发布时间:2022-03-30 12:24:59 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

以“世界上最棒的田径设施”为目标,建筑师对Hayward Field进行了改造,为俄勒冈大学拥有冠军实力的学生运动员以及来自世界各地的运动员们提供了一个无与伦比的舞台,挑战自己的极限。Hayward Field是一座真正的田径剧场,为观众体验制定了新的标准,将体育运动与舒适的座位、丰富的室内餐饮设施、出色的视线设计等结合在一起,让观众能够近距离感受运动员和他们的动作。

Envisioned as the “finest track and field facility in the world,” the reimagined Hayward Field is designed to give University of Oregon’s championship caliber student athletes, and athletes from around the world, an unparalleled stage on which to push the limits of what is possible. A true theater for track, Hayward Field sets a new standard for fan experience and connection to the sport with comfortable seating for every single patron, a diversity of in-stadium food and beverage amenities, great sight lines and close proximity to the athletes and the action.

▼体育馆外观,external view of the stadium ©Kevin Scott

Hayward Field历史悠久,甚至对于世界上所有的赛道和运动场来说都具有“魔力”。对于Nike联合创始人、前Ducks中距离跑步运动员Phil Knight来说,“这里是一切开始的地方。”伟大的Bill Bowerman,Knight先生的导师及Nike的合伙人,在这里训练了包括Steve Prefontaine在内的许多优秀选手。时至今日,这段光荣的历史依然是俄勒冈大学大胆、叛逆标签的一部分,学校在田径项目上的创新想法层出不穷。重新设计的Hayward Field续写了这段传说,既展现了场地的过去,又为未来描画了一幅大胆的蓝图。“业主说过,如果你要建造世界上最好的田径设施,那么你首先要去参观世界上最好的田径设施。”SRG Partnership主创设计师Jeff Yrazabal说道。

Hayward Field is an historic place, even “magic” to all of track & field’s faithful across the world. To Phil Knight, co-founder of Nike Inc. and former middle-distance runner for the Ducks, “this is where it all began.” It was here the great Bill Bowerman, Mr. Knight’s mentor and co-founder of Nike, coached monumental athletes like Steve Prefontaine. While this history of greatness still feeds the University of Oregon’s bold, rebel-like brand today, the school’s athletics programs have always been driven by innovation and new ideas. The redesigned Hayward Field builds on this legacy by both acknowledging the past while providing a bold vision for the future and the magic yet to come. “The client said if the charge here is to build the world’s finest track and field facility, where you start is to go visit the world’s finest track and field facilities,” says Jeff Yrazabal, Principal at SRG Partnership.

▼远景鸟瞰,distanced aerial view©Kevin Scott


The Athlete’s Experience



“项目的每一英寸都可以作为训练设施使用,运动员们无需规划时间或者和其他项目共用设施,”SRG建筑师Whitney Ranson说道,“所有可以被用作训练工具的东西都物尽其用。”

▼鸟瞰,巨大的田径场,aerial view of the large track and field©Kevin Scott

▼体育馆周围设有不同的运动场地,various sports field around the stadium©Kevin Scott

▼局部鸟瞰,partial aerial view©Kevin Scott

The 12,650 seats stadium (expandable to nearly 25,000 seats) provides world-class facilities for the UO’s track and field student-athletes to train, develop, and perform at their highest potential. All aspects of the stadium beyond the competitive track were envisioned to be used by the athletes for training—from the public concourses and ramps totaling 84,085 square-feet, which are covered in track surfacing, to winding vertical stairs climbing the soaring Hayward tower. Beneath the stadium is nearly 40,000 square feet dedicated to training and recovery, including several amenities for the athletes to be social and come together as a team. Examples of these team amenities beneath the stadium include: an indoor practice area (including a six-lane, 140-meter straightaway and two-story interior space for long jump, triple jump, throws, and pole vault); 100-seat team auditorium; team locker rooms, lounge and shared study spaces; weight training; equipment work-space, offices, storage and check-out; sports medicine and active/passive recovery; hydrotherapy, training and treatment; anti-gravity treadmills; nutrition station; and barber shop. “Every inch of it can be used as a training facility, so no more having to schedule time or share facilities with other sports,” says SRG architect Whitney Ranson. “Anything that can be used as a training tool is used as a training tool.”▼从外部场地看向体育馆,view to the stadium from the outdoor fields©Kevin Scott

▼体育馆外部可用作跑道的公共空间,public space around the stadium could be used as running track©Kevin Scott

▼体育馆下的跑道,track under the stadium©Kevin Scott

▼通高的训练场,double-height training space©Kevin Scott

连接服务设施的走道,corridor connecting service facilities©Kevin Scott

▼康复室,recovery space©Kevin Scott

▼娱乐设施,amenities©Kevin Scott

礼堂,auditorium©Kevin Scott

▼运动员进入赛场的入口,entrance for the athletes to enter the field©Kevin Scott


Spectator Connection and Experience

除了运动员的体验,观众感受对于设计来说也极为重要。第一排观众席与新建的九道跑道处于同一水平高度,所有观众都拥有开放的视野,可以与运动员近距离接触,在运动员和粉丝之间形成了独特的亲密感。体育馆强化后的声学设施放大了运动员的动作,构建出了一种沉浸式的感官体验。“我们决定使用单层ETFE膜并将其拉紧,覆盖在坚固的石材基础上,成为了一层透明的、形式简洁的表皮,”SRG主创设计师Rick Zieve解释了体育馆的外壳,“从建筑底部到屋顶,材料变得越来越不透明,带来更好的遮阳效果。此外,ETFE是一种出色的隔音材料,可以帮助加强和放大声音。过去的Hayward也很喧闹,但没有足够的围护结构让其真正展现出来。”体育馆中的所有座位宽56厘米,深111厘米,给观众带来最为舒适的体验。为了让体育馆变成一座田径专门的独特设施,碗形的座位区呈不对称式排布,在终点线附近最为密集。与传统的位于看台上方高耸的盒子不同,Hayward的贵宾座椅靠近场地且开放,与观众和运动员直接相连。“跑道和运动场是所有项目最大的竞技表面,”SRG Partnership主创设计师Aaron Pleskac说,“你是更愿意看运动员扔标枪或铁饼,还是看它们在哪里落地?撑杆跳发生在场地中间;而有一些比赛是在四分之三标记处开始,并非围绕场地跑一整圈。因此整个体育馆都是一座剧场。”

▼观众席呈非对称式布局,seats arranged in an asymmetric way©Kevin Scott

▼观众席入口处装饰有运动员图像,images of athletes decorating the entries to the stands©Kevin Scott

▼座椅近景,closer view to the seats©Kevin Scott

一层观众席与跑道平齐,the first row of seats are on the track level©Kevin Scott

近距离欣赏比赛,proximity to the matches©Kevin Scott

▼开放向跑道的贵宾座椅,premium suites open to the tracks©Kevin Scott

▼贵宾室中设有茶水间,pantry in the premium suites©Kevin Scott


A Connection to History

尽管是田径比赛将观众带到了Hayward Field,这里除了观察看体育赛事,还可以提供许多其他体验。建筑师与Gallagher合作建造了一座近800平米的博物馆,专门介绍俄勒冈田径的历史,讲述Bill Bowerman的故事以及Nike的诞生。充满灵感的图像和纪念品在场馆中编织,突显前Duck运动员和俄勒冈标志性的品牌元素。举例来说,包裹在座椅区碗底的金属网体现了Bill Bowerman为最早的Nike跑鞋创作的草图。博物馆外还设立了他的历史雕像,直接坐在第三个弯道处的跑道上,“看”运动员跑过身边。从老Hayward Field中回收的满载Bowerman记忆的饰板被装饰在项目各处,包括新设计的15号步道,以及从广场到基地的入口。为了纪念曾在Hayward竞技的运动员所在的国家,体育馆南侧沿边界布置了156面旗帜,蔚为壮观。人、故事和各种元素共同造就了俄勒冈田径多年来的冠军地位,为这一特殊场地奠定历史底蕴,激励年轻的、有抱负的学生运动员们追逐梦想。

While track and field competition brings the fans to Hayward Field, there is more to experience here than simply the sporting events. Designed in collaboration with Gallagher, an 8,600 square-foot museum dedicated to the history of Oregon Track & Field tells the story of Bill Bowerman and the birthplace of Nike. Inspirational graphics and monuments weave throughout the venue highlighting former Duck athletes and elements of the iconic Oregon brand. For example, the metal mesh that wraps the underside of the seating bowl highlights original sketches from Bill Bowerman, innovator and creator of the original Nike shoes. His historic statue is also located outside the museum, sitting directly on the track and the third curve, allowing him to “see” all the athletes who will run by him. Salvaged from the historic Hayward Field, plaques dedicated to Bowerman’s memory are located throughout the newly designed 15th Avenue promenade and at the gateway threshold from the plaza to the site. To commemorate the nations of athletes who have competed at Hayward, a dramatic procession of 156 flags line the perimeter of the south side of the stadium. Together, the people, stories, and elements of what has made Oregon Track & Field iconic and championship caliber through the years provides context to this special place and inspiration for young, aspiring student-athletes.

金属网上呈现出Bill Bowerman的草图 mesh showing the sketch of Bill Bowerman ©Kevin Scott


The Significance of Wood

在新Hayward Field概念设计阶段,设计团队偶然发现了一句论述:“俄勒冈是木材,木材是俄勒冈。”这句话出自Bill Bowerman之口,成为了体育馆壮观的木制顶棚和无处不在的木制元素的灵感来源。高耸的顶棚结构围绕体育馆“弯折”,与俄勒冈以及西北太平洋形成强有力的连接。同时,结构庞大的尺度在物理上代表了俄勒冈大学最重要的品质:创新。与轻盈通透的ETFE屋顶一起,加强了环境的声学效果,并且为下方的观众阻挡日晒雨淋。

When first conceptualizing the new Hayward Field, the design team came across the quote, “Oregon is Wood and Wood is Oregon,” by Bill Bowerman, inspiring the heroic wood canopy structure and other wood elements throughout the stadium. The soaring canopy structure, or “bents,” surrounding the stadium are a powerful connection to Oregon and the Pacific Northwest. At the same time, this heroic scale structure is a physical representation of the most important aspect of the University of Oregon brand – innovation. Paired with the light, airy, translucent ETFE canopy roof, this environment enhances acoustics and provides rain protection and shade for the fans below.

巨大的木结构,large wooden structure©Kevin Scott

▼木结构与ETFE屋面 wooden structure and the ETFE roof©Kevin Scott

▼ETFE围护结构,提升场馆声学效果enclosure of ETFE, enhancing the acoustic performance of the stadium©Kevin Scott

.Hayward塔Hayward Tower

九层楼高的Hayward塔是校园乃至整个社区在该历史基地上的地标,标识出主要的公共入口。室内包含教练休息设施、办公室、会议室和开放的空中露台,所有来到Hayward的游客都可以在这里360度全方位欣赏Eugene城市和周边的山谷景观。室外采用穿孔金属覆板,描绘了五个俄勒冈田径标志,分别是传奇教练Bill Bowerman,Steve Prefontaine,Raevyn Rogers,Ashton Eaton和Otis Davis。钢板向上向外延伸,象征奥林匹克的火炬,既是对成功的俄勒冈运动员致敬,也表达了对他们将来继续在世界竞技舞台上发挥光彩的美好愿望。

The 9-story Hayward Tower marks the main public entry and serves as a campus and community-wide landmark for this historic site. The interior includes coaches’ amenities, offices and meeting rooms and the open upper deck will be made public for all Hayward visitors to enjoy the 360-degree view of Eugene and the surrounding valley. The exterior is clad with a perforated metal panel featuring imagery of five Oregon track and field icons: legendary coach Bill Bowerman, Steve Prefontaine, Raevyn Rogers, Ashton Eaton and Otis Davis. The steel form flares upward and outward to resemble the Olympic torch, a fitting nod to the success Oregon Athletes have had and will continue to have on the biggest of competitive world stages.

external view of the Hayward Tower©Kevin Scott

▼Hayward塔是校园的地标 Hayward Tower as the landmark of the campus©Kevin Scott

▼夜景,光从ETFE膜透出,night view, light shining through the ETFE wrapping©Kevin Scott

▼夜晚的体育场内部,inside view of the stadium in the night©Kevin Scott

▼灯光满足夜间经济的需要,lighting meets the requirements for competition in the night©Kevin Scott

SRG Partnership Design team

Jeff Yrazabal, AIA – Lead Principal

Rick Zieve, FAIA – Design Principal

Aaron Pleskac, AIA – Project Manager

Marquesa Figueroa, Assoc. AIA – Designer

Whitney Ranson, Assoc. AIA – Designer

Eric Wilcox, AIA – Project Architect

David Webb, Assoc. AIA – Project Architect

Asayo Shioiri – Designer

Kris Chan, AIA – Designer

Jessica Paley – Designer

Qiqi de Graaff – Interior Designer

Uwe Bergk – Interior Designer

Jim Wilson, AIA – Specifications

Zach Melnik – Designer

Zoe Sadorf – Designer

Consultant team

Architect: SRG Partnership

Interior Design: SRG Partnership

Contractor: Hoffman Construction Company

Civil Engineer: Mazzetti

Structural Engineer: MKA

Mechanical Engineer: PAE Engineers

Electrical Engineer: PAE Engineers

Geotechnical Engineer: GRI Geotechnical Resources

Landscape: Cameron McCarthy and PLACE Studio

Lighting: Horton Lees Brogden (HLB)Branding: AHM Brands

Code: FP&C Consultants

Wind Consultant: RWDI

Exhibit Design: Gallagher

Photography: Kevin Scott

Selected Products/Materials

1. Glulam Wood (Western Archrib)2. ETFE (Vector Foiltech)3. Mesh (GKD)4. Wood Stain (Sansin)5. Tower Perf Metal Panel (Zahner)6. Metal Panel (Axiom)


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