In the Concept of Chinese people, "beauty" lies in people’s life, and aesthetics is a kind of advanced lifestyle. For thousands of years, the deep involvement of silk embroidery in aesthetic culture has formed a "splendid embroidery" aesthetic paradigm.
"Fro wan embroidery is the clothing of the emperor’s empress" -- Splendid embroidery originates from the luxuries of emperors and royal families; In the traditional concept, "jin" is beautiful things, precious things; Therefore, the attached "jin" is the model of gorgeous luxury;
The so-called "brocade" is the silk woven with colorful silk threads into decorative patterns; Three kinds of brocade, namely "Shu Brocade", "Song Brocade" and "Yun Brocade", represent the maturity of silk production techniques, so those who build "brocade" must inherit the craftsmanship.
凡工匠结花本者,心计最精巧。画师先画何等花色于纸上,结本者以丝线随画量度,算计分寸秒忽而结成之,张悬于花楼之上——穿综带经,随其尺寸度数,提起衢脚,梭过之后,居然花现。”-- 织锦
Where the artisan knot flower this, the most ingenious. The painter first paints the colors on the paper, and then the painter measures them with silk threads and calculates them by the minute. They are hung over the tower of flowers -- through the belt and belt, they are raised to the foot of the square according to its dimensions, and when they have passed, flowers appear." Tapestry -
Mountains and mountains, water yingbi cloud, natural shape poetic curve, especially clever and elegant, mountain shadow virtual and real contrast, emerge aesthetics and comfortable interweave. Chongqing, a modern city with harmonious coexistence of humanity and nature, is a poetic mountain city with endless extension and expansion of space and art.
Fanshun Fourth Street is surrounded by clear water, and one river and two valleys reflect three mountains. It is a beautiful historical city with three thousand years of Bayu culture.
The use of natural derivative curves throughout the space modeling, mountain refreshing, mountain stone ornament, mountain shape shape, the use of precise material division and elegant artificial ornament reflects the quality of shanjian. The visual integration of space and landscape highlights the artistic atmosphere of symbiosis with nature.
The main art installation of Hill Art Museum restores the color presentation brought by light and shadow. Light is introduced from the patio, and runs through the space under the background of the rotating staircase, like the scattering of sunset light by mountain stream, bringing the first touch of color to the space.
Brocade is a kind of introverted, romantic and noble realm of life. Not only in the external gorgeous, but also reflected in the inner rich. The hill Art Museum aims to create the epitome of the natural beauty of the charming mountain city.
The form of art comes from the transformation of people’s rational cognition and emotion to nature, from the objective pictograph of words to the re-evolution of artistic images.
The language of design also breaks away from the traditional formalism in the change of times, and carries more artistic accomplishment and humanistic atmosphere.
The place that has life, flower always clever and vigorous, with ling ran attitude, blend in dimensional form in.
The mountain is quiet, and the birds move, the movement is appropriate, as if in the bird singing mountain more secluded natural environment.
Sit in the elegant banquet hall and taste the delicious food in the artistic atmosphere. In refined food reflects small faint mausoleum serval, big faint toward the city of easy living.
Hill Art Museum aims to create a vision of a better life and high-quality private experience hall, which is born from the translation of the natural scenery and cultural culture of the charming mountain city. With the symbiosis of nature and humanity as the starting point, the design is the excavation of beautiful things in the world, such as over hills and in front of mountains.
Project Name | Sunac chunhuajin Marketing Center
Project Address | Chongqing, China
Design Management | Sunac Chongqing Land Co., LTD
Party A team | Luo Zhifang, Tang Xiaolu, Wen Jun, Wang Yixiang
硬装设计|赛拉维设计 CLV.DESIGN
Hardmount DESIGN | ClV. DESIGN
Chief Designer | Wang Shaoqing
Design director | Shi Linlin, Yang Guijun
Design Team | Wang Dongfang, Niu Zihan, Gao Feng, Chang Lin, Zhang Nan, Zhang Li, Yang Yong, Ye Yingdong
Soft decoration Unit | Chongqing Shangse Decoration Engineering Co., LTD
Completion Date | 2021.11
Project photography | Qi Wen photography
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赛拉维 CLV 与国内领军房企联合研发新一代住宅产品。我们以严谨的研发逻辑、专业的整合能力加以系统的管理经验,助力合作伙伴制定标准化体系,协助其确立或完善产品线的设计管理及运营标准。我们始终坚持与智慧的业主做有逻辑的产品。
赛拉维 CLV 历经 10 年沉淀,共荣获 500 余座国内外设计大奖,造就这支凝聚共同梦想的 300 人设计团队,设计作品已遍布全国各大主要城市。我们秉承“设计美好生活”的设计哲学,已将“赛拉维 CLV”打造为影响中国当代设计发展的企业品牌。
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