The Discovery Green park
Discovery Green公园曾经十分不发达,甚至令人碍眼。如今,它却被改造成了休士顿市中心一个占地12英亩的公园,而且还获得了LEED金奖。休士顿城和Discovery Green管理部门合作完成了这个公园的建设,并在2008年对外开放。公园得到了上百万游客的好评。
公园横跨George R. Brown会展中心,在2002年休士顿政府买下这块地之间,它还是一片宽阔的停车场。2005年Hargreaves联营公司被委任为Discovery Green的设计团队。如今,原来的停车场被改造成了11个各不相同的花园、4个人造喷泉、两个餐厅以及各种游乐场、表演区和一个有620个停车位的地下停车场,免费wifi覆盖了整个公园。
Discovery Green吸引游客的地方不是它作为休士顿市中心的“绿化村寨”的生态地位,而是其各种项目和活动,大约70%的游客是被这些游乐项目吸引到此的。这里每年有超过800多场公众或私人活动,从艺术到养生还有每周的农贸市场。公园在冬季会搭起一个临时溜冰场,每年都能吸引20000多人到此滑冰。Discovery Green的高人气和成功对5亿多美元的休士顿市中心建造项目起了很大的刺激作用。
译者: 柒柒
Once an undeveloped concrete eyesore, Discovery Green has been transformed into a 12-acre, LEED Gold certified public park located in Houston’s dense urban core. Opened in 2008 as the result of a successful public-private partnership between the City of Houston and Discovery Green Conservancy, Discovery Green has been incredibly well-received by millions of visitors.
Located across from the George R. Brown Convention Center, Discovery Green had once been giant expanses of parking lot space before the land was purchased by the City of Houston in 2002. Using community input generated with Projects for Public Spaces, in 2005, Hargreaves Associates was appointed the design team for Discovery Green. Today, the expansive public park consists of eleven different gardens, four water features, two restaurants, various play areas, performance spaces, free wi-fi, and a underground 620-stall parking garage.
Other than its role as Village Green in downtown Houston, Discovery Green’s main draw is its programming, which generates approximately 70% of the visits to the park. More than 800 public and private events are held each year, ranging from those in the arts to health and fitness as well as a weekly farmers market. In the winter, the park sets up a temporary ice skating rink, attracting more than 20,000 annual skaters.Discovery Green’s popularity and success has also been a huge economic catalyst for more than $500 million in downtown development projects.
美国Discovery Green公园外部实景图
美国Discovery Green公园外部局部实景图
美国Discovery Green公园外部道路实景图
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美国Discovery Green公园外部细节实景图
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美国Discovery Green公园外部喷泉实景图
美国Discovery Green公园外部指示牌实景图
美国Discovery Green公园平面图