发布时间:2018-05-04 10:11:41 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

历史建筑,本来就乘载着许多具有时间意义的空间架构与生活样貌的特性氛围,面对老宅邸的再活化,很重要的是必须让建筑初始之美先借由 “整理”来重现,并保有可以阅读与体现生活痕迹的状态,因此新的空间围塑该以什么操作的态度来开展它,采用的作法不会太轻与太重,变成为此次过程主要的课题。

Historical building contains many strong characteristic of space and living and it expresses the significance of the certain age. While facing the renovation of a historical building, our first intention is to “re-specify” the initial gestures of the space in order to remain the condition for the traces of time could be experienced. Therefore, carefully but distinctive inserting an element to shape new spaces become the key issue of this project.

▼建筑外观,exterior view

“结构作为家具”- 轻的置入 | Structure as furniture


▼结构置入示意,diagram of the intervention

Minimal utilizing the historic space and re-using original materials are our main concept of the design. The main timber truss for retail shop at the front room introduces the idea of “Structure as furniture”, a free-standing individual component that is detached with the existing wall. The idea of moderate intervention with minimal attaches and less anchoring that will undermine the existing building is taking place in this project. The timber truss is a structure designed to support the display shelf and to integrate the wiring of lighting and air-conditioning units. The truss appeared as an inverted frame is a modest response of a new insertion to an old building.

▼室内概览,interior overview


▼产品展示区,rice mill display area

▼自承重的反向木桁架支撑起屋架与展示墙面,the timber truss functions as a free-standing individual component that is detached with the existing wall

▼陈列柜与陈列墙细部,detailed view

▼桁架结构细部,detail of the roof truss


Yeh family is one of the many grain stores locate in Dihua street, where it is the central commercial area of Taipei during the time. We remain considerable amount of existing furniture and grain equipment replaced back to the space to give its presence of the historic context. The timber used for the truss is made from Japanese cypress that is also used to make gain utensils at the time as well. Besides the gentle explicit response of the form, the implicit connection of materials and textures is also our design thinking towards a historic building.


▼侧厅,side room


▼三层起居空间,living area on the 3rd floor


▼1层平面图,1st floor plan

▼2层平面图,2nd floor plan

▼3层平面图,3rd floor plan


▼产品展示区剖面图,rice mill section


▼木结构系统细部,wood structure system

完工日期 : 2016 / 8

地点 : 迪化街一段296号

合作伙伴 : dotze innovations studio / 与木制研

主要设计 : 蔡嘉豪 / 魏子钧

细部设计 : 蔡嘉豪 / 林姿利 / 陈建同

木构施作 : 陈建同( 与木制研 ) / 堤辉工程

材料 : 日本桧木 / 松木夹板 / 乐土灰泥 / 马来漆 / 铁件

委托 : 叶晋发商号

空间摄影 : Hey! Cheese

Architects : B+P Architects

Location : Taipei, Taiwan

Architects in Charge : Chia-Hao Tsai, Tze-Chun Wei

Design Team : Tzu-Li Lin, Chien-Tung Chen

Area : 735 sqm

Project Year : 2016

Photographs : Hey! Cheese


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