近日,沙特著名的咖啡烘焙品牌Elixir Bunn在阿拉伯半岛中部的利雅得市(Riyadh)开设了新店面。该店面由建筑事务所Azaz Architects设计。Elixir Bunn认为,鉴于其咖啡产品已经赢得了良好的口碑,为了进一步扩大其咖啡的影响力,现在是时候开设一家氛围舒适的实体店面了。
Famous Saudi coffee roasters Elixir Bunn opened their new location in Riyadh, designed by Azaz Architects. After building a strong reputation for their coffee, it was time to build an atmosphere to complement their famous drinks.
▼咖啡店外观,exterior view of the coffee shop
沙特阿拉伯的咖啡产业根植于当地的文化中,其历史可以追溯到国家成立之前的年代。从那时起,本地区的咖啡就得到了很好的发展;如今,沙特阿拉伯的咖啡行业更是欣欣向荣。而为了适应这种发展,建筑事务所Azaz Architects设计了这个名为“Deco Temple”的咖啡店,以期带给咖啡爱好者一种极具现代感的精神体验。
Coffee in Saudi Arabia is well-rooted into the local culture and could be traced back to times prior to the formation of the Kingdom. Since then, coffee in the region has evolved, and today, the coffee industry in Saudi Arabia is flourishing. To match that progression, Azaz Architects created the space as a “Deco Temple” to take coffee seekers into a modern day spiritual-like experience.
▼室内空间概览,overview of the interior space
▼设计概念,concept design
▼新的墙体从空间中心位置上的结构柱处向外延伸,打造出数个巨大的拱门,the new walls blossom from the column in the center of the space, shaped into massive overreaching arches
The structural column in the center of the space created a challenge for the designers. However, the team at Azaz Architects embraced it, transforming it into the center point of its design. New walls blossomed from the column, shaped into massive overreaching arches. The shape of the historic Islamic arches combined with the mud finishing contributed to the feel of local sanctity.
▼室内空间,拱门搭配着泥土饰面,营造出一种神圣的空间氛围,interior view, the arches combined with the mud finishing, contribute to the feel of local sanctity
▼拱门下的吧台,the bar counter under arches
▼拱门下的用餐空间,the seating area under arches
▼用餐空间,墙壁上挂有大面积的装饰,the seating area with wall decorations
After all, the coffee shop is a Saudi brand and the space certainly reflects that. Nonetheless, the shop has a modern edge to it thanks to metropolitan touches such as the use of sustainable Italian Terrazzo for the floor and the deep blue spiral staircase.
▼深蓝色的螺旋楼梯,the deep blue spiral staircase
▼可持续的意大利水磨石地板和深蓝色的螺旋楼梯表现出一种大都市的风格,the sustainable Italian Terrazzo for the floor and the deep blue spiral staircase create metropolitan touches
▼楼梯局部,partial view of the staircase
▼座椅区细节,部分墙面也采用水磨石贴面,details of the seating area with partial walls covered by terrazzo
▼材料细节,material details
▼水磨石与泥土饰面的交接处细节,details of the boundaries between the mud finishing and the terrazzo
▼水磨石细节(左),泥土饰面细节(右),terrazzo details (left), mud finishing details (right)
如今,沙特阿拉伯的咖啡店行业正在飞速发展,而这家由Azaz Architects所设计的Elixir Bunn品牌的新门店正是一个地标般的存在。
The new Elixir Bunn shop, designed by Azaz Architects, has become a landmark among the fast growing coffee shop industry in Saudi Arabia.
▼咖啡店内夜景,night view of the interior space of the coffee shop
▼室内立面图,interior elevation
Project name: Deco Temple (Elixir Bunn Coffee Roasters)
Company name: Azaz Architects
Project location: Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Completion Year: September 2019
Light design: Nader Gammas
Photo credits:
Abdulrahman Bayashout
Rakan Alzughaibi
Materialization: Linea light – Lights, Belotti tiles – Terrazzo flooring, Ex.t – Sanitary fixtures and basins, Jotun – Paint, Daikin – HVAC