Israel Personetics Software Office
位置:以色列 特拉维夫
设计团队:Roy David
软件公司Personetics,主要为金融机构提供可预测的互动解决方案。最近,该公司邀请室内设计装修公司Roy David,为他们设计位于以色列特拉维夫的新办公空间。在那些叫人印象深刻的照明灯具衬托下,这个两层的开放式办公室更显得独特而时尚。这些独一无二的灯具,可是Roy David设计团队专门为这间办公室量身定做的。
等候区的四周,围绕着倾角不同的木柱子。简约而清爽的会议室给整个办公室带来不一样的色彩体验。材质上好、制作精良的地毯以及家具配件,让这里显得温暖而怡人。设计师Roy David对这个项目评价说,所有这些精心勾画的细节,打造出的是一个令人印象深刻的办公室,它让每个看到过的人都怦然心动,久久难以忘怀。
Personetics, a software company that offers a predictive interaction solution for financial institutions, recently appointed architecture and interior design studio Roy David to design their new office in Tel Aviv, Israel.The two stories open office center is enhanced with the use of an impressive light fixture, one that simply can’t be ignored. The unique light installation was custom made by Roy David Studio for this specific office.
The main waiting area is surrounded by wooden columns installed at varying angles.A minimalistic, clean designed conference room is adding touches of color to the office. The meticulous use of fine rugs and furniture make the office feel warm and welcoming. With these final touches the overall intervention transforms the space into an impressive office, one sort of office that is very hard to remain indifferent to or to forget,says Roy David.