发布时间:2020-01-17 23:35:21 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

1 月 7 日,荷兰境内最大的财政金融集团——ING 集团(Internationale Nederlanden Group,荷兰国际集团)的新办公大楼正式启用。该办公大楼位于阿姆斯特丹的 Cumulus Park 区,由建筑事务所 Benthem Crouwel Architects 和 HofmanDujardin 合作设计完成。这座通透且可持续的新建筑不仅为 ING 集团的 2,800 名员工提供了一个舒适的办公空间,更体现出 ING 集团全新的、灵活且极具创新性的工作理念和方式,同时也有助于人们聚集在一起沟通交流、进行思维的碰撞,从而产生一系列具有创造力的新想法。

On January 7th Cedar, the new office for the Netherlands’ largest bank, was officially opened in Cumulus Park in Amsterdam. The transparent and sustainable new home for 2.800 ING employees was designed by Benthem Crouwel Architects and HofmanDujardin. The office embodies ING’s new way of working: agile, flexible and innovative, and inspires people to meet, connect and be creative.

▼办公大楼外观,exterior view of the office building ©Jannes Linders

ING 集团办公大楼由两座 5 层高的建筑体量构成。这两个体量通过一个玻璃的人行天桥来实现彼此之间的联系。建筑造型、室内空间和大楼周边的公园融为一体,不仅营造出一种热情舒适的氛围,更为金融机构提供了一种全新的办公环境:相较于传统办公楼着重强调安全性和功能性,本项目将设计重点放在了空间的通透性、连续性和协作性上。本项目以人为本,具有超高的可持续性,致力于为人们提供一个向社会开放的办公场所。值得一提的是,本案还因其可持续性而获得了荷兰 BREEAM 的杰出认证。

▼轴测图,axon of the office building ©Benthem Crouwel Architects

Cedar consists of two five storey volumes connected by a glass footbridge that ensures a fast link between all levels. The building, the interior and the surrounding park are designed as an integral, welcoming whole, establishing a new typology for financial institutions: instead of emphasizing security and power, the architecture focuses on transparency, connectivity and collaboration. The highly sustainable, human centric design is a notable example of ING’s purpose to empower people in a building that opens itself up to society. The design received the sustainability label BREEAM-NL Outstanding.

▼办公大楼由两座 5 层高的建筑体量构成,the office building consists of two five storey volumes © Jannes Linders

▼外观通透的办公大楼,the office building with transparency©Jannes Linders

▼向社会开放的办公场所,thebuilding that opens itself up to society©Jannes Linders

ING 集团办公大楼位于阿姆斯特丹东南部的 Cumulus Park 区。该区域原是由 ING 集团开发的一个创新区,现由 ING 集团与阿姆斯特丹市政府(Municipality of Amsterdam)、阿姆斯特丹应用科学大学(Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences,缩写为 AUAS)和阿姆斯特丹社区学院(Amsterdam Community College,缩写为 ROC Amsterdam)共同运营。Cumulus Park 为企业家、科学家、学生、(中型)公司、研究人员和创新人士提供了一个动态的环境,以便于他们进行一些极具创造力的研究合作。

ING 集团办公大楼在园区内的地理位置也十分考究:设计团队将建筑体量移至基地的后方,从而在大楼的前侧创造出一大片绿地空间。随后,来自 Karres en Brands 的景观设计团队将这片绿地打造成了一个城市公园。意料之中地,该公园成为了这个创新区的中心,不仅将建筑、使用者、住户和到访者联系了起来,更改善了该地区缺乏绿色公共空间的现状。

得益于其 360°的全景式朝向,本办公大楼不仅具有较高的可达性,更能够与其周边环境中的低层建筑和不同标高的城市景观相适应。自行车的流线直接穿过建筑,进一步强调了该大楼是如何作为城市空间的一部分来改善空间连通性的。

Cedar is located in Amsterdam Zuidoost at Cumulus Park, an innovation district initiated by ING and now a joint effort of ING and the Municipality of Amsterdam, the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS) and the Amsterdam Community College (ROC Amsterdam). It is a dynamic environment for creative collaborations between entrepreneurs, scientists, students, (mid) corporates, researchers and innovators.

Cedar has a unique location on Cumulus Park. Benthem Crouwel Architects’ decision to move the building all the way to the back of the plot created a large green zone in front of the building. This urban garden, designed by Karres en Brands landscape architects, becomes the heart of the innovation district – connecting buildings, users, residents and visitors and upgrading the public space of this area where green is scarce.

Because of its all-round orientation the building presents itself as an accessible volume that matches its surroundings with the low-rise buildings and level differences in urban landscape. A bike route cuts directly through the building, further emphasizing how this building is not an obstacle to move around, but an integral part of the urban space, improving connectivity.

▼办公大楼与其周边环境内不同标高的城市景观相适应,the office building matches its surroundings with level differences in urban landscape © Jannes Linders

“ING 集团办公大楼在城市规划和建筑设计的层面上都充分考虑了空间的连通性,”建筑事务所 Benthem Crouwel Architects 的建筑师兼合伙人 Pascal Cornips 这样说道。“ING 办公大楼通过其极具创新性的设计,将人、周边环境和整个城市联系在了一起。通透的建筑立面不仅完美地体现了 ING 公司全新的品牌理念——即专注于共同协作、自主创新和对外开放,更确保了公司员工与外部的绿色空间之间的联系。”平滑弯曲的外立面轮廓和落地窗赋予了 ING 集团办公大楼一种友好而平易近人的气质。环绕着外立面的圆角式雨篷不仅在视觉上将两个建筑体量连接了起来,使空间有了一种人的尺度感,更可以作为遮阳构件保护室内的工作空间免受太阳辐射的侵扰。

"Both the urban planning and architecture of Cedar evolve around connectivity," says Pascal Cornips, architect and partner at Benthem Crouwel Architects. "Cedar links people, the neighborhood and society together in a creative and inspiring way. The transparency of the building’s facades perfectly embodies ING’s new philosophy with its focus on collaboration, empowerment and openness, but also ensures employees are always in touch with the green world outside." The smooth, curved facades and floor to ceiling windows give Cedar a friendly and approachable front. The rounded canopies that wrap around the facade visually connect the two volumes and give the building a human scale, while simultaneously serving as sunscreens that protect the workspaces from the heat of the sun.

▼平滑的外立面轮廓和落地窗赋予办公大楼一种友好而平易近人的气质,thesmooth, curved facades and floor to ceiling windows givethe buildinga friendly and approachable front©Jannes Linders

▼外立面局部,partial view of the facade©Jannes Linders

雨篷作为遮阳构件保护室内的工作空间免受太阳辐射的侵扰,the facades serving as sunscreens that protect the workspaces from the heat of the sun©Jannes Linders

环绕着外立面的圆角式雨篷,therounded canopies that wrap around the facade©Jannes Linders


▼大楼中心位置顶部的玻璃天窗,the skylight on the roof at the central heart of the office building©Jannes Linders

Inside, bright and airy atriums are the central heart of the office and allow daylight to flood the building. The wide dimensions and the wide floor span of the low-rise building guarantee ample square meters on every floor and large open spaces that are perfect for an agile work environment. The way the floor plan layout is organized around and through the atriums allows for efficient and fast routing. The open floor plans give the employees optimal flexibility and also make alternative use in the future possible, if desired.

▼中庭顶部的天窗有助于办公空间的自然采光,the skylight of the atrium allows daylight to flood the building©HofmanDujardin

建筑事务所 HofmanDujardin 负责设计本项目的室内空间、平台和楼梯:动感十足的平台营造出一种悬浮感,纵横交错的楼梯贯穿了大楼中心位置上的两个宽敞中庭。“我们希望 ING 集团办公大楼的室内空间能够赋予使用者一种自主权,同时带给他们一种幸福感。当人们进入大楼的一瞬间,自由的氛围便扑面而来。一系列平台不仅将人与空间场所联系了起来,更将活力一路传递到建筑的顶部,”建筑事务所 HofmanDujardin 的创始合伙人 BarbaraDujardin 和 MichielHofman 解释说。

HofmanDujardin designed both the full interior and the dynamic, floating platforms and staircases that criss-cross the two spacious atriums at the building’s heart. “The interior of Cedar is all about empowerment and well-being. You feel the freedom when you walk in. The platforms connect places and people and bring the vibrancy up to the highest levels of the building”, explain Barbara Dujardin and Michiel Hofman, founding partners of HofmanDujardin.


▼动感十足的平台营造出一种悬浮感,纵横交错的楼梯贯穿了大楼中心的两个宽敞中庭,the dynamic, floating platforms and staircases that criss-cross the two spacious atriums at the building’s heart©HofmanDujardin


▼首层空间轴测图,axon of thefirstfloor©HofmanDujardin

▼首层空间局部,partial interior view of the lively ground floors©HofmanDujardin

▼可移动的金属框架限定出临时性空间,the moveable metal frames enclose temporary ’rooms’ © Hofman Dujardin

一系列极具表现力的木质平台是 ING 集团作为 21 世纪数字金融平台的象征。它们不仅形成了一系列地面空间,更在彼此和各层空间之间建立起了物理和视觉上的联系,自然而然地促进了 ING 集团员工之间的协作。这些平台的可见性较高,不仅提供了一系列视觉焦点,更能引导人们到建筑的上层空间去一探究竟。此外,这些平台还可以作为自发会议或是小型聚会的活动空间。灵活且可移动的金属框架使平台可以用作临时的“房间”,从而为商务会议、室内花园、艺术展览和生日会等活动提供空间。

▼中庭剖透视示意图,diagram of the atrium section©HofmanDujardin

▼中庭内木质平台概念图,在彼此和各层空间之间建立起了物理和视觉上的联系,concept diagram of the atrium platforms thatcreate physical and visual connections©HofmanDujardin

The expressive wooden platforms symbolise the 21st century bank’s identity as a digital platform. They form grounded spaces and create physical and visual connections that naturally stimulate ING’s employees to collaborate. Visible from everywhere around the atriums, they also provide orientation points and encourage people to take the stairs.The platforms are fast becoming favorite places to hold spontaneous meetings and small gatherings. Flexible and moveable metal frames allow them to act as temporary ‘rooms’ for anything from business meetings to interior gardens, art exhibitions or a break-time birthday celebration.

与木质平台,the atrium and the wooden platforms©HofmanDujardin

▼平台空间,the platforms©HofmanDujardin

▼办公层空间轴测图,axon of the office floor©HofmanDujardin

All office floors are accessed from the platforms through warm textured entrance zones, each with their unique furnishing to create recognizable diversity. There is one single floor layout concept throughout the building with a well-balanced mix of spaces. This agile environment gives full freedom to choose where and how to work and meet. In between the areas with team tables and scrum boards, there are colorful clusters of meeting rooms in different sizes, accommodating anything from private calls to group meetings. Furthermore, each level has a silent area for concentration, with a reading table and a series of private booths. Throughout the building excellent acoustics ensure a sense of well-being and make it easy to focus.

▼具有开放式平面的办公空间,the office floor with an open floor©HofmanDujardin

▼办公空间中的休闲区,the lounge area at the office floor©HofmanDujardin

▼办公空间中的交流区,themeetingarea at the office floor©HofmanDujardin

绿植、树木和 ING 集团的 300 件艺术收藏品为室内体验增添了新的层次。室内空间由天然材料打造,呈现出一种均衡而温暖的色调,而淡淡的橙色则暗示了 ING 集团在视觉上的超强可识别性。一系列的室内设计不仅为员工们提供了自主而健康的工作环境,更彰显了 ING 集团的新面貌。

Lots of plants, big trees and 300 works from ING’s large collection of art add another layer to the experience of the interior. All is finished with a balanced palette of warm tones and natural materials, while a touch of orange hints at ING’s strong visual identity. This makes the generous building not just an empowering and healthy place to work, it also gives this leading bank a new face.

▼橙色调的办公空间,the orange office floor©HofmanDujardin

▼总平面图,site plan©Benthem Crouwel Architects

一层平面图,1F plan©Benthem Crouwel Architects

▼五层平面图,5F plan©Benthem Crouwel Architects

▼南立面图,south elevation©Benthem Crouwel Architects

▼剖面图,section©Benthem Crouwel Architects

▼细部,details©Benthem Crouwel Architects

DESIGN, ARCHITECTURE: Benthem Crouwel Architects


LANDSCAPE DESIGN: Karres en Brands

CLIENT – ARCHITECTURE: EDGE Technologies/G & S Vastgoed B.V.


LOCATION: Bijlmerdreef 106, 1102 CT Amsterdam, the Netherlands

GROSS FLOOR AREA: approx.. 39.000 m2 (building) / 10.740 m2 (parking)COMPLETION: January 2020


阿姆斯特丹 ING 集团办公大楼——空间通透、连续、协作的典范
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