For the owner of the case, it is “Xianruweizhu”, Hong Kong hotpot restaurant in Beijing, and a restaurant with extreme quality requirements for the “genuine”, “fresh” and fine cooking of the ingredients. With the pursuit of internet economy today, it’s full of maverick meaning to be able to really build a brand. For the location of the new store, it is located in the fashionable and noisy Sanlitun Taiguli North District of Beijing. With regards to the basic conditions of the current space, it’s relatively ordinary, which is an ordinary space with only 4 meters in height.
In terms of space strategy, it’s hoped to highlight the large window-free space on the east side of the site, which serves as the main canteen area. At the northeast end, the building becomes more private as the facade is inaccessible curved glass, so that it’s designed as a private room. At the same time, it also serves as the end of the longitudinal space, creating a spatial orgasm with higher grade. Toilet, kitchen, open gear, bar, some card seats and so on are arranged in the central area interrupted by the elevator well, in combination with the west window, two small bags are set up. As a result, the overall layout has been constituted based on the local condition.
诗人、小说家格特鲁德·斯泰因(Gertrude Stein)有句名言 “Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose……”意指在认知的法则中,物自身与再现的形式之间辩证关系。本案的空间设计并没有做过多的修饰手法,而是无为而治,明确空间属性,梳理空间架构,让明亮的区域开敞明快,私密的区域静谧深远,让光明成为光明,阴翳成为阴翳。保证每一个独立空间都有明确而高质量的空间品质即是本案的设计初衷,也是动人之处。
As Gertrude Stein, a poet and novelist, said that Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose…which means that in the laws of cognition, there is a dialectical relationship between the object itself and the form of reproduction. For the space design of this case, there were not much decoration techniques, while it’s useless, clear spatial attributes, comb the spatial structure, make the bright area open and bright, the private area is quiet and far-reaching, let the light becomes the light, the shadow becomes the shadow. It is necessary to clarify the spatial attributes, sort out the spatial structure, making the bright area open and bright, the private area becoming quiet and far-reaching, so that the light becomes light, the shade becomes a shade. It is the original intention of this case to ensure the clear and high quality of the independent space, which is also a moving thing.
How to shape the east main space has become the main line to define the whole space atmosphere. Here, an interesting discussion was produced, and we have also aroused a lot of persistent thinking. Inspired by two running stairs, there are both positive and negative, in addition, space is continued. We modify the spatial proportion by “One in two” and also imply the streamline used, while a distinct visual landscape was formed, which has strengthened the spatial tension in the north and south directions.
“One in two” creates a clear spatial order. For the visual boundary formed by “one split”, its non-behavioral boundary, the hall is still a complete large space. However, its sense of existence is both strong and clear, which has effect on a series of design judgments. For example, for the bright side of the material, bright and clear materials are selected, the dark side of the material selection emphasizes the sense of weight and weight. Therefore, not only is the action a refinement of the dialectical relationship between the “object itself and the reproduction form” mentioned above, but it’s also an attempt to shape the spatial character in the simplest way.
Besides, what is also worth mentioning is that three sets of stainless steel mirror art devices are set up in the two small Spaces at the entrance of the big bag room and the toilet corridor. The visual experience of reality and fantasy is formed based on repeated reflections of the mirror. In view of form, it coincides with the rich hotpot ingredients and the rich and mellow soup pot.