Roof purlin plan of the auditorium ©华中科技大学谭刚毅教授工作室
▼乡村礼堂单榀屋架拆解图 Dismantled drawing of the single-bay roof frame of the auditorium ©华中科技大学谭刚毅教授工作室
▼公厕木屋架平面图,Timber Roof Frame Plan of Public Toilet ©华中科技大学谭刚毅教授工作室
▼公厕屋顶檩条椽子平面图,Roof purlin rafter plan of Public Toilet ©华中科技大学谭刚毅教授工作室
▼公厕单榀屋架拆解图,Dismantled drawing of the single-bay roof frame of the public toilet ©华中科技大学谭刚毅教授工作室
▼张培刚铜像纪念广场的背景墙 The backdrop of the Bronze Statue of Zhang Peigang Memorial Square ©华中科技大学谭刚毅教授工作室