发布时间:2021-12-05 02:18:55 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

为纪念出口加工业巨头亨宁·G·克鲁斯 (Henning G. Kruses)而修建的亨宁·G·克鲁斯广场(Henning G. Kruses Plads),由BIG景观规划团队设计。广场位于埃斯比约音乐厅与埃斯比约艺术博物馆前院,包含一座音流水池,不仅加强了城市与海洋之间的密切联系,还体现出城市悠久的海事历史。人们在此聚集相会,为周围社区增添了几分活力。

Musikhuset Esbjerg and Esbjerg Kunstmuseum have a new lively forecourt that encourages community and gathering around a cymatic pool. The new Henning G. Kruses Plads square is designed by BIG Landscape to celebrate the city’s relationship with the sea, characterized by both Esbjerg’s maritime history and Henning G. Kruse’s life.

由于临近海洋,埃斯比约形成了自己独特的城市历史,特别是1874年港口开放航海后,城市发展尤为迅速。今天,埃斯比约已成为丹麦第五大城市,并在北海拥有多个绿色能源项目。在这些年中,埃斯比约市发展了大量的文化设施,亨宁·G·克鲁斯广场便是其最新的一例。亨宁 · G · 克鲁斯广场由亨宁·G·克鲁斯基金会捐赠给埃斯比约音乐厅和市民使用。

Esbjerg’s location near the sea has shaped the city’s history and its development, which began when the port of Esbjerg opened for navigation in 1874. Today, Esbjerg is Denmark’s fifth largest city and gateway to many green energy projects in the North Sea. Over the years, the city has invested in a wealth of cultural offerings, of which Henning G. Kruses Plads is the latest example.

▼项目航拍顶视图,aerial top view of the project

“BIG的建筑师和景观规划师在埃斯比约音乐厅的前方创建了一个兼具功能性和活力的地方, 这种富有想象力的方式启发市民可以在广场驻足停留,亦或探索充满活力的音乐厅内部。 我们为这一结果非常高兴。”埃斯比约音乐厅总监, 陀本赛德鲁(Torben Seldrup)说道。 出于对乌松设计的埃斯比约音乐厅的尊重,广场被设计为原有建筑的延伸。从室内大厅到哈奈路(Havnegade)的滨水区,室内的石柱和户外的桦树林相融相生,为音乐厅创造出由内到外自然的过渡。音乐厅的前院是一片桦树林,且中央设有音流水池,迎接着到访音乐厅的观众和路过的行人。


Designed by BIG Landscape for the Henning G. Kruses Foundation the Plads was donated to Musikhuset and the people of Esbjerg. With respect to Utzon’s original Musikhus, the square is designed as an extension of the existing architecture. Extending from the interior foyer to Havnegade waterfront the pillars grows together with the birch forest outside and creates a smooth transition from inside to outside the Musikhus. Musikhuset’s forecourt has now been transformed into a birch forest with a cymatic pool at the center, inviting Musikhuset’s guests and passers-by to gather and enjoy the area.

▼前院的桦树林与广场中央的音流水池,the birch forest and the cymatic pool at the center

▼音流水池细部,detail of the cymatic pool

“三样事物激发了我们的灵感:音乐厅现存的建筑,音乐厅的音乐,以及海洋。我们将三样事物融入了一个简单的做法——为市民和音乐厅到访者创造一个可以聚集的地方。音流水池是一个奇妙的元素——一个诗意的地方,易于冷静和反思,一个传达并表现音乐的地方,甚至儿童也懂得欣赏。” BIG建筑师兼合伙人大卫萨勒(David Zahle)说道。广场标志着这个城市与海洋紧密的纽带。位于桦树“林”中的直径10米长的水池随着音乐或是预编程的震动波光粼粼。池水赞颂着海洋以及克鲁斯(Henning G. Kruses)在全世界的事业。

The square honors the city’s close ties to the sea. A 10-meter diameter round basin in the birch ‘forest’ creates patterns in the water surface through the vibrations of the music from the stages inside the building, or via pre-programmed vibrations, keeping the water constantly in motion. The water within the basin is a reference to the sea and a tribute to Kruses’ work around the world.

▼广场如今已成为市民的聚集地,The square is now a gathering place for citizens

▼小规模展现的城市艺术作品,Small-scale urban art work

“新的埃斯比约音乐厅和埃斯比约艺术博物馆由多个特别的细节组成。弯曲的钢条,环绕着树木的环形网格,灯杆,自行车架,共振的水池都采用了5mm的不锈钢,和水泥地粗糙的表面以及桦树的白干绿冠产生了微妙的对比。亨宁·G·克鲁斯广场代表了一个全面的城市艺术作品,通过小规模而展现。” BIG理事兼项目负责人索伦·马丁努森(Søren Martinussen)说道。音流水池广场将埃斯比约的老城中心和绿色的城市公园连接在一起,55棵无授粉型欧洲白桦(同品种植物中最强健的一种)种植于此,所有树木干支在4到5米高的范围中修除了茎秆,让到访者能够清晰地看到音乐厅和艺术博物馆。白桦树均匀地种植在广场内,与广场的线条以及音乐厅内部的圆柱相呼应。广场设计为斜坡,因而没有台阶,便于轮椅轻松进入音乐厅主入口。

The site, which brings together Esbjerg’s old town center and the green city park around the music house, is planted with 55 pollen-free Betula Pendula Birch, which is a particularly robust type of wood. All the trees are stemmed at a height of 4-5 meters, so that visitors have a clear view of Musikhuset and Kunstmuseet.

▼树状的灯架呼应了周围的桦树林,Tree-like lampstands echo the surrounding birch forest

▼树池采用5mm的弯曲不锈钢条,The tree pool adopts 5mm curved stainless steel bar

“我们一直以来有一个梦想,那就是埃斯比约应该拥有一个美丽的地方,可以把人们聚集在一起。我认为BIG的设计中成功地做到了这点。埃斯比约的市民们也很好地接受了这一广场,并很好地在使用它,正如我们希望的一样。” 亨宁·G·克鲁斯基金会主席玛丽安娜·克兰达·克鲁斯( Marianne Kolenda Kruse)说道。

They are planted in a grid system, which aligns with the lines of the square around the pool and respects Musikhuset’s inner column structure. With the slope of the square, there will now also be level-free access to the main entrance for wheelchair users.

▼井盖细节,different surfaces of the manhole cover

名称: 亨宁 G. 克鲁斯广场

规模: 1000 m2

地点: 埃斯比约, 丹麦

合作方: Brinck Entreprenør, Aqua-Teknik A/S


Code: HGKP

Date: 18/08/2021

Program: Commercial

Status: Completed

Size in m2: 1000

Project type: Commission

Client: Esbjerg Musikhus, Henning G. Kruses Fond

Collaborators: Brinck Entreprenører, Aqua-Teknik A/S

Location Text: Esbjerg, Denmark

Location: (55.476466,8.459405)

Partner-in-Charge: Bjarke Ingels, David Zahle

Project Leader: Søren Martinussen

Landscape Director: Ulla Hornsyld

Team: Milan Moldenhawer, Matea Madaros, Vladislav Saprunenko & Yue Hu


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