Location: shanghai,China
Project Complete:January 2023
Space Design: shankou architecture
Space Design:
Area: 80m²
Photographer: WM studio
空间传递空间气质 表达空间 空间同时传递品牌气质 品牌让空间释放 融合品牌 这一次 我们运用的更多是大块面里找空间细节 细节传递情绪 从大块面出发 以小细节收尾 保留其本身气质 传递品牌情绪 融合空间同时空间融合品牌情绪
Temperament Trace
Space conveys temperament and expression with brand implication, while brand releases space and integrates brand. We used space details to convey emotions from large areas and ending with delicate patterns, thus keeping the temperament, conveying brand emotions, integrating space and space with brand emotions.
空间气质比较沉稳 所以在材质的选择上 我们选用了 胡桃木色和米色系 主要材质有瓷砖 洞石 岩板 大面护墙 玻璃 不锈钢 微水泥 大面的米色系给空间温暖感 同样大面的留白也给产品留有更多的展示空间 让产品融合在空间里 相得益彰 胡桃木色作为空间跳跃空间的颜色 点缀在层板和顶面 在大面里找空间细节 不锈钢分割了护墙的大面块体 划分了区域性 同时给了产品呼吸感
Regarding the stable space temperament, we chose walnut and beige color in the main materials of ceramic tiles, cave stones, rock plates, large parapet walls, glass, stainless steel and micro-cement. The large beige color gives the space a warm feeling, the same large blank also leaves sufficient display space for products, so as to blend in the space with complement. As the color of the space jumping space, walnut color is dotted on the laminate and the top surface, with the space details in the big surface. Stainless steel divides the big block of the parapet wall into region, and gives the products a sense of breathing.
多变的陈列方式 打破了大面规整的块面 空间多了多变性 形成了块面和线的关系 从而让空间比重和谐 有序中多了几分跳跃
The changeable display mode breaks the regular block surface with changeable space, thus forming the relationship between block surface and line, making harmonious and orderly space proportion.
正如sartorial品牌传递的 真正的优雅来自内心深处 不断丰盈内在和外在最终形成自己独一无二的风格
As the sartorial brand conveys, true elegance comes from the heart by internal and external enrichment for unique style.