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德国·卡尔斯鲁厄卡尔斯鲁厄会展中心Karlsruhe Trade Fair Centre点击展开项目信息 ▼

卡尔斯鲁厄会展中心自2003年建成以来,每年接待逾75万名参观者和约8000家参展商,已成为众多国际贸易会、展会、论坛等大型活动的重要举办地。盖博建筑从2000年设计竞赛中标,到2023年二期建设完成,深度参与并见证了其20年的发展历程。我们延续了卡尔斯鲁厄市的建筑传统及其“绿色城市”的发展理念,以“绿色轴线”贯通场地,创造出建筑景观完美相融的一座大型会展中心,并通过悬挑屋顶等特殊结构的设计,满足其大跨度、多功能的使用需求,赋予其城市地标的独特意义。Karlsruhe Trade Fair Centre, opened in 2003, receives more than 750,000 visitors and about 8,000 exhibitors every year, and serves as an important venue for many large-scale events such as international trade fairs, exhibitions and forums. From winning its competition in 2000 to completing its 2nd phase in 2023, Gerber Architekten has been deeply involved in Karlsruhe Trade Fair Centre's 20-year history.Continuing the architectural tradition of the city Karlsruhe and its ideal of "green city", a "green axis" is planned to connect the site and create a large-scale convention and exhibition center with perfect integration of architectural landscape, and through the specially designed structures such as cantilevered roofs, the building meets its needs for large-span and multi-functional use, while giving it a unique meaning as an urban landmark.卡尔斯鲁厄会展中心©Jürgen Landes

01从“绿色城市”到“绿色轴线”Green Axis for Green City

卡尔斯鲁厄会展中心位于德国卡尔斯鲁厄市(Karlsruhe)的西南侧,背靠黑森林山脉(Black Forest)的北部山麓。21世纪初,作为莱茵河上游的技术中心和研究中心,卡尔斯鲁厄亟需一个大型的创新贸易会展中心,以推动更大规模、更广领域的行业交流与合作。在此背景下,卡尔斯鲁厄会展中心应运而生。设计延续了卡尔斯鲁厄巴洛克式宫殿建筑群的传统特点,并结合了该市“绿色城市”的发展理念,在严格的轴对称布局下,以一条“绿色轴线”贯穿了整个会展中心,将建筑与景观融为一体。Karlsruhe Trade Fair Centre, located on the southwest side of the city Karlsruhe and backed by the northern foothills of the Black Forest, was built at the beginning of the 21st century. With the background where Karlsruhe had been a technology and research center in the upper Rhine, Karlsruhe Trade Fair Centre was urgently needed to serve as a large-scale innovative trade fair center to promote industry exchanges and cooperation in wider fields.On the basis of continuing the characteristics of the traditional palace of Karlsruhe and integrating the city’s ideal of "Green City", the design took a symmetry plan with a "Green Axis" throughout the site, integrating the building with the landscape.“绿色城市”与“绿色轴线”(右上)卡尔斯鲁厄市中心(左下)卡尔斯鲁厄会展中心及黑森林山麓©Gerber Architekten卡尔斯鲁厄会展中心-总平面图©Gerber Architekten

绿轴从主入口前的景观湖开始,自西向东,穿过具有标志性悬挑屋顶的入口多功能大厅,经过展馆中央的花园庭院,最后到达开阔的绿色原野。清晰的轴线,不仅使人们在这个大型会展中心中可以轻松地辨别方位,同时也以开放的姿态,使景观完美地融入到了所有区域——人们漫步其间,既可在庭院中看见建筑形体隐于山色,也可在展厅内移步换景、欣赏不同视角的窗外风光。From west to east, the axis starts from a landscaped lake in front of the main entrance, runs through the multi-purpose entrance hall with its iconic cantilevered roof, passes through the central garden courtyard, and finally reaches an open green field.This axis not only makes a clear orientation in this large exhibition center, but also allows the landscape to be perfectly integrated into all areas - people can walk around external spaces and see the building form hidden in the mountains, or wonder inside to enjoy the foothills scenery from different perspectives.鸟瞰 -“绿色轴线”与黑森林山麓©Jürgen Landes景观湖、花园庭院及周围原野©Jürgen Landes

02标志性入口门厅Iconic Main Entrance

卡尔斯鲁厄会展中心最引人注目的便是其主入口处的悬挑式屋顶。整个屋顶向外探出26米,而屋顶和下方建筑之间则以玻璃透光井相隔,从而微微抬起这一巨构,以“举重若轻”之感进一步凸显入口的标志意义。The most striking feature of the Karlsruhe Trade Fair Centre is the cantilevered roof at its main entrance.The entire roof protrudes 26 meters outwards and is slightly lifted from the building below, thus to integrated glass wells above as well as further emphasize the symbolic significance of the entrance with a sense of lightness.主入口及其标志性悬挑屋顶©Jürgen Landes悬挑26米的屋顶营造独特的入口空间体验©Jürgen Landes

下方的入口门厅为4层的T形结构,被定义为包含会议中心、新闻中心、餐厅、活动厅的综合性功能空间。在平行于屋顶的方向上,其建筑形态与屋顶浑然一体;而垂直于屋顶的方向上,该建筑则向内延伸,以一个玻璃体量创造出入口、展厅、庭院之间更紧密的联系。The entrance hall below is a 4-storey T-shaped structure, defined as a mixed-use space that includes a conference center, a press center, a restaurant, and an event hall.While integrated with the roof, the entrance hall extends with a single glass volume inward, creating a closer connection between the entrance, the exhibition halls and the inner courtyard.入口大厅后部的玻璃体量©Jürgen Landes玻璃体量内部©Jürgen Landes

在材料上,面向街道,金属屋顶赋予了建筑“先锋”的特质,下方的木饰立面则使之融入周围的自然环境;而面向内部,通透的玻璃体量形成了毫无阻碍的视觉联系,使人们步入门厅便可看到相邻的展厅和周边宜人的乡村景色。Facing the street, the roof gives the building an "avant-garde" character by its metal appearance, while the timber façade below blends in with the natural surroundings; However, the glass volume as well forms a visual connection internally, allowing an unobstructed view of the adjacent exhibition halls and the surrounding countryside for everyone in the entrance hall.玻璃体量与内部的展厅和庭院©Jürgen Landes

03展厅集群与庭院景观Exhibition Halls and Courtyard

从入口门厅步入会展中心内部,四个长160米、宽80米的展厅都一目了然——它们围绕着花园庭院,井然有序地分置两侧,并通过玻璃长廊彼此相连。在跨度方向上,所有展厅均采用了拱形自支撑木结构屋顶,以高效利用空间,为展厅营造出优质的展陈环境。而在长度方向上,160米长的展厅被分成了多个部分,木屋顶之间形成腰线般的玻璃采光间隙,以为展厅内部提供丰富的自然采光,并使展厅的空间节奏变得生动,并且在这些玻璃透光井下方,结构交叉撑架被特意展露出来。Four exhibition halls, which are 160-meter-long and 80-meter-wide, are clearly arranged around the central courtyard, with an orderly manner on both sides and connection to each other through glass corridors.In terms of span direction, all exhibition halls apply arched self-supporting wooden roof structures to efficiently utilize space and create a high-quality exhibition environment; while in terms of length direction, the exhibition halls are divided into multiple parts with some waistline-like glass skylights between the wooden roof structures, providing rich natural lighting for the interior and making the spatial rhythm of the exhibition hall. Under these skylight, structural trusses are specially revealed.围绕花园庭院的拱形展厅©Jürgen Landes展厅内部(上)1号展厅-弧形木板形成拱腹(下)4号展厅-菱形桁架形成拱腹©Jürgen Landes

值得一提的是,设计考虑到1999年黑森林地区经历了风暴灾难,导致地区木材供应过剩,因此在该项目中大量应用了木结构。在内部结构上,1-3号展厅均采用了简约的设计,以弧形木板形成拱腹;4号展厅则采用了连续叠合梁的菱形桁架——这种结构更稳定,具有更高的负载能力,从而满足了4号展厅作为多功能厅使用的需求。在外立面上,所有展厅都采用光滑的金属饰面,以与入口的悬挑屋顶形成呼应,并再次强调会展中心的现代形象。It is worth mentioning that the design with extensive use of wooden structures took into account the 1999 storm disaster in the Black Forest, which led to an oversupply of timber in the region.Internally, Exhibition Hall 1 to 3 have a minimalist design with curved wooden panels forming arches, while Exhibition Hall 4 have diamond-shaped trusses with continuous stacked beams – a more stable structure with higher load capacity, thus meeting its needs of serving as a multi-purpose hall.On the façade, all exhibition halls have a sleek metal finish to echo the cantilevered roof, re-emphasizing the modern image of the entire convention center.展厅外覆金属饰面©Jürgen Landes木结构屋顶之间的采光间隙©Jürgen Landes木结构细部©Jürgen Landes

除此展厅的材料运用和节能设计之外,设计亦将全面生态的理念延伸至景观和室外设施。场地中央的花园庭院打破了传统展馆单一乏味的体验,提供了一种全新的互动空间。它为参展商和参观者提供了一个可供休息和非正式交流的舒适场所——在这里,展会之余,人们可以在一种自然、轻松的环境中建立联系;抑或是展会之后,以黑森林山麓的美景为此行画上完美的句号。In addition to the use of materials and energy-efficient building system, the design also extends the concept of Ecology to the landscape and outdoor facilities.The central garden courtyard breaks the monotonous experience of the traditional exhibition center, providing a new interactive and comfortable place for both exhibitors and visitors to take rest and informal communication – besides the exhibition experience, people can connect in a natural and relaxing environment, as well as enjoy a beautiful view of the Black Forest foothills.


卡尔斯鲁厄会展中心-首层及二层平面图©Gerber Architekten卡尔斯鲁厄会展中心-剖面图*滑动查看©Gerber Architekten

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