发布时间:2018-02-15 17:10:02 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

Saint-Jacques-de-la-Lande教堂位于法国雷恩市南部,是布列塔尼地区在21世纪建造的首座教堂,由来自葡萄牙的Álvaro Siza Vieira事务所担任设计。建筑师利用光线和白色混凝土塑造了一个独特而富有仪式感的空间,并使其与周围的住宅楼形成和谐共融的关系。该项目的设计理念在于使教堂充分地融入城市肌理。位于二层的圆形空间是该建筑最具特色的部分,能够容纳120人,从而为首层留出更多社交和办公空间。

The church of Saint-Jacques-de-la-Lande will be the first church built in France’s Brittany region in the 21st-century. The project has been contracted to the Portuguese architect Álvaro Siza Vieira. Siza’s use of light and white concrete provide a unique ceremonial space that gently folds into the neighborhood south of Rennes, a residential area with five-story housing blocks. Siza’s main concern when designing the project was being able to integrate the church into the urban fabric. One of the hallmarks of the building is the circular shape on the second floor, which will hold up to 120 people – freeing up the first floor for social and administrative areas.

▼教堂外观,exterior view

▼两座矩形的体量被打断于西立面的中央位置,在入口处形成通高的中庭,two rectangular volumes break off to the west of this core, framing the entrance atrium and spanning the full height of the building

▼夜景,night view




The church will be inserted as a free-standing volume that adapts to the existing plan and the dimensions of the nearby buildings and spaces, extant or planned, in particular the size of the apartment block to the north. The programme is distributed across two levels by superimposing a cylinder with a 14.75 m outer diameter on a 16×16 m square plan with a total height of 12 m. The Parish Centre and the church are on the first and second floors respectively, with a smaller 97.2 m2 basement for the technical and storage areas. Two rectangular volumes break off to the west of this core, framing the entrance atrium and spanning the full height of the building. Another two identical quadrangular volumes lie to the east, along with a cantilevered half cylinder that emerges from the top floor. Circulation between the two floors is via a lift and two stairways —one of them enclosed— with two flights.

▼教堂的功能空间分布于两个叠加的体量之中,the programme is distributed across two levels by superimposing a cylinder on a square plan

▼半圆柱形的空间以悬臂的形式从顶层垂挂下来,a cantilevered half cylinder emerges from the top floor

▼纯净而富有仪式感的白色混凝土体量,a unique ceremonial space built in white concrete


▼河岸夜景,night view


The central part of the church has seating for 126, with access tor the disabled. A side chapel to the south contains the baptismal font, a semicircular apse (Chapel A) contains the image of the Virgin and the tabernacle, and a lateral chapel on the north side (Chapel B) contains the crucifix. A raised platform extends above chapels A and B, the base of the altar and the pulpit. The diagonal axis of the congregation area, which runs from the mam stairs towards the crucifix, defines the position of the altar. The restricted access sacristy is on the upper floor of the volume containing the lift and the enclosed staircase.

▼教堂的核心区域包含126个座位,the central part of the church has seating for 126 people

▼动态的座位布局,adjustable seating arrangement

▼核心区的轴线呈对角延伸至十字架的方向,定义出祭坛的位置,the diagonal axis of the congregation area, which runs from the mam stairs towards the crucifix, defines the position of the altar

▼半圆形的礼拜堂(A堂)容纳了圣母玛利亚的雕像和神龛,a semicircular apse (Chapel A) contains the image of the Virgin and the tabernacle

▼南向的小礼拜堂中设有一个洗礼池,a side chapel to the south contains the baptismal font



A square platform is suspended above the cylindrical space of the church to control the light entering through the clerestory and hold the lighting and ventilation equipment. The sides of this square panel are parallel to the axis of the congregation zone. This church is thus lit from above and indirectly, reflecting off the ceiling and the cylindrical walls. Another two small clerestories are set above the image of the Virgin and the baptismal font. Light enters Chapel B through a glazed west-facing shaft.

▼半圆柱形的空间上方悬浮着一个正方形的平台,a square platform is suspended above the cylindrical space of the church

▼平台的边缘与座位区的轴线保持平行,the sides of this square panel are parallel to the axis of the congregation zone

▼方形平台能够控制从天窗射入的光线并起到调节通风的作用,the platform can control the light entering through the clerestory and hold the lighting and ventilation equipment

▼座位细部,detail of the seating area

▼十字架所在的B堂则由西面楼梯间玻璃透过的光线照亮,light enters Chapel B through a glazed west-facing shaft

▼十字架和神龛细部,the crucifix and the tabernacle

▼社交空间,social area


▼交通空间,circulation area

▼楼梯间,stair well

▼从走廊望向教堂核心区域,central area seen from the corridor


The church will be built using white reinforced concrete bearer walls with internal thermal insulation. The marks of the formwork used in its construction will be visible on the facades. The interior of the church and the Parish Centre will be paved with marble. The walls will be painted after installing a 110cm high marble panel, except for the kitchen and bathrooms, where it will rise to 220cm. The pavements in the basement will have an epoxy finish and 220cm high epoxy wall protection. The exterior frames will be in wood with an aluminium finish on the outer face.

▼教堂的外部框架由木材打造,并在外沿饰以铝面,the exterior frames will be in wood with an aluminium finish on the outer face

▼立面光影细部,facade detail

▼钟塔,bell tower


Saint-Jacques-de-la-Lande教堂,法国雷恩 / Álvaro Siza Vieira
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